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The Androdyne Sphere

The Androdyne have played many roles over the course of Galactic History: they were a school of the Martial Arts, a philosophical brotherhood and idea exchange, a much feared and maligned group of terrorists, the victims of a horrific Neurovirus, an Old Empire with control over a chunk of the Galaxy, a warring faction that viciously assaulted all its neighbors and was defeated only to rebound again and again, and eventually a modern mythology attributed to a fallen foe. In the very beginning, however, the Androdyne was not a group of people at all but the title assumed by a single brilliant woman born in a research station within the Outer Rim. Orbiting an exotic stellar remnant known as a Neutron Star was Icarus Station, home to some of the most brilliant scientists within the Sphere -- which at that time controlled roughly one fifth of the human population.

By what accounts remain, the Androdyne was a beautiful, strange and brilliant girl; a child prodigy with a strong interest in high energy physics, nanotechnology, genetics, human and alien physiology, and the martial arts. A full member of the research team by her 11th year, she's given little credit by most for the invention of the first funtional Force Screen (the work for which was well underway even before her birth), but is widely credited as the inventor of the Force Sword, a weapon to which she attributed almost religious significance. Most historical data on the Androdyne, however, shows the heavily cyborged young woman in her 21st year as the leader of a Martial Arts school and Philosophical Debating Society which was called "the Androdyne Society". Many of the roots of Androdyne Philosophy have their beginnings in the early debates of this group, from the obligation to surpass human frailty with nanotechnology to the obsolesce of human ethics in a posthuman society.

While her ideas were hardly mainstream, the Androdyne and her Followers remained passive for the first 60 years of their existence. Then, the Outer Rim ceased further expansion and its various internal factions attempted to tighten control over their territory, ultimately culminating in the "Autumn Wars" as the different factions struggled against each other. As a bastion of free-thought and liberal ideals deep within Justicar territory, Icarus Station was one of the first targets to be co-opted and purged, sparking a conflict that saw the word "Androdyne" first become associated with terrorism and atrocity. For all their talk of evolution and ascendancy, it was ultimately simple human fear that encouraged the Androdyne to embrace the ruthless core of their philosophy, and begin "recruiting" via the most advanced neurovirus of the age. The Autumn Wars lasted some 19 years, and of the numerous factions that filled the Outer Rim when it began, only four survived it. Three of these joined together, seeking to contain the Androdyne threat, forming the Trilateral Sphere. The Androdyne, controlling fully half of the original Rim and hundreds of thousands of worlds, simply settled into its territory and began -- as one -- to change.