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Rotes: Tezcatlipoca, Huehueteotl, Mixcoatl, Itzpapalotl, Tlaloc?

Huehueteotal's Rotes

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Spell Table
Spell NamePage #PoolTypeDurationOther Notes
Luck Be A Ladypg. 1496CovertProlonged 
Nudging Probabilitypg. 1505CovertProlonged 
Kirlian Visionpg. 2056CovertConcentration 
Talking To The Voicespg. 24610CovertAdv. Prolonged 
Spiritual Pagerpg. 24711CovertAdv. Prolonged 
Omen Gazingvariant9CovertTransitory 
Expel Ephemerapg. 24811CovertLasting 
Stirred From Sleeppg. 25010VulgarAdv. Prolonged 
Crossing Overpg. 2517VulgarTransitory1 mana
Totemic Guardianpg. 25311VulgarProlonged 

Order Specialties: Craft, Persuasion, and Science

Fate Rotes

Luck Be A Lady (Fate *, Compelling); Covert spell.
6 dice = (Wits + Investigation + Fate)
Reading the Outmost Eddies (pg. 149; Free Council rote) - Instant Action


Nudging Probability (Fate *, Compelling); Covert spell.
5 dice = (Wits + Subterfuge + Fate)
Winds of Chance (pg. 150; Free Council rote) - Instant Action


Mind Rotes

Kirlian Vision (Mind *, Unveiling); Covert spell.
6 dice = (Wits + Empathy + Mind)
Aura Perception (pg. 205; Free Council rote) - Instant Action

You can open your mind to the emotional and mental swirls that constitute any thinking beings aura. This spell has Power as its primary aspect, and a Duration of Concentration, allowing the Mages to continue to read auras until he stops to do something else. An aura can be quite simple, or much more complex, depending on the person involved and the complexity of their current condition -- regardless, all auras manifest as swirling coronas of various colors and patterns. The color determines emotions, while the pattern determines mental states. The overall hue of the aura can be noted if Prime 1 is added to the casting, allowing one to determine the nature of a given individual.
A chart of Aura Signifiers is located on page 206. Most Mages with this rote are familiar with the specifics of this chart.


Spirit Rotes

Talking To The Voices (Spirit *, Knowing); Covert spell.
10 dice = (Presence + Socialize + Spirit)
Spirit Tongue (pg. 246; Free Council rote) - Instant Action

The mage negotiates with a spirit, gaining the ability to see, hear and communicate with all Twilight spirits in the immediate vicinity. The primary aspect of the spell is Power, and the spell uses the Advanced Prolongation duration table (one scene/hour default, -2 for one day, -4 for two days, etc.) While under the effects of this spell, the Mage can converse or interact with spirits in all ways except physically, provided the spirit is in the material world. If the Mage has some means of peering across the Gauntlet, he can also interact with spirits in the Shadow. This spell also allows you to see ghosts as hazy indistinct forms, but does not allow you to hear them without adding Death 1 to the spell. You cannot percieve mental projections without adding Mind 1.


Spiritual Pager (Spirit **, Ruling); Covert spell.
11 dice = (Presence + Persuasion + Spirit + 1); resisted by the Spirit's Resistance
Lesser Spirit Summons (pg. 247; Free Council rote) - Instant Action

The mage calls out to a spirit, either summoning a specific spirit or sending out a general call to the nearest such entity either in Twilight or in the Shadow (depending on where the Mage is). He may be as specific (Quoth) or general (Raven spirits) as he wishes. This spell has Power as its primary aspect, which must exceed the spirit's successes on a Resistance roll for the spell to succeed, and uses the Advanced Prolongation duration table (one scene/hour default, -2 for one day, -4 for two days, etc.) If successful, the spirit speeds toward the Shaman via its fastest means of travel. This spell does not command the spirit in any way, nor force it to manifest.
The mage may choose to simply call out gently, not requiring a Resistance roll and making compliance voluntary. The Mage may spend 1 Mana when casting this spell to extend its range beyond line of sight, sending a "spiritual call" that travels some distance. The Mage needs Space 2 to reach more than a few miles at most, however.


Omen Gazing (Spirit **, Unveiling); Covert spell.
9 dice = (Wits + Academics + Spirit)
Gauntlet Sympathy (Custom spell; Free Council rote) - Instant Action

The mage thrums the Gauntlet, sending its essence thrumming into the material world in subtle ways. This allows the mage to read the subtle sympathy between spirits and the material world - which manifest through "omens". The primary aspect of this spell is Area, and it uses the Advanced Area-Affecting table (1 yard-radius at default; 4 yard radius with two successes, x4 with each additional success). This spell lasts one turn by default (but can be extended by 1 turn per -2 to the casting roll). A successful roll reveals all spirits within the area, be they in Shadow or Twilight, even if they would not be visible to sight or otherwise hidden. Some Numina can hide from this spell, rolling the Spirit's Finesse, with successes equal to the Power of the spell (1 by default) concealing the spirit.
The effects of this spell are subtle, mostly able to be interpretted by the Mage. Electrical devices might momentarily short out, papers in a alleyway might shift meaningfully in the wind, or other such effects.


Expel Ephemera (Spirit ***, Weaving); Covert spell.
11 dice = (Presence + Science + Spirit + 1); resisted by the Spirit's Power + Resistance
Exorcism (variant, pg. 248; Free Council rote) - Extended Action

The mage engages in a battle of technology, will and willpower against a possessing spirit - forcing the entity from a subjects body. This requires an extended contest, the Mage attempting to gain successes equal to the spirit's Willpower while the Spirit's resists with reflexive Power + Resistance rolls to hang onto its stolen body. The Mage must surround the host human with trappings of modern life (preferably a hospital room or some kind of scientific lab), and assault the spirit with various "modern spiritual instruments" such as a defibrillator (the shock pads). If the Mage has access to proper equipment, as described above, he can gain from +1 to +5 dice on his contested rolls; the lack of any of the above-mentioned equipment can, however, supply similar penalties.
This rote can drive out the Spirit-Urge and Spirit-Thieves, but a Spirit 5 spell is required to separate the souls of those who have been merged-together to become one of the Spirit-Claimed.


Stirred from Sleep (Spirit ***, Weaving); Vulgar spell.
10 dice = (Manipulation + Persuasion + Spirit)
Rouse Spirit (pg. 250-251; Free Council rote) - Instant Action


Crossing Over (Spirit ***; Weaving); Vulgar spell.
7 dice = (Resolve + Survival + Spirit)
Spirit Road (pg. 251; Free Council rote) - 1 Mana, Extended Action

The mage opens a road across the Gauntlet, a lane where he can cross over into the Shadow Realm. This requires a long ritual, with one roll allowed per hour, and a number of successes required equal to the strength of the local Gauntlet (pg. 282; 5 in Dense Urban Areas, 3 in Small Towns and built-up countryside, 2 in the Wilderness, and 1 in a spiritual Loci). This road lasts one turn by default, and one additional turn per extra success over and above the Gauntlet's strength. One person of size 5 or less can walk the road per turn, with larger beings taking two turns. Additional successes can be used to widen the road so that more people can pass through per turn (+1 person/turn per success).
You may instead use the Prolonged Duration chart to open longer-lasting roads (pg. 120), as this requires the Spirit 4.


Totemic Guardian (Spirit ****, Patterning); Vulgar spell.
11 dice = (Presence + Persuasion + Spirit + 1); resisted by the Spirit's Resistance
Spirit Guardian (pg. 253; Free Council rote) - Extended Action
