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ST Their first day in Yu-Shan, at least for the humans in the Cirlce, is a blur of amazing sights and experiences, not the least of which was meeting Shinebright, goddess of Precious Metals, and being dressed for her party to be held that very night. While the men were sent to the Deadly Tailor Onizumi, Carmine was taken care of by Shine herself.

ST After their fittings, the humans were allowed to wander the areas of Yu-Shan close to Shine's palace, given small tokens by Xeth to inform the Lions they were there as his guests, though as Solars they had their own rights in the Celestial City.

ST It was strangely Corve, not Myrrh, who found the Bazaar about six blocks west of Shine's palace to be the most fascinating site recently seen and he'd stayed behind when the other man returned to Shine's Palace to prepare for the party saying he would be there in plenty of time.

Xeth has spent some time alone with Xar in his sanctum, showing him how to shape Quintessence, and discussing the likelihood of the others' destroying his reputation at the party. Just before it is time for them to meet with the others again, Xeth unlocks an opaque crystalline chest and gifts his other half with a set of intricate jewellery (though of a masculine bent) inscribed with depictions of flames and Dragon Kings entwined.

Myrrh spends his time studying the strange tome they found in the ziggaurat, and since Xeth off to his own devices, he figures he can ask Shine if she knows anyone who can translate the strange book.

ST Shine flips through a few pages and shakes her head. She can only confirm what Myrrh knows: despite being in clearly-written Old Realm, it is a load of nonsense, words simply jammed together without sense. She does suggest it may be in code, however.

Myrrh "Hmmm...You've been very helpful, thank you. Do you know anyone skilled in codes and cyphers? I'm afraid I can't read Old Realm that well."

Carmine is saddened by the fact Corve found a market more interesting than her, but finds her own quiet place to pass the time, browsing around a market place for small wonders and marvelling at each one, a small part of her wondering how many of them would still be wonderous to Corve or Myrrh or Xar

Xeth approaches Carmine, in the marketplace, "Ahh little Carmine," he smiles, "Have you found what you are looking for here in Heaven?"

ST Carmine sees a number of things, like a small box of vibrantly purple-red wood that contains, judging by the card propped against it, "an Unformed Idea, taken from the Depths of the Wyld" and a small bottle of something called "Juvplus Paste" that the small god selling it claims will do ANYTHING...but she is fairly sure he's lying.

Carmine "Xar ... Xeth, sorry. I ... don't know what I'm looking for. It's all so ... wonderful."

ST Shine directs Myrrh to, at some other point in time, visit the Great Library of Jovian Spheres, where surely one of the librarians or sages will be able to help him.

Xeth "What do you look for in Creation?

Carmine "Who I was." she says quietly "Or who I might fight."

Xeth "Who you were, hmmm. Do you mean who you were in a past incarnation? Or who you were before you blocked out everything you knew?"

Carmine "I was someone before?"

Xeth "Of course you were, silly girl. Your spark - that part that makes you a Solar - that has been reincarnated many times. It is similar with Xar`Rex, although it seems your memories are more fragmented."

Carmine frowns a little at being called a 'silly girl' but .. "I had no idea..."

Xeth "I'm surprised you do not remember. Ah! But now it is time for Shine Bright?'s party, and we must not be late. Afterwards, if you lot are not banned for the next thousand years, I shall buy you something that may help with your memory problems. I believe I know just the thing!"

Corve hums softly as he walks towards his friends when he spots them, hands in his pocket and a smile on his face. All day for the perfect gift- but what he found, while perhaps not perfect, is at least handsome in its simplicity. But later. He stops next to Carmine and smiles at the rest. "Evenin'."

Carmine "Oh?" she looks up at the flaming lizard with curiousity, before Corve appears at her side, throwing her arms round him with a smile.

Corve kisses Carmine softly and then raises a brow at the big croc with them. "So... what's going on?"

Carmine "I've been looking round the market... Oh...if it's Shine's party I suppose I should go and get changed..."

Xeth "We were just on the way to Shine's party."

Corve nods slightly and cranes his neck. "Right, the party," he says, falling into step with them.

Xeth stretches out his wings, "I already changed." he shows them off. They are a mixture of iridescent flame-colors, surrounding a pattern of shiny, metallic feathers.

Carmine "Wow!"

Corve grins at Xeth, tilting his head a little. "Beautiful."

Xeth "I'm quite pleased with how they turned out, personally."

Carmine kisses Corve, then slips off to change.

Xeth "It suits us quite well."

ST After that, everyone returns to the Palace of Shinebright and gets dressed in their party clothes. While dressing, Myrrh and Corve find small patches of green speckles in different places. Myrrh finds them on his chest, while Corve finds them on his arm and shoulder. Neither is quite sure what they are, but they're very sure they're not supposed to be there.

