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Basic Solar Sail charms

Master Sailors Method

  Cost: 2 motes per success
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Supplemental
  Minimum Sail: 1
  Minimum Essence: 1
  Prerequisite Charms: None

This charm renders the Solar constantly aware of his surroundings on ships, and provides him with perfect and infallible instincts for every rote activity of sailing. He never needs to worry about getting his hand caught in one of the ships lines, and can climb the rigging with the casual ease of an old hand. Moreover, if there is need, he can pull off even the most difficult and dangerous actions with a certainty of success! The character uses this charm whenever he makes any Dexterity, or Wits + Sail roll. After he has made the roll, the character may purchase additional successes for two motes per success. He cannot purchase more successes than (Essence + the number of successes rolled).

In general, the character can use this charm to routinely perform most sailing tasks without worrying about failure or botches. Yet as the Solar becomes more skilled and powerful, this charm lets him perform more impressive and dangerous feats, behaving as a sailor of legendary skill if necessary. In addition, the character can spend 2 motes on this charm as a reflexive action in order to avoid getting swept overboard, "find his sealegs", or stave off even the worst sea sickness.

Weather-Anticipating Intuition (Revised)

  Cost: 3 motes
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Simple
  Minimum Sail: 2
  Minimum Essence: 1
  Prerequisite Charms: Master Sailors Method

The Solar with this charm becomes an old hand of the sea, expert at predicting the weather, tidal conditions, and other relevant information to an ocean voyage. The character knows when to expect high and low tide, wind speed and direction, the exact time of sunset and sunrise, and the rough condition of the weather at sea for the next Essence days. Only powerful weather-controlling magic can fool this charm, such as Godly charms or sorcery that brew up a storm in a very expedited fashion. Otherwise this charm can even see freak squalls or unexpected fogs. This charm will automatically activate at normal cost if a particularly bad storm such as a Hurricane is coming while the Solar is at sea. This charm also works at port, but fails further inland.

Perfect Reckoning Technique (Revised)

  Cost: 4 motes
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Simple
  Minimum Sail: 3
  Minimum Essence: 2
  Prerequisite Charms: Master Sailors Method

The character can use this charm to masterfully and intuitively perform the drudge work of navigation, instantly and perfectly locating the position of her ship. If the Solar has a chart or other map that he's familiar with, he can locate his position relative to the map. However, such aids are not necessary! The character using this charm can 'wing it', gaining a strong idea of where he is with regard to landmarks or ports with which he is familiar. The Solar also instantly knows his location with regard to the five elemental poles, and can always pilot a course toward one of these. This charm only allows the Solar to locate himself with regard to the poles, familiar landmarks or ports, or a chart. It does not provide him with any information about the surrounding waters or any land he is not already familiar with.

Depth-Plumbing Intuition (Revised)

  Cost: 2 motes
  Duration: One scene
  Type: Reflexive
  Minimum Sail: 4
  Minimum Essence: 2
  Prerequisite Charms: Perfect Reckoning Technique

The Solar feels out the essence flows of the world around him, allowing him to form a more complete view of unfamiliar waters. The Solar gains a rough overview of landmasses in a number miles equal to his (Essence x 10), though he cannot make out any detail beyond the rough shape of the shoreline. He also gains awareness of any reefs, shallows, or dangerous wreckage in that area. The character also gains quite precise knowledge of the depth and safe areas of passage through waters within (Essence x 100) yards, enabling him to navigate harbour channels or other obstacles. This charm reduces the difficulty to navigate through even the most dangerous waters to 1, while its active. The character can also use this charm to spot wreckage in shallow water (but not in the deep ocean).

Safe Harbour Technique

  Cost: 3 motes
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Simple
  Minimum Sail: 4
  Minimum Essence: 2
  Prerequisite Charms: Perfect Reckoning Technique

The Solar feels out the essence flows of the world around him, letting them guide him to the closest landmass. The Solar knows the direction and approximate distance of the nearest landmass, as well as its approximate size and rather or not it has a port. Whenever within sight of a landmass, the Solar can use this charm to get a better idea of his surroundings. When used within sight of land, this charm informs the Solar of any ports, deep water habours, bays or other places where he might be able to land. The Solar also gets a rough idea of any naval defenses that might be present in the area, though only their presence and approximate nature rather than how to get around them. This charm does not otherwise inform the Solar to any dangers present on the island.

Other Charms

  • Wind-Defying Course Technique requires Master Sailors Method. See page 210.
  • Ignore the Wind's Course Technique is a part of this tree. See Savage Seas, page 115.
  • Storm-Weathering Essence Infusion is a part of this tree. See page 211.
  • Hull-Preserving Technique is a part of this tree. See page 211.
  • Mast's Unbreakable Will is a part of this tree. See Savage Seas, page 115.

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