Benton Hall ⚠ (:showhide div=benton init=hide:)

The Invisible Man, Shade Walker

Character Sheet (280 points)

Archetype (10 points)

Shade Walker: The fusion of Inner Will, Eastern Mysticism and the Mastery of Invisibility.

Source: Driven, Technological
Permissions: Peak Performer
Intrinsics: Mandatory Power(Invisibility)

Stats (140 points)

 Body 3d		
 Coordination 1d+1wd	
 Sense 3hd		
 Mind 3d+2hd		
 Charm 2d		
 Command 5d		

Convictions (12 points)

 Overcome All Challenges 4
 Reform My Siblings 4
 Ruffle Special Branch's Feathers 3

 Base Will 11

Skills (55 points)

 Acrobatics (-/-/-; Coordination) 1wd
 Deception (B/-/-; Charm) 1d+1hd
 Esoteric Science (B/-/-; Mind) 3d.
 Mastery of the Self (B/F/-) 5d.
 Martial Arts (B/-/-; Body) 5d.
 Kerberan (-/-/I; Command) 1d.
 Twisted Upbringing (B/F/-) 4d.

Powers (43 points)

Invisibility 9d+1wd (2 per die; 26 points)

Defends (you can't see him!)

Defends, Duration +2, Speeding Bullet (Senses) +2, Fragile -1, Attached to Useful -2, Automatic -1.

Useful (the ability to become invisible, at will)

Useful, Duration +2, Self-Only -3.

Mind of Impenetrable Steel (1 per die; 5 points)

"Mastery of the Self", Interference +3, If/Then (only one Mind-effect at a time) -1, Willpower Bid -1.

Mind of Shifting Reeds (1 per die; 5 points)

"Mastery of the Self", Spray +3, If/Then (only one Mind-effect at a time), Willpower Bid -1

Mind over Body (5pts per die; 15 points)

Body, Augments +4, If/then (Augments is only for stats) -1, No Upper Limit +2

Deliberation Required (-2pts per die; -8 points)

(On the 2HD of Mind), Limited Width -1, Willpower Investment -1

Victoria Jayne Winters ⚠ (:showhide div=winters init=hide:)

Countess of Westwick, Lady Westwick, "M"

Character Sheet (280 points)

Archetype (8 points)

Agent: Essentially normal, you've been equipped with numerous impressive items and are quite well trained.

Source: Driven
Permissions: Hypertrained, Super-Equipment, One Power: Hyperstat (Command)
Intrinsics: None.

Stats (100 points)

 Body 2d
 Coordination 4d
 Sense 3d
 Mind 3d
 Charm 4d
 Command 4d

Convictions (30 points)

 First Conviction 1
 Second Conviction 1

 Base Will 21

Skills (64 points)

 Awareness 2d				(B/-/-; Sense)		
 Confidential Agent 5d			(B/F/I)			
 Educated Abroad 4d			(B/F/-)			
 Noble Title 3d				(-/-/I; Command)	
 Trained To Kill 4d                     (B/F/-)			
 Wife of a Wealthy Gadgeteer 1d+2hd	(-/-/I; Charm)		

Powers 80


Multigun 5d (1pts per die; 5 points)

Attacks (a storm of hot lead)

Attacks Extras: Spray (2d) +2, Penetration +1
Attacks Faws: Depleted -1, Limited Damage (Killing only) -1, Focus (Multigun) -2

Useful (a high-tensile towline and grapple gun)

''Useful Extras: High Capacity +1, Power Capacity(Mass) +2
''Useful Flaws: Focus(Multigun) -2, Slow -2

Focus: Horace Winter's Compact Multi-Role Hand Repeater (-2 focus)
Extras and Flaws: Focus, Accessible, Booby Trapped, Delicate, Operation Skill(Pistols).

