
JT: Jenny, do you realize what happened to the last person who tried to subduce Jenny Morgan?⚠ <br> Randolph and Mai: Subduce??

Randolph: And if at that point that doesn't work, then we can strongarm her?

JT: Wait a second! I jiggle my titties all the time and you don't say anything!⚠ <br> Aiden: No jiggling your titties, JT!

TJ: So Len is proving it is possible to botch rock paper scissors.

Randolph: I have an important role in keeping the masquerade in this city.⚠ <br> (snickers all around)⚠ <br> Mai: I just find it funny that you take any opportunity to show you're a ventrue!⚠ <br> Randolph: Shut up! You all are just jealous cuz you're not!

Manfred: Get your Nosferatu cooties off my dog!

TJ: (in porn star voice) Hi, this is Qasi, Maiamouna's top ghoul. If you need to speak with me or my mistress...

Aiden: Are we expecting anyone else there unexpected?

Randolph: The prince has requested that there be more vaguety on the phone.

Mai: It doesn't matter how I say shut up, you don't.

Randolph: That's for those who can read my thoughts. Which is... I don't know. This is fucking weird.

Aiden: What are you doing?⚠ <br> Randolph: Freaking out!
