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Wind Jewel (Air **)

This transparent, sky blue oval enables its wearer to control minor winds and light breezes within 10 yards. The bearer can easily perform simple feats such as clearing a room of smoke in a few moments, blowing out torches or stilling the wind enough to prevent uncovered candles from blowing out. Occasionally, tiny breezes play around the wearer when he feels some strong emotion.

The wearer can also precisely direct the wind so that it extinguishes only one candle in a candelabrum or riffl es the pages of a single open tome, while not disturbing the other papers on a table. The character’s player must succeed at a (Wits + Larceny) roll to perform such exacting feats. Failure mean that either the wind cannot achieve the desired task, or that it also affected nearby objects, while a botch means that the wind affected something quite different from what the character intended.

In addition, the bearer can summon a moderately strong breeze to help or hinder a ship. This wind adds or subtracts up to 10 miles per hour from the speed of any single craft up to the size of a yacht or small cargo vessel and up to 5 miles per hour for larger ships.

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