Description: A mature, tricky fox girl! :) Her fox form is white furred.
Affiliation: The Wild
Lifepath: (what I am) Epic, Inhuman and Powerful; Something Really Strange; (my estate) Beautiful Side of the World; Something You Live;
(origins) Extraordinary Life; Alienation; Community; (contacts) Followers; Disciples; Noble Friend; (my song) Song of the Wild

Lifepath Diagram

The Power of Rice (24cp; 1 unspent)


  • Quality: Superior Duplicitous ~Fox-Messenger Spirit. (3)
  • Passion: I like to laze around, look at the clouds and dream. (0)
  • Passion: I have a deep understanding of Romance and Families. (4)
  • Skill: Kitsune Magic. (0)
  • Skill: Cool. (3)
  • Skill: Shine. (3)

Estate Properties

  • Rice can prosper almost anywhere. (2)
  • Rice requires care and hard work to cultivate. (1)
  • Rice cannot flourish without //Water//. (2)
  • Rice brings fertility and prosperity. (1)
  • Rice is sticky and holds things together. (1)


  • Aspect 3 (5 AMP)
  • Domain 0 (5 DMP)
  • Persona 2 (5 PMP)
  • Treasure 2 (5 TMP)


Immutable (1pt); Shapeshifter (2pts)
Kuzunoha ages exceedingly slowly and mostly ignores things that exhaust or overwhelm, and is an exceedingly potent Shapeshifter.


  • Affliction: I make the most fortunate Mistakes. (1)
  • Affliction: I am terrified of dogs. (1)
  • Bond: I possess a childish innocence and sense of wonder. (1)
  • Bond: My Cousins will accept my position as Queen of Kitsune. (2)
  • Bond: I have been a Wife, and a Mother, and these things I am good at. (2)
  • Bond: My tails are regal, beautiful, and often quite troublesome. (2)
  • Bond: I love dancing, music and being around people. (1)
  • Bond: GamaSennin?, sleeping Dominus of Amphibians, is my Friend. (1)
  • Bond: I am Aisekikawa's faithful Consort, as she is mine; each the other's Treasure. (1)
  • Bond: I possess flawless decorum. (3)

Anchors - Helpers, Tools and Servants of Kuzunoha

     The Kitsune (linked to "My Cousins will accept my position as Queen of Kitsune"; unclaimed)

Though she styles herself as "Queen of the Kitsune," and her 'servants' refer to her as such, to date Kuzunoha has not formally claimed her full authority over her brothers and sisters. Their miraculous nature is muted and self-contradictory; it causes trouble more often than it's useful to Kuzunoha. With those things in mind, however, she can use "Getting Some Help", "Weaponizing Anchors" and even "Weaving Destiny" on her brothers and sisters-- though this usually has negative side-effects. She can hear their prayers, and they'll keep going more or less forever without any especial input from her. Until she claims them as Hers, however, she cannot possess them, guide them, or unleash their miraculous power of shape-shifting and trickery.

     ~Six-Tails (linked to "My tails are regal, beautiful, and often quite troublesome.")

Like many of her Cousin's, Kuzunoha has multiple tails. Six such, each quite long and luxurious, marking her as the bearer of a Noble Line amongst the Kitsune. Until recently, her Tails only got her in trouble but as her relationship with Aisekikawa has flourished she has become more comfortable with them, and they in term become more of an asset (albeit still a willful one, that is still more than a little prone to getting her into trouble). Kuzunoha's tails can display her majesty, prove a necessary distraction or display of emotion, or even allow the use of simple Kitsune magic.

     Wondrous Ever-Shifting Robes (linked to "I love dancing, music and being around people")

Upon her ascendance to Divinity, Kuzunoha was gifted with the Robes of a Goddess by her brother, Ōwatsumi kami, as a sign of respect and love from Older brother to Younger sister. While neither Noble is entirely sure how their relationship with each other functions, Kuzunoha absolutely //adores// her Wondrous ~Ever-Shifting Robes. While in their normal form they are glorious robes fitting for a Goddess, their exact form and nature can shift with merely a whim. These are a wondrous anchor with the above-mentioned power of shapeshifting.

    Yashinai-hisen, the Blade of Nourishing (linked to "I am Aisekikawa's faithful Consort, as she is mine; each the other's Treasure."//)

"My Consort forged for me this blade. It is the sign of my reign; the symbol of the Destiny that I've forsaken in favor of my Obligations. I am sorry; I do not want to do this; but you have left me no choice. Your head will make a fitting tribute to the heads of the Seven Lineages; showing them my Resolve. But, before you die, I will give you the gift of knowing the Blade's Name: Yashinai-hisen. Blade of Nurturing."

     Abe no Seimei (linked to "I have been a Wife, and a Mother, and these things I am good at.")

A legendary Onmyōdō, Seimei was a mixture of a natural scientist, an astrologer, shaman, and ritual magician. Ever since his disappearance from the world of mortal men in 1005 AD, he has loyally served the Lord Inari, offering the God of Rice the same services he had offered to magistrates and emperors. With the death of his previous Patron, he has fallen into the service of his equally legendary Mother, Kuzunoha, and if he feels any slight at being 'passed over' he does not show it. Seimei is a wondrous anchor with the miraculous ability to provide good advice.

     Priesthood of Inari (linked to "I possess flawless decorum")

Kuzunoha is held as a female aspect of Inari, sometimes referred to as She largely accepts this, not wanting to upset or overturn the priesthood of her father and in fact not really have anything to do with it at all. She does //not//, however, especially worry about their issues. Her relationship with them is one of flawless manners and perfect eitquette rather than obligation and responsibility. She occasionally answers prayers or uses a priest as an Anchor, but only at her prerogative. The Priesthood is a ordinary anchor.