Disguise Kit 1d (1 pts per die; 1 points)

Useful (look like someone else)

Useful Extras: Endless +3
Useful Flaws: Delayed Effect -2, Touch Only -2, Focus(Disguise Kit) -1

Focus: Horace Winter's "False Face" Kit; Patent Pending (-1 focus)
Extras and Flaws: Focus, Bulky, Immutable, Manufacturable

Kinetic Armor 1d (3 per die; 3 points)

Defends (provides 3 LAR)

Defends Extras: Endless +3, Area +1, Controlled Effect (Enemies only) +1, Controlled Effect (Environment Only) +1
Defends Flaws: Armored Defense -2, If/then (Using Area extras requires spending Power Points) -2, Reduced Capacities -1
Free Extras: Area +4, Spray (2hd) +4, Electrocuting +1, No Upward Limit +2, Extra Defends

Effect: When activated, the Lady benefits from 3 LAR and can choose to release stored power in a 1-yard radius burst of Area damage. If she does not use the Friend-Or-Foe identification system in her armor, it can damage her as well.

Useful (generate energy)

Useful Extras: None
Useful Flaws: Locational -1

Effect: When first powered up, Lady Jayne's Kinetic Armor provides 3 "power points" usable for her Defends power. This pool is increased either through a lengthy recharing process at her husband's lab, or through absorbing the energy from attacks. A hit to the chest that inflicts more than 5 shock or killing damage disables this power until the corset can be repaired.

Focus: Horace Winter's 'Kinetic Corset' Armored Corset (-0 focus) Extras and Flaws: Focus, Booby-Trapped

Briefcase of Techno-Goodies 1d+1wd (3 pts per die; 15 points)

Useful (Lots of cool items)

Useful, Variable +4, Endless +3, Attached (Charm + Wife...) -2, If/then (must be used for Variable Effect) -1, If/then (Must be strange technology) -1, Depleted (Go home to get more stuff) -1, Focus -2, Full Power Only -1

A,D -

Variable +4, Permanent +4, Always On -1, Attached (Useful - Lots of cool items) -2, If/then (must be used for Variable Effect) -1, If/then (Must be strange technology) -1, Depleted (Go home to get more stuff) -1, Focus -2, Full Power Only -1

Focus: Horace Winter's "Technological Armament" Case (-2 focus)
Focus -1, Accessible -1, Booby Trapped +1, Bulky -1, Durable +1, Unwieldy -1

High Quality Equipment and Training 1d (42pts per die; 42 points)

Hyperstat, Native Power +1, Augments +4, If/then (Only for Augments) -1
Speeding Bullet +2, Spray (3d+2hd) +7, Penetration +2, Area +4, Burn +2, Electrocuting +1, Radius +2, Booster +3, Duration +2, No Upward Limit +2, Subtle +1, Extra Attacks,Defends,Useful (1,1,1) +6


Interrupt 2hd (1pts per die; 4 points)

Useful (Make an action when needed)

''Useful, (Free Use +2), Go First +3, Direct Feed -2, Self Only -3, Slow -2

Effect: Interrupt lets you Declare an additional action at any time, with a base Speed of the Interrupt power's Width. But it's very exhausting. New Extra: the Free Use extra allows a power to be used without taking an action to be activate it first. Treat like Endless, but the power isn't active for more than a single action unless it has some Duration extra as well.

All Kinds o' Stuff 1d (6 pts per die; 6 points)

Hyperskill (Variable (B/F/I))

Duration +2, Variable +4, If/then (Only for Variable) -1, If/then (Only Hyperskills) -1, Power Theme (Sekrit Agent Gal) -2

Effect: Yeah, well, this is a flexible skill, so, you can just add 1d to whatever Stat is appropriate for the skill you're trying to make and roll that. Huzzah! It'd be way better as a wiggle die, obviously.

Knockout Blow (1 pts per die; 4 points)

Hyperskill (Trained to Kill)

Duration +2, Daze +1, Slow -2, Direct Feed -2, Full Power Only -1

Effect: In addition to doing damage, the target is Dazed, suffering a penalty that lasts and takes the same damage every turn until he inevitably passes out.

Cut skills⚠ (:showhide div=cut init=hide:)

Notice Everything 1d (1 pts per die; 1 points)

Hyperskill (Awareness)

Useful, No Upper Limit +2, If/then (Must wait a turn after using No Upper Limit before using it again) -1

Effect: You can notice any detail you need, but the time it takes to do so will eventually keep you from noticing something else. This Extra is only on one die; but you can turn it off and use it like with the other, normal Awareness die.

High and Mighty (1 pts per die; 3 points)

Hyperskill (Noble Title)

Useful, No Upper Limit +2, Obvious -1

Effect: You had nothing but your title for a long time, so long, that it's all you need to get by. But it's impossible to act properly without a bit of show.

