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Basic Solar Investigation charms

Lucky Hunch Technique

  Cost: 5 motes
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Reflexive
  Minimum Investigation: 2
  Minimum Essence: 2
  Prerequisite Charms: Ten Magistrate Eyes

Any Exalt is greatly connected to the fabric of fate and the tapestry of Creation by his ability to channel Essence, a fact that the character takes advantage of when he uses this charm. The character can use this charm when he has to make a decision between several different courses of action. Each action must be distinct and easily specified, such as who to investigate first for a murder or which of two thugs to follow. The character simply uses this charm and listens to his unusually accurate instincts.

The accuracy of the characters hunch depends on a roll of the characters Essence rating, with even one success resulting in the characters hunch being correct. If the character botches the roll then the characters instincts have misled him. The Storyteller may choose to inform the character which course of action to undertake in any of these circumstances, otherwise the player chooses what his gut told him to do and the Storyteller adjusts circumstances appropriately depending on the result of the roll.