Detroit By Night

Judge Woodwards Master Plan

The Rise of Old Detroit Money

For a city destined to become an industrial giant, Detroit didn’t boast much manufacturing capability
until well into the 19th century. With the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 the area received a
deluge of immigrants from upstate New York and Boston. By 1840 there were more Irish in Detroit than
French, and French influence on public affairs had become quite small.

Until the last two decades of the 19th century, the region’s major wealth was generated by agriculture,
lumbering, and fishing. With the steady rise of Great Lakes shipping, and new railroad lines in the 1850s
Detroit became a regional transportation center. In the later part of the century Detroit became the leading
Great Lakes boat building center and a national leader in the manufacture of railroad cars. By the start of
the 20th century it also became the American leader in the manufacture of stoves.

Henry Ford and the Automotive Revolution