Faking It 1d (1 pts per die; 1 points)

Hyperskill (Feign Death) (-/-/-;Command)

Useful, Speeding Bullet (Mind) +2, Exhausted -3

Effect: Put on a performance that leaves anyone seeing it with no doubt in their mind that, well, yup, you're dead, in such a way that makes sure they're not going to check up on you. Only super geniuses might think to check.

Cut them off! 1d (1 pts per die; 1 points)

Hyperskill (Run) (-/-/-;Body)

Useful, Subtle +1, Booster +2, Exhausted -3

Effect: This is effectively a teleport, but that's not what happened, you just used your understanding of human psychology to know where they were heading and get in the way! Wherever you said you were moving before this was just a feint...

Myrddin ⚠ (:showhide div=merlin init=hide:)

Character Sheet

Archetype (2 points)

Magus: A worker of the occult.

Source: Otherworldly
Permissions: One Power (Profane Magic)
Intrinsics: Obsessed, Immutable.

Stats (95 points)

 Body 1d
 Coordination 2d
 Sense 4d
 Mind 5d
 Charm 3d
 Command 4d

Convictions (21 points)

 Command the Forces of the Universe 6
 Restore Camelot to Glory 4
 Use The Threat Of Magic 3
 Be Excellent 1

 Base Will 14

Skills (49 points)

 Arthurian Legendry 1wd			(-/-/-; Mind)
 Old Graybeard 5d			(B/F/-)
 I'm MERLIN! 5d                         (B/F/I)
 Thaumatology 5d                        (B/-/-; Mind)

Powers (108 points)

Profane Magic 8d+4hd+2wd (3 per die; 72 points)


Useful, Duration+2, Variable Effect +4, Depleted -1, Willpower Investment -1, Willpower Bid -1, If/then (must be used for variable effect) -1, If/then (Can't directly oppose the Queen of Faeries) -1, Power Theme (Magic) -2

Attacks, Defends

Useful, Duration +2, Variable Effect +4, Willpower Bid -1, If/then (must be used for variable effect) -1, Attached (Profane Magic Useful) -2, Power Theme (Magic) -2

Effect: Merlin may use his magic to attack, defend or perform various useful effects-- in addition to any willpower cost required by Variable Effect, Merlin must spend one willpower for each die that he temporarily assigns to another spell or effect, but he gets it back when the magic is released. Once dice are assigned to a spell, they remain so assigned for a maximum duration of several hours, provided Merlin remains active and conscious. The spells which Merlin may use this power to mimic are subject to the Rules of Magic, and must fit into the proper 'theme'.

Turn Off The Sun 1d (1 per die; 36 points)

Useful (Boosters)

Useful, Augment +4, If/then (Only for Augment) -1, If/then (Augment only works with Profane Magic) -2, If/then (Each addition of Booster takes 10 minutes to add) -2, Booster +25, Radius +10

Effect: Merlin's magic is far ranging and powerful, but sometimes takes a considerable amount of time to use.

Henry Irons ⚠ (:showhide div=henry init=hide:)

Powers (53 points)

Curse of the Diamond 3d+1wd (2pts per die; 14 points)


Attacks, Interference +3, If/then (must use Interference) -1, Focus -1, Uncontrollable -2


Useful, Interference +3, If/then (must use Interference) -1, Focus -1, Uncontrollable -2

God Save the King! 1d [+2hd] (14pts per die; 14 points)


Defends, Extra Defends (1) +2, Interference +3, Focus -1, Permanent +4, Always On -1, Subtle +1 Spray (2hd) +4

Merciless Retribution of the Divine Mandate 2d+2wd (1pts per die; 10 points)


Attacks, Extra Attacks (3) +6, Focus -1, Permanent +4, Always on -1, Attached (God Save the King) -2, Delayed Effect -2, If/then (Only on attackers of the diamond bearer) -1, If/then (Only triggers when attacked) -2, Subtle +1, Full Power Only -1, Uncontrollable -2

Bedazzling Presence 2d+2wd (1pts per die; 10 points)


Useful, Duration +2, Radius +2, Controlled (Only Enemies) +1, Slow -2, Focus -1, Direct Feed -2, If/then (Only affects those with minds, even if non-sentient) -1

Divine Inevitability 5d (1pts per die; 5 points)


