Gates Of Hades



An extremely common sight in and about the Kerberos Club, Jeremiah actually lives in one of the apartments and spends almost all of his leisure time reading some book in the Club's library, taking his lunch in the Club's dining room or simply socializing with his fellow members. In fact, to all appearances, Jeremiah is a bit of a idle layabout when he's not otherwise involving himself in some matter of important. This has not, of course, kept him from being on friendly terms with his fellow members. In fact, just about everyone knows Jeremiath and the odds are good that they have pleasant things to say about him. Truth be told, the youthful 27-year old is quite charming, and he's proven himself more than willing to lend a hand with any manner of activity if asked (but only if asked; he rarely volunteers aid of any sort). He's also quite fond of the Challenge, and of Ceremony and Tradition, and frequently assists in the induction of new members and the orchestration of their Challenges (even if he's not asked to do such). He's, in fact, overseen the induction of many of the Club's newest members.

Though the newer members often have plenty of good things to say about him, though, none of them really know him...