H So SPC List

  • It's Ras_Alhague's first day. Nobody really knows anything about him; he's just transferred in. Some rumors say from military school, some say he was home schooled, some say juvie. But this is the day he's shown up so nobody's even had a chance to see him yet.

Scenes Appared (in Chronological Order):

  • H So S 35 Recovering in the hospital, Antares and Ras Alhague meet, and not for the first time.
    • Antares, of Ras: "My pick-up soccer nemesis." Continued: "You keep asking for rematches, and every time you lose again."
    • Even in the middle of the astronomical naming trend, Ras's name was unique.
    • Ras was trying to sleep, and whatever he did was so bad they couldn't keep his heart going for quite some time.
    • Spent 4 years in all-boys schools, every time further away from his father.
  • H So S 3 Study hall in the library with Merope and Heka, just before lunch
    • Transferred in from military school (or so Asterope says)
    • Has at least one scar visible when he's fully clothed. Rubs it when deep in thought.
    • Considered Merope a 'hottie'
    • Has had a bad "past 18 years."
    • Merope was the first entry in his otherwise empty cell phone. (Even his dad, cousin, etc., weren't in it)
    • Has nice, cute eyes (at least as far as Merope is concerned)
  • H So S 2 Lunch with Furud and Asterope
    • Is 'new hunk' per Asty.
    • Is not into boys, but if he would switch teams, it'd be for Furud (if he was serious when he said this)
    • Has boys call him Al, girls call him Ras.
    • In re: military school: "What did you do for fun?" "Almost kill people." Doesn't take requests 'anymore.'
    • Dabbles with the guitar
    • Asked for Merope to dress up like Marilyn Monroe
  • H So S 5 Monday Detention, with Merope and Furud.
    • Had blood on his face when he walked in.
    • Calls Miss Rose 'Heather' and seems to know her.
    • Miss Rose trusts Ras enough to put him in charge.
    • "There are worse things than death," Ras says.
    • Is 6'6", and may or may not have a tattoo in a salacious location.
    • Seems to know when Miss Rose is about to return.
  • H So S 6 After Monday detention, walking from school to the mall, with Merope
    • First time he calls Merope "Merry"
    • "I look in the mirror, and can't look past this," he says, referencing the scar.
    • Tried to stop a fight, somehow involving the football team, but the other guys didn't get detention.
    • "That's what a lot of fights were about." He sighs. "At Jessup, we didn't just take classes together, we lived together. Kids figured out I wasn't a sleeper early on - I couldn't stand to just pretend for 8 hours a day."
    • (About what he does at night) "At Jessup, I went down to the gym. Kept me from waking the other kids up.""Sometimes I'd just float for hours in the pool."
  • H So S 32 Monday night, meeting Merope at Lake Artemis. Nudity ensues.
    • Swims in the nude, and seems to have no shame about staying that way when he gets out of the water.
    • Did not text Merope, yet a text was sent from his phone, somehow.
    • Used to visit family in town every summer.
    • Mother is dead. Considers it "Dad's" fault.
    • Has a scar on his chest, nasty one. "They had to cut into my chest to get my heart going again," he says.
    • "Did you really kill a guy?" "Not quite."
    • Is apparently an excellent swimmer, also doesn't notice the temperature, it seems. "How are you so warm..." "How are you not?"
    • Ras and Merope, both naked, kissed and who knows what else.
  • H So S 27 After noticing Ras is not at school, Merope calls him, but the call is interrupted
    • Ras was not in school on Tuesday.
    • Wherever Ras is, his cell is for some reason picking up a radio station.
    • That may or may not have been Station Cassiopeia.
    • By extension of the next scene, wherever Ras was, was reachable by bus.
  • H So S 29 Merope, Furud, Polaris, and Merope's mom all converge on the bus station where Ras is
    • Actually says 'Double-you tee eff' for WTF.
    • Has a very large duffel bag (as yet unopened)
    • Ha(d) a motorcycle, now missing.
    • Is staying over Yed's parent's garage.

Other Scenes Mentioned:

  • H So S 8 - Merope, Maia, Asterope
    • Maia distorts and blows out of proportion detention incident, setting Ty as the victim and calling Ras an asshole
  • H So S 15 - Furud, Yed, Maia
    • Maia: "Well, his dad is on the school board now."
  • H So S 20 - Yed, Merope, Antares
    • Yed says Ras is his cousin
    • When asked about having killed a guy: "I mean, there was that hunting thing when we were like 14"
    • Did a mercy killing of a dog when he was around 10.
    • Doesn't know anything about Ras having killed a guy.