Game Recaps


Game date: 11/19/2006

Mai writes:

Jen and Mai are sent by Alicia to deliver a message that the Toreador Primogen of Detroit will support him to install a Lasombra prince to a Quincy Griffin in South Bend who is a Lasombra primogen. We are told not to look at the message.

Aiden tags along.

Court happens and Mai introduces this Trenton guy from Toledo (who is formerly from south bend) to the prince. Jen asks this Trenton guy about Quincy thereby making it known to someone else that we want to meet with Quincy.

Mai also hides the message per Aiden's suggestion and the treacherous Aiden breaks into Mai's car nearly causing her a heart attack and reads the message to Jen and Mai.

Mai becomes very very angry.

Mai speaks with Aiden about the importance of no more than the three of us (now three, *was* two dammit) being involved in Alicia's games while Jen is on the phone inviting the entire rest of the coterie over to become involved.

JT and Randolf listen and don't care to become involved. JT, however, mentions an alternative which is very very dangerous and in front of the coterie Mai rips this idea apart. Randolf says he'll come and rescue Mai but not Jen. Mai wants to smash his head in too for wanting to be involved in even a rescue attempt.

Jen, Aiden, and Mai are informed that Manfred is conveniently on his way to Chicago to meet with the Pontifex... Pontifex? Mai thinks to herself that things could indeed conveniently be arranged... No! Must not entangle ourselves in that.

It will ultimately be up to Jen how she wishes to handle her debts, and Mai can only in good conscience advise her to pursue the least dangerous course of action. Perhaps it is only emotion taking over, but as Mai goes to sleep for the day Mai begins to entertain thoughts of being very very naughty.

Jen Adds:

A chance, to meet another member of Clan Lasombra. This I can NOT pass up, regardless of the danger. With Mai as an escort, and Manfred not all that far away. Wonder what is so important about that dagger, and whom it helped "kill"?

Heading into a city on the verge of Vampire Civil War, while rather dangerouse... But another Lasombra! One who is already a Camarilla Primogen, and, it seems, wants to be Prince! God, how old must he be! What stories he could share, perhaps! I wonder, is he from Europe? Does he know Egen?

Wait, wait, must not get to excited, do not need even more disapointment. But, still! Perhaps other Lasombra with him, perhaps some, or one, who would prefer to find safty with me in Detroit, (Detroit? Safe? Ha!), rather than sit thru a War...

Lord, the prospects, the chances, are threatening to drive me out of my mind! Can I, perhaps, pull of something that I have been hoping for since I was declared Lasombra by Castilo? To have a clan mate, here? Mai may be right, that the new Prince here may never allow it, but...

What of Randolphs threat? Can I, should I, take it seriously? Now that I am "free", will he seek to harm me, in some indirect way? Am I now a target for Clan Ventrue? What about Egen, and the Sabbot Lasombra? Will they try to hunt me down?

Who cares? At least unlife seems to not be "boring" anymore!

Hmm, will have to see if one of Mai's ghouls can get me some decent cloths for this trip. I must also "negotiate" with Mai about our "arrangement"...

I wonder what Alica will think and do when she finds out Mai is helping me. Unless, that is what Alica wants to happen...

What does the Prince have to do, if anything, with this? Just what is HIS endgame?!?

Game Recaps