The art of Synodic socialize revolves around making the strengths and assumptions held by their target work against them, binding them in a chain of their own morals and beliefs. Mmmm.... chaaaaains.

Tall, Dark, and Handsome
Cost: 6 motes
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Socialize: 3
Min. Ess: 2
Prereqs: None

Rogueish good looks, a dangerous flair, and the fascination all have with the criminal combine in this charm. For a brief instant, the target falls in love with infamy and thrills to the exclusion of their normal reactions. For the rest of the scene, any penalties from bad reputation or legal status are eliminated when dealing with one target, and a number of dice equal to the rating of said reputation or penalty are added to social rolls involving the target.

Forbidden Fruit Tastes The Sweetest
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplmental
Min. Socialize: 4
Min. Ess: 3
Prereqs: None

Luring the target with perverse insinuations, strange promises, and the sickly sweet scent of lust, the Synodic turns Temperance in upon itself, illustrating the perils of strong convictions. When this charm is activated, it lowers the TN of any one social roll by 1 for each dot of Temperance the target has over two. The temperance is raised by one if used on a being with Temp 1. The jaded have no need of you.