Domain Miracles

  • Simple Miracles, which cost 0 DMP to enact, include:
    • Estate-Driven Divination, with free Strike equal to your Domain (2), which enables you to know when your Estate as a whole is in danger.
    • Ghost Miracle's allow you to summon up very small thematic instances of your Estate, which limited ability to change the world. You can make someone more able to act for a short period without actually healing their wounds, give someone a feeling as if they're in better shape than they actually are, make someone feel as they might if they had a child, or perform a shadowy 'illusionary' variant of any Renewal-based miracle of a higher difficulty level.
    • Lesser Divination miracles tell you basic, mundane information about your Estate. You can tell how injured someone is, tell that a woman is pregnant and various details about her pregnancy, how long it will take someone to heal from a Wound absent miraculous aid (or WITH miraculous aid that is already in effect). You can identify the exact effects of any miracles or other effects that screw up healing or renewal, such as if the Power of Machines has made it so someone can't heal naturally but can only be repaired by a qualified professional. You can learn what you'd have to do to 'make something better'... Similar miracles.
    • Conversation miracles allow you to talk to the things of your Estate, including Renewal spirits, medical equipment, someone's medical degree, or any other mundane thing that might be connected your your estate. They can't really tell you more than you can get with a Lesser Divination, but can let you know if you're asking the wrong question or volunteer information. You can also request small 'favors' from your estate; things that are already possible but meaningful such as inducing the delivery of a baby right away or ensuring that a wound knits up improperly and leaves a cool scar.
  • Normal Miracles, which cost 1 DMP to enact, include:
    • Lesser Preservation miracles enable you to protect, strengthen and provide magical fuel for instances of your Estate. You can ensure that someone continues to heal even if they're not able to rest or get enough to eat, keep your favorite shows on the air for another season, or help someone heal a wound that they'd normally die from or overcome a injury a little faster than they might otherwise (and with less, but not no, pain).
  • Hard Miracles, which cost 2 DMP to enact, include:
    • Lesser Creation, Summoning, or Animation miracles let you create the elements of your Estate from nothing, call them to you or cause them to move. You could summon surgical instruments to you, or have the antidote to a poison call out to you and appear in your hand. You can create healing and renewal, causing someone's wounds to instantly knit up or heal considerably faster, or keep someone alive through circumstances that would result in death. Dying plants can suddenly bloom again, a canceled television program comes back on the air for another season, dry infertile land blooms again with fresh life, and so on.
    • Your Estate will perform Lesser Creations, Summonings, or Animations for you for free and with no prompting (and without requiring an action). You can make requests, but the actual choices of what happens are up to your Estate, and tend to be things that it thinks you want it to do or would find helpful.
  • Deep Miracles, which cost 4 DMP to enact, include:
    • Lesser Destruction miracles allow you to remove instances of your Estate from the world. This can make it so someone won't heal from his injuries, recover from an illness or get over a broken-heart. This can be used to kill someone, though such a death would be slow rather than fast. You can remove someone's pain, either entirely or simply allowing them to recover from an injury 'easily'. You can take away someone's ability to create new life, making them infertile, or even cause a miscarriage. Your destructions need not be total; you could remove someone's ability to recover from injury without removing their ability to heal; or vice versa.
    • Greater Divination miracles allow you to use your Estate as a spy, asking the Estate as a whole what it or its components have seen or learned about other things, or even to gain some limited insight into the Future. This can be used to determine the future destiny of a child that's being born, or find out how people have died or information about someone's parents. Basically, any fact that your Estate could reasonably know or that you could divine through it.
    • Lesser Motion miracles allow you to change the location, context, destiny and purpose of your Estate. This allows you, on a limited scale, to radically shift the way the individual incarnations of your Estate work. You could move a pregnancy from one woman to another, or allow a man to give birth. You can make it so that a robot will heal itself naturally over time, or cause some other thing that doesn't normally 'get better' to do so. You can reverse the polarity of renewal, causing someone to age backwards or to grow dumber as they get more education rather than increasing their intelligence. You can move renewal from one person to another; switching peoples ages or causing someone else to bear the burden of another's Wounds. You could change the parameters of the 'perfection' toward which someone reaches, allowing them to gain some strange capability that they might not otherwise.
    • Greater Preservation miracles are similar to Lesser Preservations, but on a larger and potentially more lasting scale. You could ensure that someone NEVER dies, keep a given show on the air forever, help an entire city recover from the effects of a nuclear strike or some other grand diaster or something similar. The key difference between a lesser miracle and a greater one is scale.