Attacks, Augment +4, Focus -1, Willpower Investment -1, Attached (Mind+Mind Like a Diamond) -2, Slow -2, Exhausted -3, If/then (Only for Augment) -1, Full Power Only -1, If/then (Only for the following Extras) -1, Penetration +3, Extra Attacks (2) +4

Buttercup ⚠ (:showhide div=buttercup init=hide:)

Character Sheet

Archetype (15 point)


Source: Technological
Permissions: Super
Intrinsic: Mandatory Powers (Resilient Body, Revived by Love, Hyperbody, Flight, Eyes of Brilliant Light)
Intrinsic: Allergy (Antidote X, immediately lose all powers except Indestructible & Revived by Love until exposed to Chemical X)

Stats (70 points)

 Body 1d [+1hd+5wd]
 Coordination 2d [+4d]
 Sense 1d [+1wd]
 Mind 2d [+1d]
 Charm 5d [+2d]
 Command 3d

Convictions (12 points)

 Never Let a Crime Go Unpunished 4
 Prove I'm the Best Fighter 3
 I've got an Attitude! 3
 Occlude Personal Truths with Drama 2

 Base Will 12

Buttercup has probably changed her Convictions more times than she's acted like a proper lady. At previous points in her past, her convictions included things such as Be A Normal Little Girl, Get the Gang Back Together, Show That Little Punk Whose Boss, and Whats Love For, Anyway?

Skills (62 points)

 Superhero Training (B/F/I) 5d
 Tactics [Hero of the Empire] (B/F/-) 5d
 Modern Languages (B/-/-; Mind) 2d
 Student of History (B/-/-; Mind) 1d
 Inspire [Inspiring Attitude] (B/-/-; Charm) 1d
 Guitars [& Reading Sheet Music] (-/-/-; Charm) 2d
 Kerberan Brat (-/-/I; Command) 3d
 Stability (-/-/-; Command) 5d
 Feign Innocence  (-/-/-; Charm) 3d
 Perfect Little Angel (B/F/-) 1d
 Break Through (-,-,-,Body) - [+1d]
 See Through Disguise (-,-,-,Mind) - [+1d+1wd]

Powers (123 points)

Perfected Form 2hd (2pts per die; 4 points)

Useful (Custom Hit Locations)

Useful, Endless +3, Self Only -3, Subtle +1, Native Power +1, Willpower Investment -1, Attached (to Body + Superhero Training) -2

Useful (Can't be destroyed, mutilated, or permanently killed)

Useful, Native Power +1, Permanent +4, Always On -1, Self Only -3, Loopy -1, Horrifying -1

Effect: Buttercup is nearly indestructible, and hard to critically hit. Her super-speed means it's almost impossible to hit her limbs, most hits becoming body shots, and although she can be hurt, her bones can't be broken and her flesh only scraped and bruised. That said, after a critical amount of damage.. Buttercup will be rendered comatose with no vital signs. The power does not bring her back, only ensure that other powers (such as Revived by Love) have a chance to bring her back... Or, if it's true that Kerberos Club members can return from the dead, to possess her body until she can get it healed.

Resilient Body 2HD (3 pts per die; 12 points)

Defense (LAR)

Defense, Native Power +1, Armored Defense -2

Defense (HAR)

Defense, Subtle +1, Armored Defense -2, Interference +3, Attached (to Perfected Form) -2, If/then (Only against attacks or from blocking) -1

Defense (HAR+)

Defense, Native Power +1, Armored Defense -2, Interference +3, Obvious -1, Backfires -2, If/then (Only activates if Buttercup would take more than 1 lethal damage after any other powers) -0

Improved Resilient Body 2d (9 pts, 18 points)

Defense (augments Resilient Body with Extras common to all powers)

Defense, Native Power +1, Attached (to Resilient Body) -2, Augments +4, If/then (Only for Augments) -1, If/then (Only for Extras) -1, If/then (Only Augments Resilient Body) -2, Permanent +4, Always On -1, Extra Defends (3) +3, Hardened +2

Effect: This power represents Buttercup's body being difficult impossible to damage severely. Natively, up to 5 points of Shock can be ignored, but if she takes more than 1 Killing damage, it is reduced to 1 as her body releases energy to actively defend. However, if Perfected Form is active, then she can freely subtract 5 Width from any attacks, and does not suffer damage from parrying SK with her bare hands. Buttercup's skin doesn't feel any different to the touch, and she can be cut and scraped and bruised. Although it does not provide relief from pain, it's not terrible, and she can block out damage defended through Perfected Form with a Stability roll.

