The Addison Clan

  • Maribelle Valsworth - Grandaunt-in-Law who lives on the outskirts of town; lots of dogs; used to run a school for them. Her home got hit by a Meteor.
    • Jonathon Addison / Jons Exes - lazy good for nothing uncle who knows someone everywhere.
      • Bob Addison / Millie Addison - joined the army, taking after the old man!
        • Anna Addison - Cousin; going into the Navy; just finished officer school.
        • Jill Addison - Kyanite's cousin, and his god-daughter, who just went off to college.
    • Folster Addison - "He went to college over in Briton. Is a high payed architect. makes the houses you see on the fancy house magazines."
  • Nanna and Grandpa - the paternal grandparents
    • Cathy Addison / Brigham Marshal - Kyanite's Aunt, a real globe-trotter, currently hiking the Himalayas, and her ex-husband.
      • Calvin Marshal - older Cousin; real football jock, good at sports, but not quite professional. Police Detective.
    • Cynthia Miller / Dalton Miller - Kyanite's Aunt and her husband.
      • Franklin Miller - Older cousin; works in Nevada.
      • Megan Miller - Cousin, roughly same age (one year younger).
    • Jake Addison / Yuzuki Addison - Kyanite's Father, and his Japanese wife
      • Kyanite Addison - Dominus of Winter!