< Flaming Volcano God | Ex Pulplogs | She Threw Outrageous Parties ... >

Shine waves goodbye as Xeth takes Corve and Myrrh off to be fitted by the Deadly Tailor Onizumi. Putting a faintly chill hand of Jade on Carmine's shoulder the goddess leads Carmine to a room deep in the depths of the palace, a room covered in soft plush spun rubies to make it look like red velvet.

Shine "Now, my dear, what would you like to wear? Something Southern is appropriate to the occasion. But I have lots of Southern!"

Shine turns to the massive Red Jade wardrobes that line the seven walls of the room and opens one, showing a varitable fashion gallery of Southern styles...none of which Carmine even recognizes.

Carmine stares at the ... array of dresses before her. And wishes she had some idea about, well, any of them. On the other hand, she had talked with melody about such things and so "Perhaps something from Chiaroscuro?" she hazards.

Shine waves her hand and the dresses woooosh away into the darkness of the back of the wardrobe to be replaced by a set of garments of fairly revealing cut, with a low neckline, open stomach and virtually non-existant back. Every possible color seems to be represented, along with several variations on the basic theme.

Carmine starts to flick through them, mentally considering herself in them. "What are you planning wear, Shine?" Carmine asks "I ... ... wouldn't like to clash with you."

Shine "Oh, don't worry, I never clash with anyone." She smiles broadly hinting as some sort of secret.

Shine "But I believe Deadly Tailor Onizumi was planning to put your friend Corve in blue and gold."

Carmine frowns a little at that. She favoured reds more than blues, though perhaps gold might work ... she finds the gold section "Who will be at the party? ... I know little of gods ..."

Shine "Some very* important gods, so you must be on your best behavior. The Red Coated Lady is one of the most important guests. I've also invited the City Father of Chiaroscuro and some regional gods."

Carmine "The Red Coated Lady?"

Shine "Yes, she's a very powerful goddess of secrets and criminals."

Carmine takes a dress down, holding it to her. "Oh ... I see." What's a City Father? Carmine wonders.

Shine "We can also do something with your hair...and certainly your makeup."

Shine considers Carmine's hair and face

Carmine Makeup ... makeup was something foreign to carmine. ".... Yes, I'm sure we can." she considers another dress.

Shine "Don't be so nervous, dear. I assure you no one will be locked under a mountain in a cage of eternal torment at THIS party."

Carmine "...Cage of eternal torment?" That didn't sound good. trapped. in a cage. no room to move.

Shine "Yes, but as I said, no worries!"

Carmine "...right." gold dresses, yes. Carmine considers more of them, holding them to her body, trying to picture herself in them.

Shine "Is something bothering you dear?"

Carmine "No I'm fine." She says quickly.

Shine clearly does not believe you, but offers a necklace of amber spheres instead of more questions.

Carmine "They're beautiful ... what are they?" she asks, relieved of the distraction as she tries them on.

Shine "Ambrosia, originally, but now they're amber." Tactfully doesn't mention that most folks know what amber is.

Carmine "Ambrosia?" she asks, as she considers herself in the mirror.

Shine "Yes, prayers directed at a god. Me, in this case." she looks understandably smug and pleased.

Carmine "Oooh." Carmine looks suitably impressed.

Shine nods. "Well, I do get a lot of prayers, you know. But less about me. We're here to make you look stunning for tonight and, darling, that will be simple. Now, just go try on that dress and the necklace."

Carmine picks up the indicated dress and the necklace, untieing the ribbons around her chest and waist and then stepping into the dress, pulling it up her body, fastening it behind her neck, then putting the necklace on, settling it so it lies below the collar on her chest. She considers herself critically.

Shine "I think that's very becoming, dear. Shall we start on the makeup and hair?"

Carmine looks at her wrists, slipping the bracers off, then considers the ribbons ... and the mark they conceal "..Do you have something for my wrists ... bracelets, maybe?"

Shine considers and nods, producing a matched pair of gold and amber bracelets to go with the necklace. Heavy affairs, they cover the mark well. But Shine couldn't have intended it that way, surely.

Carmine doesn't question this strange coincidence, and instead slips them on, then regards herself once more.

Carmine "Yes, those .. look good, thanks." She smiles at the goddess.

< Flaming Volcano God | Ex Pulplogs | She Threw Outrageous Parties ... >