Bright`Mane can be found, by one who cares to look, not that far into the reconstructed portion of the City ruins that are currently known as Caer Dharrow. In particular, the large ediface that he had entered seemed to be a temple of some sort, very carefully constructed according with loving attention to detail and no small amount of pride.

Bright`Mane ::Most of the interior of the Temple was open, free of anything except a smooth stone floor. The very central area was a large circular area, open to the night sky, ringed by large pillars.:: Bright`Mane stands in that central area, before a large white stone alter, meditating silently in the moonlight. Misati finally found time to clean up, and was back to wearing the dresses that she was much more comfortable, and was wearing her hair loose. She walked towards the center, with slow deliberate steps, making sure she was heard. She didn't want him to think she was sneaking up on him. Bright`Mane heard you, fairly quickly, maybe a moment or so before you intended to be heard... Bright`Mane glanced back in your direction, first with a bit of distaste, then with measured neutrality..

Bright`Mane "I take it this is about my words earlier?" Misati actually looks a little surprised and shy at the same time. ", I thought you deserved a better apology." Bright`Mane looks somewhat surprised, and gives you a slight nod. He seems to appreciate the gesture. Misati rubs her hands together nervously and hides behind a curtain of dark hair. "I shouldn't have done that. I'd like to tell you what I was thinking to make me behave that way....but truth is there really wasn't much coherent thought involved"

Bright`Mane "As long as you understand why I objected the way I did," he notes, "You have no need to explain. Though if you wish to do so, I will listen." Bright`Mane turns his head up through the open section of the ceiling, toward Luna above...

Misati "Oh I think you were completly justified in you actions. It's just..." She took a breath, "I found the...recordings Coranth left earlier today and at the moment I know more about his life then my own, and all of a sudden you were standing there..." she trails off into an embaressed silence.

Bright`Mane "Ah," he notes... It makes perfect sense to him, until he comprehends everything that you said, and turns back to you somewhat confused? "What do you mean, you know more about his life than your own?"

Misati "About a year ago, I woke up naked in the woods around Nulam. I remember nothing before that."

Bright`Mane "That is...unususal. You must have powerful enemies," he notes, lightly, inwardly thinking 'or you're lying'... Though he doesn't necessarily believe that.

Bright`Mane "But yes, that does explain why you behaved as you did..."

Bright`Mane "The recordings you speak of," he notes, "releate to the Opal you had given to me?"

Bright`Mane ((relate)) Misati blushes a bright red, "yes, it didn't feel right to keep it... knowing that his wife was something less the a happy and willing participant" Bright`Mane just looks vaguely confused at that, having no real idea what your talking about, but lets it go.

Bright`Mane "In the end, it doesn't matter. I am not White Lily; you are not Coranth. This is obvious." Misati nods "I know that, really. It's just that..." she pauses a moment looking for the right words "There's this vacuum that used to be my life, and in looking for I found another...and he's total ass. And I'm at a loss. Then there's you, a connection to the only thing I know and all I want to do apoligize for actions that aren't even mine" She whispers, almost on the verge of tears. Bright`Mane turns, fully, and regards you. Misati stares down at the floor, hiding behind her hair.

Bright`Mane "Let me make one thing clear; I did not react to what you did because of who you are or were. I reacted that way because you did not know me, and I did not know you, and you had no right to kiss me. And, admittedly, because the fact that you did so regardless awakened old buried memories of a long dead woman."

Bright`Mane "But do not concern yourself with that. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for."

Bright`Mane "Do not focus your life around Coranth - he is dead, gone, forgotten by the world. You are not dead; somewhere out there, the threads of your identity linger, along with the person that took them from you."

Bright`Mane "Find that person, and end them."

Bright`Mane "Only that will bring you peace. Not the memories of a dead man." Bright`Mane picks up your face by your chin, so that he's looking you in the eyes, as he says that. Misati looks up at him and vainly tries to blink away tears. "It doesn't help that you absolutly gorgeos either" she sniffles trying regain some semblance of composure Bright`Mane laughs, and smiles just a bit, releasing you once you've made a joke.

Bright`Mane "That may be so," he notes, still amused. "But do not let yourself get distracted -- by your memories of Coranth, by me, by anything that might lead you away. Your identity has been stolen from you, taken from you by someone. You have the strength to get it back, if you use it."

Bright`Mane "The one mistake your enemy made was letting you escape."

Bright`Mane "And that mistake will be his undoing. If you keep true." Misati nods "You wrong about on thing though, I don't want to rule of subjagate anyone. The are, or least ought to be, the servants, not the rulers"

Misati (oops the solars)

Bright`Mane "It is the purpose of the Exalted to do what is best for the people," he notes, "It is important to not confuse what is best for the people with what is best for us."

Bright`Mane "But regardless, it is good to hear that you lack in the vainglory of so many of your kind. I will admit; I have been most impressed with the composure of your Circle. You are different than I would have imagined."

Bright`Mane "Despite it, however, I fear the return of your power to the world will have consequences." Bright`Mane glances back at the Altar and the Moon-Shrine...

Bright`Mane "I would be alone with my worship," he notes, politely. "I thank you for your apology, however, and am sure we shall meet again in better circumstances. Remember what I told you, though, of your foremost goal."

Bright`Mane "Servant or master, you must reclaim yourself before you can truly decide upon anything else." Misati nods. "Of course. Good night." She says and quietly walks away. Session Time: Wed May 03 00:00:00 2006 Finnre`Merayen is laying in her room resting, but not asleep. Misati quietly knocks on Mera's door, so as not to wake her if she's asleep. Finnre`Merayen looks and sits up. "Enter." Misati pokes her head in, "I hate you, you know that?" she says with no malice and a touch of affection Finnre`Merayen smiles and waves to Misati in an effort to get her to enter. "Did you talk to Bright Mane?"

Misati "Yes.. you know i did"

Finnre`Merayen And he doesn't hate you, does he? If anything, he understands better and accepts you, though probably not in the way you'd want the most. Misati makes a face at you, "If anything, him being so understanding makes it worse. Does the word 'smitten' mean anything to you?" Finnre`Merayen sighs, "I only wish I could do something for you there. My only advice is this... perhaps he will be drawn to you in time. I am certain it'll be difficult, but if you are both willing to start with a clean slate, anything is possible." Misati shrugs "eh it's not that important. Like I said, you can save someone from a broken heart, and he's got his agenda"

Finnre`Merayen No, but that doesn't mean that I can't wish I could help you more. But, such is not within my power.

Misati "You can't fix every thing"

Finnre`Merayen No, but with power such as ours, that just means you lament those things that can not be fixed even more.

Misati "bah! we have a lot of power for being nothing more the cosmic cleaning ladies." Finnre`Merayen laughs, "Perhaps you are right on this one. But, there are some fairly big messes, so our power is needed to handle them properly."

Misati "So when do i get my all powerful mop?" Finnre`Merayen snickers, "I think we'll have to ask Skyla about that. She's the crafter and one who's known about most of the treasures we've found."

Misati "if she actuall makes me mop, i'll do something very bad to her" Finnre`Merayen just smiles at hearing that.

Finnre`Merayen So do you feel better, Misati?

Misati "more or less, being complely attracted to man, who isn't attracted to me, I can deal with that" Finnre`Merayen nods and gets up to hug Misati Misati makes a big fuss over cringing away, "what is with you and the hugging"

Finnre`Merayen "Because, you need to know that you are cared for, and I do care. It is far better than ignoring you." Finnre`Merayen winks to Misati Finnre`Merayen lets go of Misati and sits back down Misati shudders "you are so weird" and walks out the door.