< Gideon | The Crew | Sabine Jones >

Deimos (real name unpronounceable by any human tongue)


Templates - Advantages - Disadvantages - Psionics

 Basic Lift: 3.2 lbs
 Basic Speed: 6 [0], Basic Move: 10 [0]
 Damage: Thrust 1d-5, Swing 1d-4
 Defenses: Dodge 10-, Parry 12- (-3 vs. non-thrusting weapons)

 Languages [0]: None
 Reactions: None.

Condtional: None

< Deimos Notes? | Deimos Page | Deimos Equipment? >

Skills [98]
Skill/TL (Specialty)LevelRel. LvlCost
Bioengineering (GenEng)12-IQ-2[1]
Body Sense12-HT+0[4]
Includes: +4 from Soul-Piercing  
Free Fall17-DX+2[12]
Includes: +4 from Soul-Piercing  
Conditional: +2 from Silence if still, +1 if moving  
Psychology (Human)23-IQ+9[24]
Includes: +4 from Soul-Piercing  
Theology (Christian)14-IQ+0[4]


 Body: Space Cat

To outward appearances, you appear to be a zero-G adapted cat. In actuality, however, you are a incorporeal entity possessing the body of a genetically engineered feline called "Deimos" by the telepath that owns it - a fellow named Gabriel with problems of his own. You've existed in this plane for longer than you can remember, the details of one body blending into the next. [-34]

 Deimos Morphs:

For the purposes of your skills and stats above, I'm assuming you are using Morph to modify the above template to make it even more intelligent. This is the "Thinking Cat" lense from the above page. It uses 45 of your total +118 points from Morph, and is the upper limit to the intelligence adjustments you can make to the Cat template.

Advantages [194]

 Morph (Evolutionary)

You possess a remarkable ability to rewrite the DNA sequence of whatever form you're currently inhabiting, evolving or devolving it in various ways. Unlike normal Morph you cannot change your essential Racial Template, but you can modify the template of the Body you're currently possessing. This requires an IQ roll to make the changes to the genome, and the transformation itself requires an hour or more (on average; the actual time depends on the extent of the changes) of metamorphosis. Any changes you make are limited by Conservation of Mass and some GenEng constraints (beyond cutting edge, but still reasonable), but otherwise, you have a great amount of leeway. You retain all changes until you use this power again. You can add up to 118 points to your Body template. [143]

 Not Responsive

You don't have the "Responsive" trait from your racial template. You're uncaring and distant even compared to other cats. You may, of course, fake this trait if you wish particularly with your 'owner' Gideon. [1]

 Power Talent: Teleportation II

You're a Psionic Teleporter, with a +2 to all Teleportation skills and the ability to gain more in play. [10]

 Talent: Soul-Piercing 4

You are an inhumanly astute judge of people, knowing how they work and what makes them tick. You gain +4 to your effective IQ, and 20% off training times, for the purposes of the following skills: Anthropology, Body Language, Criminology, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Fortune-Telling, Intelligence Analysis, Interrogation, Merchant, Psychology, and Sociology. You also gain a +4 reaction bonus from ????. [40]

Disadvantages [-141]


You aren't merely "unlucky"; whenever anything goes wrong, it happens to you, first and foremost. Often times things go wrong for the sole and express purpose of hosing you and you have no say in the matter. Something out there doesn't like you, and you have to find out what it is and do something about it, one way or the other. [-75]

 Delusions (Major)

You believe yourself to be a Fallen Angel, from the Christian Mythos, with enough intensity that it strongly influences your behavior but doesn't necessarily interfere with your living a normal life. It is quite possible that this belief is, in fact, true. From an outside perspective, however, it's irrational, delusional and quite weird. Others thus react to you at -2. [-10]

 Overconfidence (15-)

You believe that you're far more cunning, intelligent and competent than you really are. You must make a Self-Control roll whenever the GM feels you are showing an unreasonable degree of caution, given your level of awesome. If you fail, go ahead as if you were able to handle the situation. [-2]

 Secret (Utter Rejection)

You must keep the fact that you're an inhuman entity possessing a cat a secret. If your true nature ever gets out, to any appreciable degree, it will change your entire existence. You can share this with the fellow PC's, and even select individuals you can "trust", but if the secret gets out on a wide scale, bad things will occur and everything about your life will change. [-10]

 Selfish (9-)

You are self-important and status conscious, spending much of your time striving for social dominance. You must make a Self-Control roll whenever you experience a clear social slight or "snub"; on a failure, you lash out at the offending party. [-7]

 Sense of Duty (Gideon)

You feel a strong sense of commitment toward Gideon, and won't betray him, abandon him when he's in trouble or let him suffer or go hungry if you can help. [-2]


You always want your own way. Make yourself generally hard to get along with -- roleplay it! You're friends might have to make lots of Fast-Talk rolls to get you to go along with perfectly reasonable plas, and others tend to react to you at -1. [-5]

 Unusual Biochemistry

You can subsist on human foods (and, really, just about anything given your genemods), but your biochemistry is sufficiently different from a humans that drugs have an unpredictable affect on you. Roll a 1d6 when exposed to anything; on a 1-3, it has the normal effect. On a 4-5, it has a harmful effect. On a 6, it has no effect what so ever. [-5]

 Wealth: Dead Broke

You own nothing. Everything you own, you either steal or receive from your "Patron" Gideon. [-25]

Psionics [82]

 Exoteleport 7

You can teleport other subjects, animate or not. You must be able to see the subject or know exactly where it is, and neither you nor your subject can be observed. It also cannot weigh more than your Capacity of 20 lbs. Roll against your skill, subtracting penalties based on both the range to your subject and the distance you want to teleport that subject. You also take a preparation modifiers, and must take at least one second. You can spend fatigue points to reduce your skill penalty; 2 FP for every -1 you remove. If you're successful, the subject resists with HT. Failure means he changes location. Living subjects feel a powerful wrenching sensation and must make a Body Sense roll or spend the next turn recovering. If you attempt to teleport yourself, your skill is at -2. [74]

Note, see Teleportation Modifiers for more details on the penalties/bonuses possible from range and preparation.

Psychic Skills
includes talent bonuses
+ Mass Teleport 12- Skill-4 [4]