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Benton Hall

The Invisible Man, Shade Walker
POV: ????
Appearance: ????.

Background ⚠ (:showhide div=background init=hide:)

There was once a Doctor, known as Griffin, who discovered and tested upon himself a Strange means of making himself invisible. When the process was found to be irreversible, the harm inflicted to the doctor's psyche was great, and ultimately lead to a spree of antisocial behavior and to the doctor's confinement to the lower levels of Bethlem Hospital. As for the process and the Doctor's notes thereupon, it was quite purposefully lost somewhere deep within the archives of Special Branch. Or so it was thought.

Unknown to the Agents (who believed the genie of Invisibility to be firmly back within its bottle), however, a second set of Doctor Griffin's notes-- from his college years, when the meddlesome refraction agent was only a half-understood dream, rather than a mastered reality --did survive and a brilliant enough mind with access to them could potentially recreate the process and even improve upon it. The notes passed, initially, through members of the Good Doctor's family until they were summarily acquired on a lark by a Lady Lucille Belleville-- a psychiatrist, amateur chemist, notorious gambler and frequent patron of the Gates of Hades club. It is unknown to what to what use the Lady put the notes, other than the obvious fact that she (or someone in her employ) must have recreated the formula. It was not her endeavors, however, that truly perfected the process of invisibility.

It is at this point in our story that we, instead, focus on the activities of an unlikely pair: a reclusive scientist and mad-man, Sebastian Bryce Hall, and his methodical world-traveling wife, Minerva Jane Hall, who had fled the London scene some 30-years previous to dwell in a secluded family estate not far from the Bay of Ireland in the County of Cheshire- just a ways outside the County Seat. Nursing a grudge against the royal family that went back generations, the pair raised their large clan to share in their hate and singular obsession. Each child was schooled in esoteric science, dark oriental mysticism and a total mastery of self.

Humble Beginnings: ????.

Follies of Youth: ????.

First Awakenings: ????.

Mysterious Origins: ????.

Great Failing: ????.

Character Sheet

Archetype (10 points)

Shade Walker: The fusion of Inner Will, Eastern Mysticism and the Mastery of Invisibility.

Source: Driven, Technological
Permissions: Peak Performer
Intrinsics: Mandatory Power(Invisibility)

Stats (125 points)

 Body 3d
 Coordination 1d+1wd
 Sense 3hd
 Mind 4d
 Charm 2d
 Command 5d

Convictions (12 points)

 Overcome All Challenges 4
 Reform My Siblings 4
 Ruffle Special Branch's Feathers 3

 Base Will 11

Skills (73 points)

 Acrobatics (-/-/-; Coordination) 1wd
 Deception (B/-/-; Charm) 1d+2hd
 Empathic (-/F/-) 1wd.
 Esoteric Science (B/-/-; Mind) 3d
 Wisdom of the East (B/-/-; Mind) 3d
 Mastery of the Self (B/F/-) 5d.
 Martial Arts (B/-/-; Body) 5d.
 Kerberan (-/-/I; Command) 1d.
 Twisted Upbringing (B/F/-) 4d.

Powers (63 points)


Invisibility 4d+3hd (3 per die; 30 points)

Defends (you can't see him!)

Defends, Duration +2, Perfecting +2, Fragile -1, Attached to Useful -2, Automatic -1

Useful (the ability to become invisible, at will)

Useful, Duration +2, Speeding Bullet (Senses) +2, Go Last -1, Self Only -3, Willpower Bid -1

Inner Will

Mind of Impenetrable Steel (1 per die; 5 points)

"Mastery of the Self", Interference +3, If/Then (only one Mind-effect at a time) -1, Willpower Bid -1.

Mind of Shifting Reeds (1 per die; 5 points)

"Mastery of the Self", Spray +3, If/Then (only one Mind-effect at a time), Willpower Bid -1

Mind over Body (5pts per die; 15 points)

Body, Augments +4, If/then (Augments is only for stats) -1, No Upper Limit +2

Eastern Mysticism

Lightfoot (+2 per die; 8pts)

"Acrobatics", Booster +1, No Physics +1