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The Eye of the Wood Dragon

Level Five Artifact
Emerald Sphere

A small sphere of deepest emerald, carefully etched by hand with elaborate sorcerous markings, the Wood Dragon's Eye has for the time being slipped through the hands of the Circle due to the duplicitous actions of one Opal Blossom. Even before it entered into the visions of Skyla, though, the Eye has had a long and storied history throughout the First Age. Most savants who even know of this potent artifact name is as part of the panoply of Sextes Jylis himself, but in truth the artifact is far older, having been created by a now forgotten First Age Twilight known as the Lifegiver. One of the Lords' of Hollow, the Eye was crafted to fight the pestilence that ran rampant through that city as a result of the Nightfire Wars, but its true power went far beyond any mere panacea. The Eye can restore vitality to the decrepid, mend torn or scarred flesh, render fields of blighted croplands once-more fertile, and even hold back or reverse the very spectre of death itself.

The exact secrets of the Eyes construction are lost to time; those records that remain indicate that it "harnessed the Breath of the Wood Dragon", and that it contained "the life-giving spirit of the East". It's form is that of a solid emerald, yet perfectly spherical and without facet, of just the size to fit in ones outstretched palm. It's power is easily harnessed, but not infinite -- once expended, the power of the Eye only slowly recovers. After some of its greatest feats, the Eye was said to be all but dormant for months afterwards, while lesser miracles only drain its reserves of power but little.

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