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0 The Fool - Skyla
I The Sorcerer - Balthasar
II High Priestess - Merayen
III Emperess - Scarlet Emperess
IV Emperor - The Pharoh
V Hierophant - Linnai
VI Lovers - Misati and Bright Mane
VII Chariot - Jackal
VIII Strength - Bright Mane
IX Hermit - Gilgamesh
X Loom of Fate - Loom of Fate and spiders
XI Justice - Forsath
XII Hanged Man - Shan the Blade
XIII Death - Misati
XIV Temperance - Stampede of One
XV Devil - Sabbadine
XVI Usurpation - Menedraile
XVII Star - The Maidens
XVIII Sun - The Unconquered Sun
XIX Moon - Luna
XX Calibration - Calibration, with hooded figures with swords meting out judgement.
XXI Creation - Gaia
Court Cards
King of Swords - Randall
Queen of Swords -
Knight of Swords -
Page of Swords -
King of Cups -
Queen of Cups -
Knight of Cups -
Page of Cups -
King of Pentacles -
Queen of Pentacles -
Knight of Pentacles -
Page of Pentacles -
King of Staves -
Queen of Staves -
Knight of Staves -
Page of Staves -