< A Grave Conversation | HighSchoolOfShadows | Dire Wolf >

<Mese> After walking for about ten more minutes, Ophelia and Ping wind up at the edge of the forest.

<Mese> In the gloom of the evening, it has a distinctly forbidding look. Beneath the wooded canopy, little light reaches the ground.

ophel1a swallows hard, looking at the forest

<Mese> Abrielle is watching from a distance, but still just in earshot...

<Ping> At the sudden stop of Ophelia, Ping swoops in and grabs her around the waist. She breaths a bit into her ear and speaks soft words, "So... strong..."

<ophel1a> "What are you doing?" she squeaks

Ping doesn't answer but nibbles on Ophelia's ear

Abrielle picks up a rock and throws it at Ping!

<ophel1a> "Stop... that..." she protests weakly, wanting it to continue, confused and feeling strange

<Mese> The rock connects with Ping's face. WHAP! It's immediately obvious where it came from.

Ping has a deep cut over her right eye, it stream blood. She falls to the ground behind Ophelia limply.

<Abrielle> "WHY AREN'T I ENOUGH!?"

<Abrielle> "I would have given you my world!"

<ophel1a> "Ping? PING! ABRIELLE YOU BITCH!" Ophelia rages.

Abrielle sobs hysterically.

<ophel1a> Ophelia runs over to Abrielle and tries to drag her bodily into the woods.

<Mese> Ophelia lands a good punch or two in the ensuing scuffle, and drags Abrielle to the woods. She can't stop her from turning around though, and....

Abrielle locks eyes with Ophelia and starts chanting!

Ping sits up and watches the conflict ensue

Ping brushes blood from her right eye, "ow..."

<Abrielle> "Balach-nerakta achar tok'ree"

<Abrielle> "I bind thee, BITCH"

<ophel1a> "Shut the fuck up! What the hell are you doing?" Ophelia yells at her and tries to shove her away

<Mese> Some sort of invisible force prevents the shove, pushing Ophelia back..

<Ping> "ABRIELLE STOP THIS NOW! You don't want to do this!"

Ping looks at the rock next to her

<Abrielle> "You made me do this Ping! I wanted to trust you..."

<Abrielle> "But now I have no choice!"

Abrielle moves up to Ping to lock eyes with her...

<ophel1a> "You fucking bitch, WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" Ophelia cries, looking down at her hands

Ping points at Ophelia and says with a loud scream, "QUIET!"

Ping glares at Abrielle <Abrielle> "Why would you kiss her? She doesn't love you, no one could ever love you like I love you. I never meant to hit you on the head. Don't you care about me too? Think about your answer don't lie to me!"

Abrielle thinks to herself what is the point of loving anyone no one can be trusted.

<Ping> "I didn't kiss her! It was... I don't know what it was!"

<Abrielle> "I saw you!"

<Abrielle> I warned you not to lie to me! You'll never lie to me again! not without regretting it!"

Abrielle begins chanting holding back tears of rage and confusion.

<ophel1a> Ophelia watches the scene in helpless anger and fear, "Stop, please! Stop it!"

<Mese> T He? hex holds, and Ping can immediately feel a buzzing in her ears, that won't go away...

Ping shakes her head trying to free herself from the ringing to no avail!

Abrielle can hear Ophelia voice ringing in her ears.

Abrielle turns to Ophelia

<Mese> <<In a bind, my darling?>> whispers a voice from the trees in Ophelia's ear.

<Abrielle> "Why would you take Ping away from me? in't Cole enough?"

<Abrielle> "I tried I tried to be nice to you but you reduced me to tears remember?"

<Abrielle> We could have been friends you and I....But NOT now not ever. Everyone you ever loved I'm going to make them hate you."

<ophel1a> "I brought her to you, make Abrielle stop cursing people! Look what she did to me?" She holds up her hands, which look just fine.

<Abrielle> "I don't have to kill you...I'm going to make you kill yourself!"

<Abrielle> "TALK TO ME!"

<Mese> <<Yes, thank you for Ping. Rest assured the witch's electoral prospects are doomed.>>

<Mese> <<Now, you want her to stop these uncouth curses as well?>>

<Mese> <<It's a deal. Just leave Ping, and run home.>>

<Mese> A wolf howls, in the distance.

ophel1a looks between Abrielle and Ping, and when her eyes land on Ping, she remembers her lips and the rush of warmth that had flooded through her... and then she remembers that she's not the only one, and she clenches her fists.

ophel1a turns from the scene and starts to walk, and then to run home.

Ping turns and wanders away from them both and into the woods... has to get away...

<Mese> Ophelia sprints back out of the forest, rushing heedlessly back out to the road. But of a sudden, a wolf is there, right in her path... she stumbles right over, crunching to the ground painfully.

<ophel1a> Ophelia freaks the fuck out as she scrambles, bleeding, back to her feet. "You said I should just run home!" She screams into the darkness, "I did what you said!"

<Mese> T He? wolf, for its part, doesn't evince much interest in her, and with a casual glance backwards... and a WINK... it pads back, to the forest, and to Abrielle...

<Mese> A few moments later, there's a wolf before Abrielle.

<Mese> It growls in a low rumble, like a distant earthquake.

Abrielle sensing that the wolf wants a fight, grabs the rock she had earlier throw at ping

<Abrielle> *thrown

Abrielle says a prayer and throws the rock at the wolf aiming for inbetween the eyes.

<Mese> The rock bounes right off, and the wolf leaps and lands heavily on Abrielle's chest. In a short moment, it has its jaws to her neck.

<Mese> A honeyed voice speaks behind Abrielle. "A shame. You were most amusing. But a deal is a deal."

<Mese> There is a clench of jaws.

<Mese> *

< A Grave Conversation | HighSchoolOfShadows | Dire Wolf >