Keep Jean away from the gene tanks or else he might try to invent something like this!

I decided to make up a race that had Megalomania and I came up with this.

Gersemi (TL 12?) 80 points. Gersemi are the combination of human tissue and organs with Living Metal nanomachines. Meant to be the next step of Humanity, the resulting combination is capable of evolving itself on a local timescale while still having human thoughts and desires. Gersemi normally gather together in hives, both due to their selfishness and living on a different time scale than most humans. An unintended side effect left them unable to make sense of graphical representations, but they are all literate and able to directly connect with computers so there is little drawback. The dependance on humans on icons is another reason for them to prefer each other's company, but they can rewire their brains for iconography by loading the appropriate chip. They also tend to focus on something unique to each of them at a very young age, a goal they are driven to accomplish above all else. This is occasionally overcome but the Gersemi are a very motivated race despite their immortality. Although the nanites are designed to maintain and enhance the human body, they do not make alterations from the original design unless programmed to. Gersemi can absorb special chips containing physical or mental upgrades. These chips are combined with small energy cells that power the transformation process. Enclaves formed by the Gersemi outlaw X-ray lasers as it is their fatal weakness, and good for little other than an assassination tool.

Advantages: Modular Abilities, Chip Slots [two 5 point slots] (Temporary Disadvantage, Power Cell Dependancy, Common, Constantly, -50%; Physical: +100%, Preperation Required, 1 minute, -20%) [52], Altered Time Rate 1 (Non-Combat Speed, -60%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [32], Nictitating Membrane [1], Vacuum Support [5], Eidetic Memory [5], Early Maturation 3 [0], Extended Lifespan 3 [6], Longevity [2], Unkillable 1 (Achilles' Heel: X-ray lasers, -50% ) [25], Perk: Accessory, Personal Computer [1], Perk: Accessory, Data Bus [1]

Disadvantages: Invertebrate [-20], Megalomania [-10], Non-Iconographic [-10], Selfless [-5], Unusual Biochemistry [-5]

Taboo Trait: Most cybernetics and bionics, illiteracy.

Those who decide to become soldiers buy off the 'Non-Combat Speed' limitation on Altered Time Rate.

Megalomania is only bought off by those who achieve their childhood dreams. Others go through therapy, but can only exchange it for another drawback and Overconfidence. Parents often replace it with points of Dependants. Those who fail in their mad scheme may replace it with an Addiction.

Non-Iconographic is not repairable - even if they load translation software, they still find graphical interfaces cumbersome.

Cybernetics can be installed to literally give them a backbone or exoskeleton, but this requires the Invertebrate disadvantage to be bought off first. More likely though, they use the Shapeshifting Morph ability with Mass Conservation, Retains Shape (both required for them to have Morph) and Temporary Disadvantage, Power Cell Dependancy, Common, Daily. This allows them to transform into other Panhumans with a spine.

Most kinds of cybernetics have to have a module loaded in modular abilities in order to for their body to interface with them.