Dice, action & consequences summary

  • To begin the round, everybody rolls dice for their forms, according to their characters’ actions, and including dice for particular strengths as appropriate.
  • Everybody gets a turn, in order from high roll to low.
  • The high roll stands; everybody else picks up their dice.
  • On your turn, reroll your dice, unless your turn is first and thus your dice stand.
  • On your turn, make a challenge. Say who has to answer it. NARRATE IT.
  • Everybody who has to answer, gets to answer, in turn order. NARRATE YOUR ANSWER.
  • On your answer, reroll your dice and compare. NARRATE THE SUCCESS OR OTHERWISE OF YOUR ANSWER
  • If you have to answer before your turn, you lose your move. You get a move only if it comes to your turn and no one’s challenged you.
  • Once the last person’s had her turn, the round ends.
  • After the first round, write names on the owe list.
  • In the third round, all winning and losing is absolute. It never goes past the third round.

When you compare dice:

  • If your roll’s half your challenger’s or less, you lose absolutely: you’re exhausted or injured, or negotiate other consequences.
  • If your roll’s less than your challenger’s, but more than half, you lose the advantage: roll forward, and your challenger gets an advantage die (or you can negotiate consequences here, too).
  • If your roll matches or beats your challenger’s, but not by double, you win the advantage: you roll forward and you get an advantage die (or you can negotiate consequences here, too).
  • If your roll doubles your challenger’s, you win absolutely: you exhaust or injure your challenger, or negotiate other consequences.
  • In the third round, losing the advantage means losing absolutely, and winning the advantage means winning absolutely.

The owe list: After the first round, write names on the owe list. Write your character’s name if:

  • You’re a player, not the GM, and
  • You rolled smaller dice against bigger, and
  • You’re still in the action.

Before any time you roll dice, if you choose, you can buy an advantage die:

  • Scratch one appearance of one of your characters’ names off the owe list, and
  • It can be any of your characters, not just this one, and
  • Take a d6 with pips and include it in your roll, and
  • You get to keep it and keep rolling it until the end of this action sequence.