< A Clash of Cops | HighSchoolOfShadows | A Forest of Emotions >

<Mese> Abrielle lurks in a pool of shadow by the cemetery.

<Mese> Evening has settled over the town; a cool mist hovers over everything, and a chill in the air turns people's breath into little clouds, like their souls are attempting escape.

<Mese> Ophelia is walking home when she spots Abrielle.

ophel1a walks over to Abrielle and gives her a nervous smile. "Hey."

<Abrielle> "Hi Cole isn't with you I see."

ophel1a shivers a little in the chill. "Not tonight," she says quietly. "How are you?"

<Abrielle> "I'm plodding along anything interesting been happening to you lately? I haven't really been around lately I...I haven't felt up to socialising. I haven't even seen Helena for a while.

<Abrielle> "

JP has joined #MH_nar

JP is now known as P1ng

<Abrielle> "I'm hoping to become more involved though. I had this crazy idea."

<ophel1a> Her eyes flicker to a scattered pile of leaves across the street. "No, nothing..." Then she looks up at Abrielle, "What kind of idea?"

<Abrielle> "I thought I'd run for class president, since you know the competition is pretty meagre. Especially now that Julie has broken her arm."

<ophel1a> "Against Cole? Why would you do that?" she asks before she can stop herself.

<Abrielle> "Because Cole is an irrational violent, good for nothing piece of shit that is why."

Abrielle is stunned by her outburst

<Abrielle> "Sorry I know you to are tight."

<ophel1a> "Wow... just wow."

<ophel1a> "I was..." She thins her lips. "Nevermind. I guess we shouldn't be friends."

<Abrielle> "I've never liked Cole for a brief while the hate turned into pitty but know I mean whats with thw attitude? Plus I can't stand bullies! My dad he...broke my arm a while back."

<Abrielle> "I don't have anything against you!"

<Abrielle> "You don't know me, I mean have you ever given be a chance, I'm loyal and fun I have interests you know."

<Mese> Ping is strolling up the street the other way - she's late for the poster meeting. Right in her way are Abrielle and Ophelia, squaring up to each other.

<Abrielle> "PING!"

P1ng looks unease entering into this unknown situation... "Hi?"

Abrielle finds it hard to contain her excitment.

<ophel1a> "Cole is my best friend, and you hate her! What am I supposed to do, start hanging out with you now? That's bull. Cole's just having a rough year, give her a break!"

P1ng nods, just a bit, in agreement with Ophelia

<Abrielle> Abrielles lip starts to quiver and eyes fill with tears.

P1ng looks from one to the other, "Am I missing something?"

Abrielle thinks /I don't want to fight, I HATE fighting. Why does everyone think I'm so agressive?/

reaction_ has joined #MH_nar

<Abrielle> "Ping, I have your vote right? I'm running for class president."

Abrielle looks at Ping desparately.

P1ng looks over Abrielle judgingly

<Abrielle> "I promise I'll help you with anything you like."

<Abrielle> "PLEASE."

⚠ <P1ng> "Well you have the ambition surely, and thats a start. Though I'm wondering if you have the tenacity? That however can be learned. How about you come over some night this week and we'll work on your 'winning smile'?"

P1ng bounces a bit in a giddy way

Abrielle throws her arms around Ping.

P1ng is blitz-hugged!

<Abrielle> "I'd love to. Ophelia you want to join us? Prehaps I can convince you to vote for me too?

<Abrielle> "

<ophel1a> "No. No you can't."

<Abrielle> "Wahtever!"

⚠ <P1ng> "Well, now we have a target. Make a showing so good even Ophelia will vote for you!"

P1ng , having freed herself from Abrielle, shrugs toward ophel1a

<Abrielle> " Ping...her lady love for Cole forbids it."

P1ng raises her eyebrows a bit, "Oh?"

ophel1a rolls her eyes. "Bullshit."

<ophel1a> "You know I date boys, so you can just take your fucking presidential campain and shove it up your ass."

<Mese> A gust of wind rustles the leaves. ⚠ <I think you should be president> says a voice only Ophelia can hear.

P1ng looks a bit nonplussed, "Just because you date boys doesn't mean, well you know. It might not be an exclusive deal."

<Abrielle> "So have you ever dated a girl, Ping?" she says suggetively, a coy smile on her lips.

reactiontime has joined #MH_nar

P1ng flushes brightly, "I... well..."

P1ng just stares at Abrielle like she has been stripped naked or something

<Abrielle> me/ walks over to Ping strokes her face and stares longingly to her eyes.

<Abrielle> *into

P1ng loosens her top and then gives Abrielle a kiss right on the lips!