Treasure Miracles

  • Simple Miracle, which cost 0 TMP to enact, include:
    • Claim an Anchor lets you take an ordinary thing, which is connected to you by a Bond, and make it part of your regalia, your iconography, your nature and your destiny in the form of an Anchor. Anchors become one of the best of their kind mundanely available, is free of charge to have access to or operate, operate via a strict +3 'miraculous Will' bonus to the highest relevant Passion or Skill rather than using the normal mundane actions system when directed by their Power, and can always communicate with their Power (and vice versa).
    • Possession lets you possess one of your Anchors, using it as an alternate body. You're limited to the Anchor's senses, if it has any, or 'vague impressions of things relevant to your Estate', it it does not. This displaces the anchors identity with your own until you choose to relinquish control, something happens back at your body, or the scene comes to an end. Using this miracle outside the normal range for your miracle forges an arcane link for the remainder of the scene, allowing others to target you through your Anchor.
    • Guidance allows you to invoke an Anchor as an extension of yourself. This is similar to Possession, but does not display your identity (or your Anchors). This enables you to continue communication with your Anchor, potentially to take additional actions at your current location, and gives your Anchor a small edge in mundane interactions and adds +1 to the value of a Tool. You can take actions through your Anchor, as per possession, though taking Aspect miracles or mundane actions through them temporarily displaces their consciousness for that singular action. Guidance can also forge an arcane link, like Possession.
  • Normal Miracle, which cost 1 TMP to enact, include:
    • Unleashing Wonders allows you to claim a wondrous anchor, as per claiming a normal anchor, or to upgrade a mundane anchor to a wondrous one. It is also used to unleash the main ability of a wondrous anchor, gaining full use of said power for the duration that you keep this miracle sustained. This allows you to control the birds when you are within Tesalyn Nor, or to invoke Jannie Archer's strange and unusual power-- once you discover what that is! Your Anchor must already be present in the scene for you to be able to benefit from its wondrous ability.
  • Hard Miracle, which cost 2 TMP to enact, include:
    • Getting Some Help allows you to declare that an ordinary or wondrous anchor does something to strengthen or aid you in some fashion. This action is moved by miraculous will and is, in and of itself, a Difficulty 4 miracle-- but the actual actions taken must be in some fashion appropriate for the anchor in question. The Phoenix Foundation can arrange for a Lawyer to show up and cause trouble, but it probably can't send commando raiders to take a Middle Eastern Oil Field for you. Jannie Archer might be able to win an all-expenses paid trip for the Familia to Disney Land, but she probably isn't going to hand-deliver you sniper's equipment.
    • You can also, and additionally, use a miracle of this level to say that your Anchor arrives in the current scene from anywhere within a city-, state-, Chancel- or at the upper extents, nation-sized region. Tesalyn Nor cannot physically move to your location, as its not that kind of Chancel, but it could send birds or some form of transport to get you while you were reasonably close by-- most especially if you were in Dubai, and probably if you were in a nearby city or country.
  • Deep Miracle, which cost 4 TMP to enact, include:
    • Weaponizing Anchors allows you to strengthen the powers of a wondrous anchor, allowing them to operate in ways that they ordinarily couldn't, or give a mundane anchor the same timing and good fortune enjoyed by Powers at Aspect 3, essentially allowing you to use your Anchor to impose an unwanted miraculous effect on another Power. I.e., Jannie Archer can use her goo-goo eyes to make your Imperator SAD, or the Phoenix Foundation can so mire an Excrucian in red-tale and bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo that its confused and befuddled. Basically, this allows you to use a Treasure Miracle to directly attack, as opposed to using a Treasure Miracle to support or set-up an attack that you make with another Attribute.
    • Weaving Destiny allows you to declare that a ordinary or wondrous Anchor uses its powers or abilities to create a positive or definite outcome. I.e., that the Phoenix Foundation stops the deforestation of Brazil, or that Jannie Archer forces the Excrucian Cultists out of Middlebrook or forges a deep and lasting peace between the human and demonic inhabitants of the Chancel. The more unreasonable your choice of action the longer this action is liable to take, but anything can be accomplished with Destiny Weaving unless the miracle is opposed by stronger miracle, Autoritas, or some form of paradox.