Immunity 2hd (2pts per die; 8 points)

Useful (protection against any and all other dangerous, but non-attack sources... except radiation)

Useful, Native Power +1, Permanent +4, Always On -1, Self Only -3, Variable +4, If/then (Only for Variable) -1, If/then (Variable only works) -1, If/then (Does not work against radiation) -1, Uncontrollable -2

Extended Immunity 4hd (1pts per die; 8 points)

Useful (Immunity, but attached to Improved Resilient Body)

Useful, Permanent +4, Always On -1, Self Only -3, Variable +4, If/then (Only for Variable) -1, If/then (Variable only works) -1, If/then (Does not work against radiation) -1, Attached (to Perfected Form) -2

Effect: Almost nothing besides an attack can hurt her. Radiation, however, denatures the proteins in her body that allow the power-giving Chemical X to be absorbed by her body, and it begins accumulating in the stomach until expelled. Severe radiation exposure can cause the black liquid to literally leak out through the skin. Any other physical, or strange, force must overcome her Immunity before affecting her. Though she can take conscious control over most of her Immunity, the rest of the time it unconsciously decides is most threatening to her, protecting her even from things she didn't know she could be protected from (But if it's not threatening, it's low priority).

Revived by Love 2h (1pts per die; 4 points)

Useful (Regeneration)

Useful, Native Power +1, Permanent +4, Always On -1, Self Only -3, Engulf +2, Loopy -1, Mental Strain -2, If/then (Only brings them back from the dead with an Expression of Love) -1, If/then (Only functions when taking no other action) -0

Effect: Almost impossible to kill, this power is what brings them back. If they take damage it heals quickly, but if they die it takes something a little extra to bring them back: An Expression of Love. It has to be real love, but not necessarily romantic love, and it isn't enough that someone somewhere loves her, it has to be displayed in her general vicinity, even if she's dead and can't perceive it.

Flight 1wd (4 pts per die; 4 points)

Useful (flying aboot)

Useful, Booster (Speed) +1, Attached (to Perfected Form) -2

Effect: Telekinesis manifesting itself as flight. It is intended to be used augmented by either Reliable or Hyperbody. It pretty much always leaves a green trail behind them, but not always. It seems to be based on how fast they are accelerating. This power is also somewhat erratic, creating gusts of wind and able to drag objects along with her, but at other times it is possible to pass through clouds without disturbing them so it is more or less a issue of concentration, or Superhero Training.

Eyes of Brilliant Light 1wd (1pts per die; 4 points)

Attack (Eyebeams!)

Attack, Native Power +1, Speeding Bullet (coordination) +2, Locational (Head) -1, Attached (to Perfected Form) -2, Obvious -1

Effect: This was the first manifestation of the girls' elemental powers: light. It can vary in power and can also be used to weld or cut through obstacles. It's generally green lasers from the eyes, but they can be shot out of the hands too and change color.

Hyperbody 1hd+3wd (1pts per die; 14 points)

Body, Native Power +1, Locational (Arms) -2, Obvious -1, If/then (Superstitious, she would be unable to use her strength if her keepsake were to be lost) -1

Hyperbody 2wd (1pts per die; 8 points)

Body, No Physics +1, Locational (Arms) -2, Attached (to Perfected Form) -2

Hyperbody Base Capacities: Mass 3.2t, Throw 800lbs, Sprint 30y, Jump 10y/2.5y

Hyperbody 1d (16pts per die; 16 points)

Body, Native Power +1, Locational (Arms) -2, If/then (Superstitious, she would be unable to use her strength if her keepsake were to be lost) -1, Augments +4, If/then (Only for Augments) -1, If/then (Only for Extras) -1, Power Theme (PP Gs?) -1
No Physics +1, Booster +6, Interference (Defends Only) +1, Radius +2, Duration +2, Spray (1d) +1

