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Topeka draws one of her throwing knives, and summons the wind, tossing it! It manages to blast through his parry, hitting him in the back, and sending him flying 15 yards through the air where he impacts with the cliff-face...his blade going tumbling.

Topeka "Someone restrain him!"

Topeka quickly kills one of the last few Bandits with her Daiklave.

Finnre`Merayen fires shots at his legs, trying to restrict his movement before moving forward.

Topeka ::Rainnes draws off, motioning for you to continue providing fire support, while she manuevers over toward him...::

Ralles glances back in that direction, before running through another attack, but starts to manuever in that direction none the less.

Finnre`Merayen moves to make sure she has a good angle, continuing to fire, hoping that it either disables him, or keeps him trying to parry

Ralles ::The fellow, currently swordless and more than a little disoriented from his fall, just gets hit in the legs... Rainnes reaches him at this point, and quickly works at tying his hands behind his back.::

Finnre`Merayen stops holding her arrow at the ready now.

Bandit`Woman , one of about 8 bandits left, glances over at where Rainnes is dealing with the fallen one. She screams, and tosses a boot dagger... It flies, straight, managing by some fiat of fate to slice between the joint of her gorget... Blood goes streaming.

Topeka flicks her attention, eyes wide, at the Bandit Woman.

Topeka leaps, Daiklave in mid-swing, her corona of Air whipping around her...

Finnre`Merayen snaps and turns, firing an arrow into the eye of the Bandit Woman

Topeka ::The woman, in two chunks, falls before your arrow even hits her.::

Topeka "Merayen! Tend to her!"

Topeka sends all the surviving bandits tumbling down the hill with a Charm, and motions for Maran and Ralles to help her finish them...

Finnre`Merayen drops her bow and pulls out bandages, running to Rainnes, pressing them under the gorget.

Rainnes is currently clutching at the dagger in her gorget, and the blood is just pouring down her chest. You take one look and you know that it's bad. Very bad. The damn thing must have gotten her vein.... By the time you get the gorget off and can apply pressure, she'll have lost a LOT of blood...

Rainnes just looks up at you, eyes wide with shock; she knows she's dead...

Rainnes ::The captured bandit struggles in his bond, but Rainnes had already tied him in fairly tight.::

Finnre`Merayen keeps pressing the bandages, "You'll be ok, just don't move, just sit up Rainnes."

Rainnes ::You manage to get the Gorget off, and press directly, but... It's /bad. The dagger essentially slit her throat, and... Maybe if there was a Wood Dragon right here/...::

Rainnes eyes begin to cloud, and lose focus...

Rainnes gurgles a bit, and the stops trying to talk. She just smiles at you, lightly...

Finnre`Merayen just rocks Rainnes slowly, knowing it's over... but wanting her to die not alone.

Rainnes passes on, her final breath escaping...

Kirri "Nitei Kirri reporting for duty, Sochei,"

Kirri salutes.

Finnre`Merayen nods and salutes back

Finnre`Merayen "Welcome to the Phoenix talon, we're glad to have you with us. Let me show you to the barracks."

Finnre`Merayen starts out, "So, you were a member of the infantry before, yes? What made you want to be part of the scouts?"

Kirri "Ma'am Yes, Ma'am. 5th Field Force, for a full tour. I served on the recon force there, and have been a member of this talon for three months now before I got transferred into your fang. I'm sorry for your loss, Ma'am."

Kirri ::You show her off to the barracks, maybe not as friendly as you could be. You'd been friends with Rainnes since you first signed on with the talon, more than a few years ago. It was all so sudden...::

Topeka "Come in,"

Topeka was sitting in her small office in the Redoubt.

Finnre`Merayen nods and salutes Topeka, shutting the door behind her.

Topeka "Sit down," she notes. "Brandy? I always keep a bottle around, from my families private stocks, for occasions like this. From Great Forks."

Topeka takes a small drink, and glances up at you, eyes a bit sad.

Finnre`Merayen sits. "Thank you, Chuzei. I will gladly take that drink."

Topeka pours you a drink, and slides it across the desk at you.

Topeka "And please, at ease. You can call me Topeka."

Finnre`Merayen had become more formal with Topeka and most of the other members of the Talon as of late... as if keeping them a bit distant."

Finnre`Merayen "Yes... Topeka."

Topeka "I know you and Rainnes were very close; even I considered it an honor to have her in my Fang. To honored, and much missed, friends?"

Topeka holds up the drink.

Finnre`Merayen holds up her drink. "I will gladly drink to such."

Topeka taps her drink against yours, and gives you a little smile. You've talked with her, a fair bit, especially since your promotion to senior sub-officer in the Fang, but still. She was definately being informal here. This'd obviously affected her too.

Topeka downs her drink, in one quick gulp.

Finnre`Merayen drinks quickly as well, not even savoring what was her favorite drink.

Topeka pours a little more for the both of you.

Finnre`Merayen nods, "Thank you."

Topeka seems to be waiting for you to say something...

