Book 1: The Dawn of Civilization Book 2: Knocking on Heaven's Door Book 3: Bark at the Moon Book 4: The Unbearable Lightness of Being Book 5: The Sunset of our Glory Book 6: Life During Wartime Book 7: Princes of the Universe Book 8: Dust in the Wind Book 9: Welcome to the Machine Book 10: Symphony of Destruction Book 11: A Wolf at the Door Book 12: Total Eclipse of the Heart Book 13: Everybody Wants To Rule The World Book 14: Death Is Not The End Book 15: Hell Below Me, Stars Above Book 16: Things We Lost In The Fire -- Book Alpha: One World, One Vision Book Beta: To The Ends of the World Book Gamma: On The Thin Ice of the New Day
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Ancient Zero is an Alchemical Godling of some kind. He|she|it is of high essence and fully sentient. The circle negotaited with her for the building of a manse of the Sea Of Gears, a Demense of Alchemical Aspect and great power.