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Backgrounds: Angel Brass, Harmony Arkham, Joseph Cleburne, Mei Xihou, Saphia Marais, Thea Vallas

Artifact *****
The Terror Mask, an ancient Mask found on Antarctica, believed to have belonged to an amazingly advanced culture in the long past. Though little to nothing is known about this civilization other than that they seemed to worship primordial, yet advanced concepts. The Mask grants the user "Primal Rage" when worn.

Influence (Rockstar!) ***
Angel Brass still has quite a bit of sway with the fans of his old bands, Brass Knuckles and Primordial Wrath. It means he rarely has to worry about sleeping alone, not having a place to sleep, among getting them to believe as he wants them to believe. The fans mostly number in the 20-30 set.

Past Lives **
The mask holds many secrets of the past for those who have bonded with it to explore.

Reputation (Rockstar Making a Difference) **
Angel has shown that he's about more than sex, drugs, and rock and roll... he wants to change the world for the better, and people are standing up and taking notice.

Resources **
Angel has some money that comes in from old song royalties.

Artifacts n' Wonders

Hearthstones n' Wonders


  • Primordial Wrath (Loyalty)
  • My Legend (Dedication)
  • The Job (Gotta do it)
  • Harmony (Love? Lust? Something.)
  • Music (Priceless)

(Angel Story?)