
The arts of the Dead! Expanded and revised.

Common Arcanoi

Dead Soldiers Requiem

  Cost: 1 mote per die
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Supplemental
  Minimum Conviction: 1
  Minimum Essence: 1
  Prerequisite Charms: None

This Charm is frequently known to the guards and elite soldiers of the Deathlords or other cold tyrants of the Underworld. Dead Soldiers Requiem enables a Soldier to better handle any weapons that he recieved as grave goods, displaying eerie grace and skill with these weapons. The ghost gains one die to his Dexterity + Melee pool for every mote of Essence spent, to a maximum of his Essence in bonus dice. This Charm can only be used within the Underworld or a shadowland, unless the ghost is using a charm that allows him to manifest his Gravegoods within Creation.

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