Time Sheet

While off in the Cold Dark of Space, time is divided into five 4-hour watches, and two 2-hour dog watches. The crew itself is divided into two "teams", who alternate watches day by day, so that the Starboard Team takes the "dog watches" one day while the Port Team takes them the next day.

In general, Crewmen tend to have a watch on duty, a watch off-duty, another watch on duty, two watches set aside for sleeping and recreation, an the two dog watches divided between on duty and off duty. Most of the time on-duty is devoted to the various needs of the ship, and often consists of simply standing watch, but is none the less unavailable for most personal use. Off-duty time is the crewman's to spend as he wishes, so long as he remains available in case of extreme need. Crewmen "off the watch", and asleep, are generally not called on unless in an actual emergency.

In practice, non military spacer vessels tend to have very erratic schedules.

Port Watch

  • Captain Esmebrythe (Officer)
  • Cherry Blossom (AI)
  • Walter Reed (Pilot)
  • Marilynn Lechak (Engineer)
  • Holdan Rivani (Watch Commander)
  • Jock Alta (Head Attendant)
  • Asoki Rivani (Interface)
  • Average Spacer Skill: 12-

Starboard Watch-

  • Fehman Carter (Officer)
  • Cherry Blossom (AI)
  • Sabine Jones (Pilot)
  • Jean Bellstock (Engineer)
  • Uziel (Watch Commander)
  • Adrian Cholin (Head Attendant)
  • Gideon (Interface)
  • Average Spacer Skill: 14-

Current Downtime: 72 hours (30 hours on duty, 18 hours off duty, 24 hours off watch)

Uses of Time

  • It takes 200 hours of education, with a teacher, to gain 1 character point.
  • Self-study, without a teacher, counts for half. Every two hours, counts as 1 hour for the above purposes.
  • On the Job training, trying to improve job-related skills, counts for a quarter. Every four hours, count as 1 hour.
  • Intensive Training, usually via various sleep teaching equipment, counts one hour of training as 2 hours above.
  • Any point gained in the above fashion can be spent on skills or learnable advantages such as G-Experience or Languages.

All study should be listed on your Notes page for your character, under your bonus points.
Simply listing how you spend "the average day" is more than sufficient.

Common Spacer Drugs (not a complete list)

  • Focus (Cr160 a dose) increases awareness and reduces panic reactions.
  • Gravanol (Cr12 a dose) increases your effective G-tolerance.
  • Ursaline (Cr25 a dose) prevents atrophy of bone tissue and muscles in low gravity.
  • Super Stim (Cr10 a dose) instantly restores 1d Fatigue Points (HT roll; margin) hours.
  • Wide-Awake (Cr20 a dose) provides the Doesn't Sleep advantage for a full week.
  • Deep-Sleep (Cr5 a dose) allows 2 hours of sleep to count as a full nights rest.
  • Sobriety Pill (Cr2 a dose) nullifies the intoxicating effects of alcohol.
  • Hepaclean (Cr30 a dose) QUICKLY and TOTALLY cures hangovers.
  • Aphrozine (Cr20 a dose) increases sexual pleasure!
  • Male Contraceptive (Cr20) for a month's supply; requires a week to start working.