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White Copper Mirror

Level Five Artifact
Foggy Mirror

This mirror is a Japanese artifact of immense power. While not as worshipped as Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi is an important god in his own right as god of the moon.

The mirror allows the user to make a roll once per nine days of their (highest of Perception, Intelligence, or Dexterity)+Essence, with each success being one virtual resources "buy" that the mirror can create that will last for 9 days. After that the dots are returned to the mirror. Things can be returned as long as they aren't trashed, early, for a return of the resource points. The object created has some of the nature of the mirror's substance, and becomes slightly magical.

Also, the mirror sees to the heart and spirit of people. Anyone it has caught the image of within a day, it can aid in piercing disguises (adds +2 successes to such efforts and makes them supernatural even without charm use). Similarly, it aids by adding 2 successes to any attempt to read their motivation, heart, or the like. Both of these abilities require gazing into the mirror to summon up the image of the person they are reading and examining it while asking questions or studying the person she suspects being wrong.

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