Haniel, the Seventh Key, is one of ten Angels that together maintain a complex arrangement of Chancels spread among the various worlds of Yggdrasil. Long predating the Valde Bellum, and sometimes referred to as the "Tree of Life", "The Sephirot" or many other terms, this constellation of Chancels is necessary to ensure the proper distribution of the Great Work of Heaven amongst the various worlds that hang from the World Ash. Each Chancel is connected to the other worlds that make up the constellation, and ultimately to Heaven, making each a vital part of Heaven's supply chain and a potential weak point. It is thus little surprise that, of the Ten Worlds that host Chancels belonging to this Constellation, four are currently under attack by the Dark Horsemen.

Long used to having a presence on Earth, the Angel used to have a very light touch on the societies of Man. Her influence was only really felt in the Western Hemisphere, and mainly in what would eventually become known as the American Southwest. Most notable of such interferences was her eradication of the Anasazi: a corrupting presence upon the Earth which she annihilated with such force that only their name now remains. Their name, and a handful of cities cut into the sides of mountains, where those who had heard the Song of Heaven echo in their heart would hide whenever the Great Enemy came too near.

Of all the guests that Haniel received in the Tower by the Sea, and all the faces she looked forward to seeing when visiting Heaven, it was that of her longest and closest friend that she longed for the most when they were apart and took the greatest joy in seeing when they were together: the Celestial Librarian and Keeper of Wisdom, Lariníen, whose transformative visits often left the Earth very different on those occasions when she paid a visit. The Seeker (as Lariníen was often called) had always been curious about the full extents of Creation, and was much more free to travel than the Angel of the Seventh Key, and though Haniel always enjoyed listening to her friend tell stories of the wonders she had seen that was not why she enjoyed her beloved's visits.

For, to Haniel, Lariníen was beloved and in time their relationship grew under the shadow of the very thing that would test it. While sitting under the guiding wings of the Lightbringer, they grew closer still and became Lovers and more than Lovers. Haniel bound her heart to Lariníen, and Lariníen bound her heart in turn to Haniel: ever would each stand by the others side and never would they abandon what was held sacred in the eyes of Heaven. For in the brightest realm, only the Angels last forever, and only an Angel's love can endure.



Chancel: The Shining Metropolis?