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The Consilium

Miami's Consilium, based out of the Crossroads, is by far the strongest Consilium in most of South Florida and has assumed the position of penultimate magical power along the Southeastern Seaboard. The will of the Hierach is felt all the way from Miami to Jupiter Beach, though the reach of the Consilium's agents begins to taper off somewhat north of Boca Raton (after which most communities mostly maintain their own, smaller and subservant, councils) and doesn't extend very far into the middle of the State at all.

While the Consilium's current power only reaches back to the mid-70s, the actual roots of the Crossroads Consilium has its roots in the early years of 1950s. Only a few Mages know much of the early hstory of the Consilium, as few Mages from that era still remain and those that do seldom have much to say about the early 50s that gave birth to the current concil. Even so simple a question as "was there a Consilium before the Crossroads?" have few answers, but most who have looked into the early records of the Consilium believe that this is the first true council to have taken form in Miami. This flows together well with living memory, which suggests that the period that birthed the Consilium was overrun with significant unrest and conflict between various Cabals.

Regardless of its' history, the Consilium has quite notably remained fairly consistent in makeup from the time of its founding unto the current day, with only slight turnover. Nor has that small amount of turnover changed things much on the Council, as in almost all cases one Councilor has been replaced by another from one of the "Three Cabals" that dominate the power structure. While occasionally the Three wax and wane in power, their monopoly over the positions has largely remained firm.

The Ruling Cabals
The Broken Candle is, by far, the most powerful Cabal in all Miami and has been since at least the 50s, and likely some time before as well. Exceedingly traditional, the Keepers of the Crossroads are said to have descended from an even earlier Cabal that was formed not long after the city of Miami itself was incorporated, and many of their rituals and oaths date back from that now-forgotten Cabal. Even having forgotten the true purpose behind many of these practices, the Candles remain quite fervant in their observance. This is partly from respect, and partly because those rituals are one of the few things that keeps this exceedingly varied Cabal together. Members range between all five of the Pentacle Orders (though only a single member is of the Free Council), all paths, and even all ranks of arcane mastery.

In terms of overall agenda, the Broken Candle has long since abandoned most other tasks in favor of serving the Consilium as a whole and carefully maintaining and guarding their "open" Sanctum. The last, especially, can be quite difficult as its not uncommon for various visiting Mages to (even unintentionally) bring their own troubles with them when they visit the Crossroads. Regardless, the Cabals duties to the Consilium keep them active in Miami and throughout the rest of the Southeastern Seaboard -- no few Candles hold positions within the Consilium, and even those that don't usually lend a hand to their fellows.

Considerably feared, The Eumenides makes up with their overall lack of numbers with considerable arcane power and a reputation for the ruthless application of that power when necessary. The penultimate cabal of the Guardians of the Veil in the region, the "Kindly Ones" have one task that they focus on to the exclusion of all others. That task is the policing of all acts of magic in the region, particularly those that threaten the Mysteries as a whole or that are simply troubling for some other reason. While seldom well-liked for it, the Furies' job is no doubt a necessity considering the large number of Mages that settle in the City -- not to mention the other matters that they work their best to keep from reaching the attention of the Sleeping masses.

Even so, Alecto and her Sisters do not have free reign to do as they will in the city -- the influence of the other two ruling Cabals keeps them closely in check. The Furies largely accept this, working as they can to deal with lesser infractions and using up much of their political capital to "make an example" when they feel it necessary. Sometimes particularly troubling cases get "passed along" to other Cabals or Guardians who are less fettered, and sometimes the same happens simply due to overload.

Youngest of the Ruling Cabals, the Fisher Knights can point to 1961 as the exact date that their Charter was signed and their Cabal recognized. While this still makes them one of the older Cabals in the region (which didn't really begin to recover from...whatever it is that happened...until the 70s), it does explain the Cabals relative lack of power in the Consilium as a whole. Even so, the Fishers have possessed a seat since their inception and are a valued and trusted member of the Council. They are not, however, quite as devoted to these political matters as the other two Ruling Cabals. Instead, except when distracted by other tasks, the Fishers spend most of their time watching over and guarding various hallows, nodes and ley lines that criss-cross the city.

In the 70s, the Fishers hold on most of the regions prime real estate was quite strong. Most cabals that date back to that time have a fairly dim view of the Cabal, viewing them as miserly landowners seeking to hoard all the best territory for themselves. Gradually, through conflict and a general relaxing of their grip, the Fishers narrowed their attentions to a much smaller group of important sites -- which they defend vicious. The most important of these being the Coral Castle, which is largely considered the Cabals "prime real estate".

The Councilors
The Council itself is formed much like most other Councils, with one Councilor representing each Path and the unique perspective of those touched by that particular Watchtower. Councilors are listed in order of seniority.

  • Master Arcadis (Thrysus, Broken Candles) is likely the strongest individual Magus within the region and serves as the Hierarch in addition to his position on the Seat of Angels. A strong-willed man, kind but firm, Arcadis has had the position since the previous Hierarch resigned in '89. Most are quite happy with his rule so far, his occasional unpopular ruling mitigated by the fact that he undoubtedly had a good reason. Even so, when it is important to act decisively, Arcadis can be a positive tyrant.
  • Alecto (Mastigos, Eumenides) is rumored to be the oldest person on the Council, and one of the most Enlightened and Wise, though this does not in any way translate to her being well-liked. The Guardian of the Veil in Miami and the region as a whole, Alecto largely treats her position as a necessary game she must play to gain the leverage she needs to empower her cabal in its tasks.
  • Polaris (Obrimos, Fisher Knights) is the only member of his Cabal to pay much attention to the overall politics of the Consilium, and as such he puts a large amount of effort into the position. Every matter is carefully considered, and the Councilor can often be found (by those who can find him) researching various matters in the Crossroads Library. Perhaps the most inflexible member of the Council, Polaris tends to be the voice of tradition and precedent in any meeting or trial.
  • Rosemary (Moros, Stormwatchers) is - in many ways - the odd woman out, being the only member of the Councilim that is not a member of one of the "traditional" Cabals. After the death of the previous holder of her Seat, Rosemary simply made the position that she was the most suitable member of her Path in the region and challenged anyone who thought otherwise. While originally something of an "outsider", her days of being the Councils baby are by now 15-years gone. The other Councilors all respect her dedication to her position, and are finally content to let her work for the betterment of the region without molestation.
  • Pixie (Acanthus, Broken Candles) might be the youngest member of the Council (at 37), but she is possessed of a certain quiet wisdom and a perspective that the other Councilors respect. When she speaks, the others listen and invariably give what she said due consideration. Even so, she is a junior member, having only joined when the previous Councilor stepped down due to being unable to hold the position -- most in the city still rmemeber her ascension to the Council only 7 years ago.

Mysteries of the Consilium

  • Was there a Council before the current one formed around the Crossroads? If so, how come no record or memory of it at all remains? If not, why not? What manner of strife led to the Consilium's formation (and possibly the dissolation of the previous Consilium)?
  • Just who are the predecessors of the Broken Candle? Do the Cabal really know so little about their heritage, or is there something they aren't sharing with the rest of the Consilium?
  • Why do so few Mages remain from the 50s and the 60s, much less the time before then?

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