Aisekikawa (Aiseki Ravuxaa), Princess of Japan

Baroness of Loyalty and Exemplar of Wisdom

Description: Aisekikawa is a short 83 year old in an 18 year old Japanese girl's body. She has two heavy revolvers similar, but slightly different from the Colt Peacemaker, as well as a katana forged from her own soul. She sometimes dresses in a tan duster, comfortable shirt and pants, in a cowgirl style. Other times she wears formal Japanese wear, kimono, geta, obi, the works. She has the white tiger tattoo over on her right arm, a green dragon coiling around her left up to the shoulder, a red phoenix resplendant on her left leg, and a black tortoise on the right leg, and at her heart is a small simple yellow colored mountain, with the kanji for balance in it. She has blue-black hair, green eyes, and glorious black angelic (have long-furred feathers) wings. Also, Aisekikawa is an Imperial Princess who is working to become Shogun.
Affiliation: Heaven

Lifepath: Something Cool, Light Estate that You Can Describe, Extraordinary Life, Trouble Inspired Me, (Three Contacts), Heaven.

Lifepath Diagram

Aeseki has a convoluted past!

Assorted Character-related Pages

Power of Loyalty


  • Passion: My family bonds are unshakable. (4)
  • Passion: I've suffered through great tragedy for Love, and survived. (0)
  • Skill: Insightful Warrior-Empress Touched by Love. (5)
  • Skill: Born to Ride. (2)
  • Skill: (Tough as Nails). (4)
  • Skill: Shine. (2)

Estate Properties

  • Loyalty fades quickly once betrayed. (1)
  • Loyalty draws people together. (1)
  • Loyalty creates a kind of intimacy. (1)
  • Loyalty reinforces itself. (1)
  • Loyalty drives you to fight on. (1)
  • Loyalty does not misrepresent. (1)
  • Loyalty is the bedrock upon which we've built our lives. (1)
  • Wisdom is a guiding light (1);
  • Wisdom exists to inspire itself (1);
  • Wisdom can be earned, often bitterly (1);
  • Wisdom finds a way, when all other paths are hidden (1);
  • Wisdom is understanding your circumstances, and what needs to be done (1);
  • Wisdom hides in the strangest places (1); //and//
  • Wisdom finds meaning everywhere (1).


  • Aspect 5 (5/5 MP)
  • Domain 2 (5/5 MP)
  • Persona 0 (5/5 MP)
  • Treasure 2 (5/5 MP)


Bonds & Afflictions

  • Bond: I am heir to the tokens of the Imperial house. (1)
  • Bond: My memories of the Mother guide me. (2)
  • Bond: I feel at peace when bringing Beauty into the World. (1)
  • Bond: When I intercede for my people, I am unstoppable! (3)
  • Bond: I am the Shogun, Divine Warrior-Empress of Japan. (1)
  • Bond: The Love I share with Kuzunoha will forge the world Anew. (2)
  • Affliction: Always recognized by people she's run into before, helped, or gotten into Time Shenanigans with. (2)
  • Affliction: The bond I share with my Sister, Lariníen, is deep and spiritual. (3)


Handpicked Servants (linked to "When I intercede for my people, I am unstoppable!")

It is important to have people working with you whom you can trust; Aisekikawa currently has three. Gunter Harris serves her within the Chancel, while Hiro Nakatana and Megara act as her silken glove and mailed fist wherever she might need them.

The Imperial Regalia (linked to "I am heir to the tokens of the Imperial house.")

Which currently consists of Yasakani no Magatama, a sacred gem of Amaterasu which brings peace and calm, the Privy Seal of Japan which can aid with cooperation with an official nature in the Japanese government, and a special set of Colt Peacebringers crafted by James Adam Hicks which fell into the possession of Emperor Meiji and are enhanced with Phoenix fire, causing the rebirth of anything they kill.

The Imperial Palace of Kyoto (linked to "I am the Shogun, Divine Warrior-Empress of Japan.")

The palace is an impressive, and even imposing, structure, the Fortress-Heart of Japan and repository for the protection of some of its treasures, counterpart to the more spiritual hearts of Japan's temples and the Palace in Tokyo.

Inari's wish-fulfilling jewel and Kitsune Nation (linked to "The Love I share with Kuzunoha will forge the world Anew.")

Given to Aisekikawa as a wedding present while in a vision, partially out of thanks for forging her wife's sword. It is a symbol of his approval of their upcoming marriage and therefore has deeper meaning than the powers of it ever could. This is a //miraculous anchor//. It is capable of fulfilling any wish truly desired by any target but the bearer. The Kitsune Nation accepted Aisekikawa's rights as the Queen's Consort when they accepted Kuzunoha as rightful Queen. This is also a //miraculous anchor//.

Yatagarasu, the Three-legged Raven (linked to "My memories of the Mother guide me.")

He looks and sounds like This with white irised eyes. He is sassy, insulting, even a bit foul-mouthed... yet likable for it, which really makes it all the worse, such that his insults can drive a grown man to tears. This is the same Raven that served Jimmu, and lives in the Halls of the Sun when not serving. He's very mysterious and likes it that way, probably feeling it enhances his //wondrous anchor// nature.

The Beautiful Souls (tied to "I feel at peace when bringing Beauty into the World.")

These are three souls that Aisekikawa wishes to guide and bring to a more beautiful peace than she could ever dream of having for herself when she was their age. She sees them as those she can guide and help, rather than friends who help her. The names of those she has currently tied her soul to are Ciufen Wang (reincarnation of Shiro's soul), Kimmy Honosori (dear friend who suffers for being different), and Princess Kako (her grand-niece who shares her spirit of rebellion and adventure, but isn't Anchored yet).