< Dire Wolf | HighSchoolOfShadows | How To Win Friends and Ingest People >

<Mese> Morning is breaking. School will be due in a few hours.

<Mese> In the school, Helena is staring at the ceiling. Soon, someone will find the rapidly cooling body of the janitor.

<Mese> Laetitia, Ophelia and Cole are at home, sleeping, or at least lurking, in whatever passes for home for them both.

<Mese> Abrielle wakes up.

ophel1a tosses and turns, her dreams filled with sharp white fangs and swirling leaves; the voice of Ping calling her strong, so strong; Abrielle's eyes and the blackness inside them that called out to the darkness in her soul to bind it; Posters. Scattered in the wind, like swirling leaves...

Cole opens her eyes again, after a night of empty sleep, thins her lips and gets up to get ready for school.

Cole passes on cereal, but has a double helping of bacon.

Abrielle fumbles for her mobile phone, dials 911, and manages to gasp out something vaguely audible.

<ophel1a> The alarm pierces her dreams, dragging her to wakefulness, and she lies there for a moment, still exhausted, before she turns it off and crawls out of bed and into the shower.

<Mese> It takes a painful hour, her descriptions of her location not having been the most comprehensible, but eventually an ambulance comes for Abrielle.

<Mese> They take her, unresisting, into care... she's quickly in an ambulance, in a hospital, doctors and nurses in a blur.

<Mese> She comes round again around 8am. There's a heavy, smelly bandage on her neck.

<Mese> Abirelle's mother is there, her face a picture of concern.

<Mese> "Oh my baby... I've told you not to go out at night like this!"

<ophel1a> The scalding water doesn't help, but eventually the clock demands that she get out, get dressed and go to school. She doesn't bother with breakfast, just heads to school.

< Dire Wolf | HighSchoolOfShadows | How To Win Friends and Ingest People >