Character Sheet

  • Name: Captain Alexander White, 13th Viscount White, Royal Engineers
  • Divine Patron: Freya (Born)


  • Origin: 13th Earl White— Captain White was born into a ancient family of the Peerage of England. As such he grew up with the all the benefits of wealth and prestige (Culture, Empathy, Science)
    • Contact—Upper Class Society Types, Eton Alumni, Club Members
    • Resource—
    • Condition— Legacy to Live Up To
  • Pantheon: Of Her Majesty's Royal Engineers— As a Officer of the Royal Engineers, Captain White has access to military resources and connections. (Firearms, Science, Technology)
    • Group—Sturdy Non-Coms, Regimental Association; Old Officer Friends.
    • Condition— In Her Majesty's Service— Though nominally on detached duty as one of Her Majesty's equerries, Captain White is still a serving officer in the British Army and subject to orders
  • Calling: There are many ways of War, Mother— Captain White still has friction with his divine mother over his choice of military specialty, she would have preferred him to enter a Line or Cavalry regiment. However, his extensive experience, in combat and out, has introduced him to many mortal and supernatural artisans. (Academics, Occult, Culture)
    • Group—Dvegar makers; Einhejarr.
    • Contact—
    • Resource—
    • Condition—

Deeds & Titles

short-term deed
long-term deed

Titles: Siege-Master, ''Lord of Makers"----

Attributes & Skills

Academics 1, Athletics 2, Close Combat 2, Culture 2, Empathy 2, Integrity 1, Leadership 4 (Squad), Medicine 0 , Occult 1 , Science 5 (Military Engineering), Persuasion 2, Pilot 0, Subterfuge 2, Technology 5 (Surveillance), Survival 0, Firearms 5 (Rifles)

Callings (& Knacks)

  • Creator 3 -- Afternoon of Fortnights, Innate Toolkit
    • Afternoon of Fortnights (Immortal): When you begin a creative project, spend Momentum and make a Knack Skill roll. For each success earned on this roll you decrease the amount of time required to work on the project by one unit. This is measured in either units of dramatic time (a project that would take a whole session can be downgraded to a scene) or in in-game units of time (years become months, months become weeks, etc.) whichever is more appropriate for the game’s approach
    • Innate Toolkit (Heroic): You are always able to work your craft, regardless of whether or not you have the appropriate tools available. When you use your bare hands to build or create something that would otherwise require special equipment, you suffer no penalty or any kind of Injury. For example: If you were to pound your bare fist against a railroad spike like a hammer or plunge your exposed fingers into a heated forge, you would not break bones or suffer burns.
  • Leader 2 Masterful Efficiency
    • Masterful Efficiency (Immortal): When you lead people in a task, make a Knack Skill roll. They increase in Scale by 1 for every success achieved, up to half your Legend rating, for one action (which may be part of an extended task, though not combat). A team of five people can build a skyscraper, or a small band of warriors can hold a chokepoint against an entire army, etc. You may spend Momentum for the task to increase Scale one for one above the number of successes achieved, again to a maximum of half your Legend rating
  • Guardian 1 A Sentinel
    • A Sentinel (Heroic): Choose a person or group of trivial targets to be your charge. When you guard your charge, you both gain +1 Defense so long as you stay in the same range band. You also gain +1 Enhancement to rolls to keep track of or defend your charge.

Purviews (& Boons)

  • Wyrd: You know your fate
    • Innate Power: Gain Momentum when my Fate is involved
  • Forge' You can build
    • Innate Power: Lower any flaws in my work by 1
    • Celestial Artifice (Imbue 2 Legend): Lower tier of any project by 1
    • ''While the Iron is Hot (Spend 1 Legend):" 3 Enhancement to jury rig
  • "Epic Dexterity" "You move"
    • Innate Power: Any surface will hold you so long as you move
    • Unerring Flight: 1 legend, You may make a ranged attack against any enemy in your line of sight, even out to extreme range. You can roll the attack with Dexterity in place of the Attribute normally associated with that

range band, and do not face an increased difficulty for using weapons with the Ranged or Long Range tag at any range band. You can use this boon to attack an enemy behind full cover.

  • War' You are the War
    • Innate Power: Grant heavy followers, the savage tag
    • Understanding the battlefield (Imbue 1 Legend): Ask 1 of: What is the best way to provoke a fight in the current scene? • What’s the best way out of (or into) this room? • Where should I look to find a tactical advantage? • What should I be on the lookout for? Following the Storyguide’s answer grants Enhancement 3 on applicable rolls. This never directly benefits attack or defense — if the Storyguide told you about

a machine gun hidden in the scene, you would get an Enhancement to find it and get it, but not to shoot with it.
