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the Consciousness Repository

A late-era Old Empire, Co.Re. was initially formed as the Artificial Sapience League. Devoted to the rights of machine intelligence, this coalition of man and machine constructed the first Free AI's and mastered the largely unexplored science of Mind Uploading. Over time their goals drifted from advocacy toward separation, and they settled a region of space toward the core of galactic space, thereby drifting further into experimentation and self-examination. By the late Imperial period, Co.Re. itself had formed and no traces of their human origin remained, the Artificial Empire (as they were sometimes called) essentially having become one pan-galactic intelligence. Co.Re. participated erratically in the war, defending themselves when necessary and always retaliating with merciless shows of power or striking preemptively against likely threats with overwhelming force. They were most well known for their mastery of Jump Line Physics and Nanotechnology.

Downfall: In the final days of the War, Co.Re. tried to seal the jump lines leading into their space and sit out the final war, but this ambition failed when an unknown attacker slipped into space through an artificial jump line and dealt the collective intelligence its death blows. Cut off from the galactic network they'd been a part of for hundreds of years, Co.Re. collapsed almost instantly, millions of intelligences crashing and thousands of zettabytes of data being lost. The collapse into stagnation of their section of space was aggravated by the fact that they were still largely cut off from the rest of the galaxy. To this day, the only safe way in or out of former Co.Re. space is through the Damocles Wormhole.

Relations: Co.Re. and the Pan-Orion Alliance never quite got along: The POA had a record of treating their AI's abysmally, and Co.Re. would occasionally launch raids on POA ships, facilities and even worlds in hopes of freeing enslaved AI's. During the actual Galaxy Wars period, Co.Re. occasionally forcibly uploaded the populations of entire POA worlds and added them to their Galactic Network. POA actions against Co.Re. were, if anything, just as brutal and some suggest that they were the engineers of the Damocles Offensive despite the wormhole itself being far outside of their territory. The Co.Re./POA border is just one of the most extensive dead zone in the galaxy.

Remnants: The Co.Re. inheritor states are slightly better off than some parts of the galaxy. Most of the planets, at least, are intact and Co.Re. never really had to worry very much about other cultures desiring to take their worlds (they had no interest in terraforming, and didn't particularly value Earthlike worlds). However, for all that, the spirit of the worlds is particularly stark. Most of the inheritor states are content to stay in their little bubble; news of the Co.Re. worlds comes largely from the occasional curious young explorer from the inheritor states or from the trade that's conducted through the Damocles Wormhole.

Technology: Co.Re. inheritor states still have some of the most advanced computer technology in the galaxy (not surprising when you consider that such technology keeps them Sapient), as well as some of the most efficient Nanotechnology. Most of Co.Re's understanding of Old Empires-era Jump Physics has been lost with the destruction of the Galactic Network, but several former Co.Re. holdings throughout the inheritor states are looking for a way to remove the seals placed on their jump lanes.

 Languages: Eurasian, Binat