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Backgrounds: Angel Brass, Harmony Arkham, Joseph Cleburne, Mei Xihou, Saphia Marais, Thea Vallas

Artifact *****
The Timepiece of Elemental Transformation, an artifact pocketwatch dating to the start of the Byzantine Empire, if not later. It contains the mystical secrets and power of the Philosopher's Stone. This grants him the power to cause his aspect markings to burst from his flesh in a terrible armor of earth and white jade as well as other stuff I'll get to.

Breeding *****
The power of the Elements fills your bones, blood, and flesh through and through. You gain +5 personal essence and +9 peripheral essence.

Connections (Military) ****
Lifers in the Army tend to get around. After a good 16 years in the Army, Joseph knows and keeps in contact with quite a few who were under his command in the past, and still regularly writes to a small few of his old commanders.

Manse ***
Please place description here.

Resources ***
Army retirement for Officers pays nicely - and he still has some money from his family.

Artifact (Cleburne Family Saber) **
An amazingly sharp saber whose wounds burn for a moment with terrible fury, whose blows strike like an avalanche, that moves fluid as the sea and reeds and swift as lightning.

Retainers **
An old, prestigious family comes with a few bonuses. Namely, the family estate, and caretakers to go with. He has a cook, a secretary, two maids, and a personal driver who enjoys having most days off.

Artifacts n' Wonders

Hearthstones n' Wonders

  • Sphere of the Star Bridge(Allows her to communicate with those who she knows through dreams)


  • Rose(Love)
  • Nara-O(Completely believes in)
  • The Job(Gotta do it)
  • Self-Opinion(Don't make claims, just observe, just going to get things wrong anyways)
  • Learning(Its important but how can you trust what you know?)
  • Sidereals(Doesn't know what to believe about them anymore)
  • Ashen Fox(Distrust)
  • Nerine(Friendship)

(Joseph Story?)