
alternate spellcraft rules

Harvesting Mana

System: The caster makes a Concentration check, DC of 10. Success harvests one mana die and suffuses the caster with it. This is a full action.


  • For every 5 points over the harvesting check rolled, the caster harvests another mana die. So, rolling 15 harvest two mana dice; rolling 25 harvests four.
  • A caster may store mana dice indefinitely, but may store no more than (caster level + Constitution modifier). A caster holding mana dice is considered to be mana-wreathed. See the next section for details.
  • There are many types of mana. A caster may harvest only mana types he has the attunement feat for.

The Mana-Wreath

System: When holding mana dice, a caster is wreathed in mana. A mana-wreathed caster may use manaforge feats.


  • The mana-wreath is a full-sensory display, even scenting the air with crackling ozone. Its appearance is determined thematically by the spells cast and the type of mana held. For every 3 mana dice held by a caster, the caster suffers an accumulating -2 penalty to all checks made to avoid notice. When anything over twelve dice are held, avoiding notice is impossible.
  • The longer a caster remains mana-wreathed, the more the chance that there will be a mana-taint left behind by the energy. As mana-taint builds, the caster grows more potent, but mutates and grows more alien as well. A Fortitude check (DC 15) must be made every hour a caster remains wreathed - the DC for this roll increases by 5 every subsequent hour.

Mana-user Feats

Manaforge feats are disciplines instructing the mastery over mana. These feats literally forge the mana into worldly, as opposed to ephemeral, being.

  • Banish [Manaforge] - Abolish, counterspell, destroy or ignore mana
  • Bestow [Manaforge] - Interweave mana into people, places, or things
  • Direct [Manaforge] - Shape and guide raw mana to whatever the caster wills
  • Funnel [Manaforge] - Suffuse oneself with the raw conduits of mana
  • Mutate [Manaforge] - Transform the purpose of a spell, or even the type of mana behind it
  • Summon [Manaforge] - Call quantities of mana into being

There are three major known types of mana, each acting as an umbrella over several other aligned manas. Commonly, the three types are sorted by the type of mana-wreath they create.

  • Lambent Vessel [Attunement] - May detect and store purity, fire, solar, celestial and heavenly forces
    • Sacrosanct [Attunement] - Inflicts 1 permanent mana-taint, grants 1 permanent lambent mana
  • Verdant Vessel [Attunement] - May detect and store oceanic, earthen, feral, spirit and storm forces
    • Behemoth [Attunement] - Inflicts 1 permanent mana-taint, grants 1 permanent verdant mana
  • Ancient Vessel [Attunement] - May detect and store chaotic, necrotic, umbral, hellish and torment forces
    • Monolith [Attunement] - Inflicts 1 permanent mana-taint, grants 1 permanent ancient mana

Mana-use is not free, mechanically speaking. One must embark on the following feat path in order to be privy to the use and detection of mana.

  • Mana-touched [Spellcraft] - May use d6 mana dice. May purchase manaforge and attunement feats.
    • Acolyte [Spellcraft] - d8
      • Magus [Spellcraft] - d10
        • Arch-magus [Spellcraft] - d12