Topeka just nods, and gives you a smile

Topeka "You're welcome,"

Finnre`Merayen drinks and thinks, swirling what is left as she looks into it... "So, Topeka, why have you called me here. While informal, I get the feeling, you had very important reasons for calling me here."

Topeka just smiles, and nods softly...

Finnre`Merayen drinks the last of it, thinking, wondering what exactly brings her here now.

Topeka "In a way, though perhaps not what you would have thought. I've been serving in this Talon for almost 70 years now, and it never gets any easier to lose someone -- especially one whom I've served with for so long."

Topeka "I can also imagine what this must be like for you. I figured, as long as we're both going through this, we might as well go through it together?"

Topeka grins a bit.

Finnre`Merayen smiles... "Yes, I think I could appreciate that. I... we had known each other. She was one of the first I met, and considering that we lost Rada so little time ago, even if he's alive... you could tell he died inside... and now her.

Topeka despite looking younger than you, is actually about 100 years old.

Topeka "It was a good team; I was sorry to see it break up, but I agree about Rada. He'd done his duty, and given what he could. If the Polis needs him, he'd take up arms again, but for now he needs time on his own. And at least I had you, and Rainnes."

Topeka sighs, and polishes off her drink.

Topeka 's bright blue hair blows lightly, in a stiff breeze that rattles the windows a bit and shakes up some of the papers. She's a little frustrated.

Topeka pours herself another, and offers to get you some more as well.

Finnre`Merayen shakes her head. "These new recruits... they're good, but they're not..." Her voice just trails off.

Topeka just nods softly; she doesn't say anything, but her agreement is obvious.

Topeka "Remember, the spirit of our fellowship remains in your heart."

Topeka "It's always hard to lose someone, but the Legions... They go on."

Topeka "But still..."

Topeka "These kinds of loses are always the hardest to deal with..."

Finnre`Merayen "Yes, but it's not the same as having their physical selves with us."

Finnre`Merayen "Still, the Legions are filled with people, not with machines. It is our passion that gives us strength, when matched with control... but without it, we are endangered by it."

Topeka "Yes, but it wasn't a lack of control that killed Rainnes... I've gone over it hundreds of times, in my mind, trying to see what I did wrong, what could have saved her life..."

Finnre`Merayen shakes her head... "Nothing... it was chance."

Topeka "But it was just... meaningless. Some stupid girl, who threw a goddamned knife that hit in exactly the wrong spot."

Topeka just nods at you, glad you understand...

Topeka "That's... That is always the hardest to deal with. I've seen it hundreds of times, senseless deaths without any meaning to be understood or lesson to be learned."

Finnre`Merayen "Still, it makes it harder, but not easier. Mistakes can be fixed... better soldiering happens... but luck... it's meaningless."

Topeka "It's just the Will of Mela, and we have to accept it."

Finnre`Merayen nods slowly

Topeka grins, and chuckles a bit.

Topeka "I'm sorry; I hope I'm not burdening you unnecessarily. I know no one likes to hear their commanding officers talking like this."

Finnre`Merayen shakes her head. "If you would not be saying it, I would. It's something that needs to be said by someone, and we both feel it."

Topeka just nods.

Finnre`Merayen "Well, I think you know where to find me when you need to talk in the future."

Finnre`Merayen winks and smiles to Topeka as she rises.

Topeka "Thank you for the company. I'm going to need to rely on you a lot more in the future, Merayen, until our unit gets closer to acting as a whole."

Finnre`Merayen nods and salutes again, jauntily.

Topeka stands up, and walks with you to the door.

Topeka grins a bit at the salute, returning it...then putting a hand on your shoulder.

Topeka "Similarly, if you need to talk, my door is always open."

Topeka "Dismissed."

Finnre`Merayen nods... "I don't know... you're a hard person to find. I mean, you could be anywhere." Then she leaves.

Topeka --

Topeka ::Fade out...::

Topeka And, this is a good place to stop for right now :)

Finnre`Merayen Yeah, I was thinking the same :)

Topeka Enjoyable??

Finnre`Merayen Yep!

Topeka wanted to give Topeka a bit more depth, there at the end, heh.

Finnre`Merayen Heh, yeah, she's just been the air badass up to now.

ST Exactly. I figure, every 10-15 years, she does this. Really bonds with someone under her command.

ST Just to remind her that they're real honest people with feelings and hurts like her.

haren Awww

ST I mean, when you think about it. Imagine serving as the commander of a behind-enemy-lines special forces team for 70 years. Or longer.

ST And your this demigod, but most of the people you work with are just superior extras and heroic mortals.

haren And only a few have the "sparkle" of something more... that spark of P Cness?!

haren giggles

ST Indeed!

ST Hell, Topeka doesn't even have that ;)

haren Yeah, but she doesn't notice it when she looks in the mirror... NP Cs? miss their own flaws usually, ;)

ST Heh, far as D Bs? go, Topeka is not a bad person ;)

haren Nope.

stryck dar

haren dum dum dum duh duh!

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