<ophel1a> "I don't want to be president, I want Cole to win," she mutters

<Abrielle> Abrielle's eyes widen in surprise and dleight. Ping tastes so gooood.

<Mese> <It isn't fair they call YOU the lesbian, is it, dear?> says the voice on the wind, in Ophelia's brain.

P1ng pulls away once she realizes that Ophelia is still there, but hasn't stopped blushing brightly

⚠ <P1ng> "Well. Right."

⚠ <P1ng> "Thats a thing."

<Mese> <But if you want Cole to win so badly, well, that could be arranged...>

P1ng turns to look at Ophelia's reaction to all this...

Abrielle is in a daze.

<ophel1a> "Nothing about my whole fucking life is fair," she says, completely ignoring the makeout session and talking to a tombstone.

<ophel1a> "Make her lose."

P1ng says coyly, "So Abrielle, how about I uh, come over tomorrow and we can, you know, work out some of those details..."

<Abrielle> "Yeah sure! Might take a while, I've never done this before. You could bring your night gown."

<Abrielle> "or pizza...."

P1ng chuckles

⚠ <P1ng> "Could I uh, talk to Ophelia for a second alone?" Ping tightens her top back up.

<Abrielle> "Sure." I'm going to the coffee shop."

⚠ <P1ng> "Cool, I'll see you tomorrow then." Ping kind of puts the back of her hand over her mouth in a child-like way.

<Mese> ⚠ <I'm so glad you came to me with this, my sweet. She'll lose.>

<Mese> ⚠ <I just need something from you first. One good freind to another.>

ophel1a smiles an angry smile, and then asks slowly, "What is it?"

<Mese> <This one. Ping. She has something of ours.>

<Mese> ⚠ <I just need you to get her to the woods. Alone.>

<Mese> <That's all. Just a pleasant walk through the trees...>

ophel1a nods in assent. "They're together," she says in a quiet hiss.

P1ng heads over to Ophelia

Abrielle walks off to the coffee shop. She turns a croner... and then lurks just around it, to listen in on Ophelia and Ping.

reactiontime has quit IRC (Broken pipe)

⚠ <P1ng> "Ophelia?"

<ophel1a> She turns to Ping and gives her a little smile. "Hi Ping."

⚠ <P1ng> "Hi... uh, sorry about that show back there..." She says, not realizing Ophelia is oblivious;.

<ophel1a> "It's fine. You made your choice," she shrugs, not wanting to chase her off just yet.

⚠ <P1ng> "Look, I know Abrielle is a little loud and strange, but you know, after what I did for you could you not go after her?"

P1ng moves some grass with her foot idly

<ophel1a> "What do you mean, go after her? I'm obviously gonna tell Cole what she's up to, and we'll have to work on our campaign harder..."

⚠ <P1ng> "I just mean like, cut her some slack. She isn't any worse than the rest of us, she just doesn't know when to shut up."

P1ng looks at Ophelia pleadingly

ophel1a sighs. "Fine, I guess I owe you that much. I won't talk about her okay? No rumors or anything, unless she starts something."

⚠ <P1ng> "Promise?"

P1ng smiles hopefully

<ophel1a> "Cross my heart, et cetera blah blah. I won't talk bad about Abrielle in front of the school."

⚠ <P1ng> "Thank you. You know, you are a good person!"

<ophel1a> "Yeah, I guess so." She shrugs a little. "Wanna take a walk? It's a pretty nice night out."

P1ng perks up, and her eyes glitter, "Sure!"

P1ng waits for Ophelia to lead

ophel1a glances around and then strikes off towards the woods. "So why do you like Abrielle so much?"

⚠ <P1ng> "We have a lot in common? The odd thing is, she is like, totally the opposite of you!"

P1ng follows her closely, just a breath behind

⚠ <P1ng> "Though you are /so/ strong. Thats awesome in its own way."

Abrielle follows along at a safe distance, wanting to see where these two are off to together.

<ophel1a> "Yeah, I guess," Ophelia says, a bit flattered. They walk along in silence for a while longer. "Sorry I flipped out at her, I guess."

⚠ <P1ng> "Its not your fault, you just stand up for what you believe in. Thats amazing!"

<ophel1a> "I'm not THAT amazing. I'm just me." she says, uncomfortably

⚠ <P1ng> "Don't be modest, ever since you did that thing for Cole, I've know you're strong."

reaction_ is now known as Helena

ophel1a shakes her head, feeling sick again. "That was a mistake... I shouldn't have..." /but I did, and now what am I doing???/

< A Clash of Cops | HighSchoolOfShadows | A Forest of Emotions >