Effect: Buttercup's super strength and speed allows her to accomplish incredible feats. She keeps a locket, and while she doesn't quite believe her powers come from it, she would lose the will and concentration to use her super-strength. And while the power isn't actually in her arms, if damaging manacles were applied or she simply punched something too hard, it would hurt her strength and force her to withdraw. The base power is split in two to allow her to use some of her power constantly without glowing, but at full power it is impossible not to radiate energy, and the feats accomplished with the extra hyperbody would clearly be obvious to anyone, anyway.
The augments power is simply a cheap way to get many expensive wiggle dice of powers. Radius when used with wiggle die allow for a variety of effects, from ranged attacks using static electricity or sonic shouts, or lifting large numbers of people or volumes of fluids, or just attacking everyone in a straight line. In general the things done with Radius are going to be so obvious by themselves that any glowing would hardly be noticed.
It can augment skills, so, adding it to a Body skill is the easiest way to get the full bang out of the Hyperbody dice, but it requires a appropriate skill. If there is no such skill use Power of the Day to get it. If there's no time, a willpower can be spent to increase the augments power to 2d, allowing 2 wiggle dice to be used, and then Duration means that further rolling is unnecessary for a short time. It can augment other powers, such as Flight, to make Buttercup fly faster, or senses, to allow her to hear anyone in england... or hell, the world, calling for help or focus in on the sound of one voice, or see what is happening on the surface of the moon right now. It can also augment powers, so if shooting lightning out of her hands by rubbing them fast doesn't work, a power can be generated via Power of the Day, and then these extras added as appropriate.

Hypercoordination 4d (1pts per die; 4 point)

Coordination, Locational (Legs) -2, Limited Width –1

Effect: Buttercup has good balance but is used to using her legs as counterweights, without their full use her coordination suffers terribly.

Hypersense 1wd (1pts per die; 4 points)

Sense, Native Power +1, Booster +1, Fragile -1, Locational (Head) -1, Willpower Investment -1, Attached to Sense+Superhero Training -2

Effect: Although able to use amazing sensory powers, Buttercup is still easily distracted, and it takes concentration and training to use those powers. Plus, all her sensory organs are in her head, so if she gets boxed in the ears enough her sensory super powers aren't going to work until she heals.

Hypercharm 2d (1pts per die; 2 points)

Charm, No Physical Change -1, Attached (Charm) -0, Automatic -1, Erratic -1, Duration +2, Delayed Effect -2, If/then (Duration and Delayed Effect Extras only applies to excess Erratic pairs) -0

Effect: Buttercup is charmed.. beyond simply being attractive and knowing how to behave (even if she doesn't); there is something about her that convinces people to overlook her flaws, and think of her as a proper lady. She doesn't have control over this, and often, she finds people convinced (by her!) of things she never intended and often directly contrary to her wishes.

Hyperskill (See Through Disguise) 1d (1pts per die; 1 point)

Hyperskill (See Through Disguise (-,-,-,Mind)), Spray (1wd) +4, Locational (Head) -1, Fragile -1, Reduced Capacities (short range) -1

Effect: Buttercup is great at seeing through mundane disguises, though she has to be right up next to them to do so. She can only do it if she recognizes the person behind the disguise, so she won't learn if someone is disguised that she doesn't know, because she doesn't know how they ought to look.

Power of the Day 3d+2hd (2pts per die; 14 points)

Useful (Buttercup's specially practiced abilities are useful)

Useful, Variable +4, Endless +3, Attached (Mind+Superhero Training) -2, If/Then (must be used for Variable Effect) –1, Slow -2, Depleted –1, Go Last -1, If/then (No Ice Powers, or Speaking with Animal powers) -1

Attacks (...and dangerous!)

Attacks, Variable +4, Permanent +4, Always On -1, Attached (Useful quality) -2, If/Then (must be used for Variable Effect) –1, Slow -2, Depleted –1, Go Last -1, If/then (No Ice Powers, or Speaking with Animal powers) -1

Effect: A great number of powers can be acquired through this skill without trouble. Because the girls basically can do anything - it's just the way in which they do it - there is no power theme on this Cosmic Power. And there's plenty of stuff they would be able to do, if it came up in the show, and they can do most things three or four different ways, even. The power qualities have to be used at the same time, defining how the theme of the power, and then deciding how that is useful, and how it can be used to attack. The same theme can be expressed many different ways, so the extras on a power may vary wildly. The power can also be used to provide superhuman competence in skills and physical abilities.