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This Background indicates that a character is the owner (and wearer) of a Eufiber colony and rates the Quantum capacity of that colony. Eufiber is a form of nanotech monofilament, each strand too thin to be seen by the unassisted Baseline human eye. Each "colony" is actually a single strand woven back over, across and through itself numerous times in order to form a wearable suit. Eufiber stores and attunes Quantum energy, and once charged may be made to change its texture, coloration, and length, as well as maintain an amazing tensile strength.

In game terms, a Eufiber colony's primary function is as armor. A given colony can store a number of Quantum points equal to its rating (once points are spent by the user to charge the colony they may be regained normally ) and colonies retain their charge indeffinately, or until the user withdraws points from their "bank". Each point stored grants a +2B/+2L soak bonus to the wearer. It also opens up the possibility of reshaping the Eufiber in a variety of ways.

Reshaping a Eufiber colony requires an action spent rolling Wits+Eufiber. Successes are most often spent adjusting the suit's shape a coloration: 1 success to adjust minor details such as the color of a jacket or the length of a skirt, 3 successes to move to a completely different but familiar form (such as a Nova's public persona "costume"), and 5 successes to adopt a new and different shape invented on the fly. Using this capacity to create camoflage provides +1 to stealth rolls per every two successes, but only while the wearer holds still. Successes may also be spent to extrude tentrils of Eufiber, extending reach by one yard per success, or to create cutting attacks (+1L per success).

In an emergency, a colony's wearer may withdraw Quantum points from the suit, reducing its soak value and capacity for shape change, but gaining a slight boost in Quantum reserves (any number of points may be withdrawn as a relfexive action). Uncharged Eufiber automatically reverts to its "base form" (the pattern into which it was woven originally).