ST However the party is starting in just a few minutes and they have to be there on time, so both Shine and Xeth made very, very clear. And the little specks don't itch or burn.

Corve brushes his hand against them, wondering what they are. Eh. He'll ask later.

Myrrh shrugs and figures they're some sort of after effect from the plant bubbles...he wonders if Corve is going to wind up with a green arm...

ST Fortunantly neither man has the spots in an area where their costume might reveal them, so all is well!

Corve shows up fully dressed and gallant to meet the others, finding that the clothes the Deadly Tailor made are very comfortable. But that's no surprise. He looks around for Carmine...

Myrrh gets dressed in his strange getup and heads out to the others, not sure what the height of fashion is when the party theme is about war and it involves strange alien gods.

Carmine comes back downstairs wearing a long golden backless dress, a great bird stitched into the fabric in ruby, wrapping around Carmine in a spiral. Replacing the ribbons and bracers on her wrists are two heavy golden bracelets set with amber, a smilar tone to the necklace she wears below the Collar.

Carmine Her hair, rather than flowing free as it normally does is swept up into an elaborate arrangement, held there by daiklave shaped pins, just a few curls free to hang down the side of her face.

Xeth walks over to Shine, "Shine, Darling, are you ready? I can hardly wait for the party. It has been a long time since i have gotten to see many of the guests."

Corve gawks rather blatantly when he sees Carmine, sliding ahand through his clean shanve chin and blinking several times. Oh.

Shine is her usual self, except for her dress. A slinky moonsilver afair, the dress washes across Shine's body like quicksilver, flowing to the floor and surrounding her feet in a pool of moonlight. She smiles widely, showing bright white jade teeth. "I have been ready for hours. The guests will start arriving soon. The lesser ones, at least. It will be a time before the important ones come, you know."

Shine "According to my schedule, the Red Coated Lady will make her appearance in an hour. She is the one you'll most want to speak with."

Corve sidles over to Carmine and kisses her cheek. "You look beautiful," he whispers, and then turns his attention to Shine. "Red Coated Lady..." he says, burning the name into his mind.

Xeth "Of course," he turns with a bit of a flourish, "Carmine, you look very elegant tonight." He looks over at the others, "And you wear it well, the others seem a bit out of their element."

Corve raises a brow at Xeth and smirks. "I'm out of my -world,- Xeth," he says in mock-defense.

Carmine kisses Corve back "Thank you." she slips an arm around him happily. "And Thank you Xeth."

Myrrh "Huh...who's the Red Coated Lady?"

Xeth "Oh, you'll see." he smiles. "I think you'll like her."

Myrrh gives Xeth an odd look and then shrugs. "Hmmm, Xeth, do you know where the Great library is? Shine said someone there might know how to break the code of the book."

Xeth "Of course I do. I'll take you there IF you do well for yourself at the party."

Corve figures that that's a big 'if', considering their track record with social things so far. In any case, he steels himself next to Carmine, waiting for what may very well be their biggest challenge so far. Fitting in with gods.

Myrrh has been to his fair share of grand parties...of course he never had a hostess made out of jade either but it probably works the same. "If I can make small talk with my wife's business relations i'm sure I can mind my manners around the gods."

Shine leads the Circle to the suite of rooms, each more massive then Corve's house, where the party will be taking place. A few lower-ranking guests, mostly small gods of towns in the South where Shine's contacts suggest Viper activity, are already there.

Shine "I suggest you mingle and get comfortable, but none of these folk know anything useful, merely more rumors you've likely heard. It will be Anum-ihk and the Lady, possibly the City Father, who know things."

Corve mingles. Though he doesn't speak much. While most of the people they've met have been the kind he's used to dealing with, these are... different. Instead, Corve opts for a safer way of dealing with the problem- he'll stand around and look as good and imposing as he possibly can.

Xeth mingles, showing himself rather the social butterfly!

Myrrh mingles, always eager for rumours especialy rumours of the gods! They're sure to have something interest to say...they can't ALL be as vapid as mortals...right?

Carmine mingles too, walking around the room with an enticing sway to her hips, listening to what is said and making small talk, doing her best to cover up her lack of actual knowledge with careful changes of conversation or leaning close to Corve and the aura he radiates.

ST The little gods already in attendance mingle with the Circle, admiring their clothes and making general, mindless comments. Apparently they ARE as vapid as mortals...if not moreso!

Red Coated Lady makes her appearance right on schedule, after the Circle has spent half an hour getting used to mingling with gods and sampling from the buffets set out in the second of three rooms. The first room, in which the Lady appears, is set up like the grand hall of a Fortress.

Red Coated Lady sweeps into the room, almost unnoticed in a dazzlingly red coat, almost a Brumish trenchcoat, embroidered in abstract patterns of scarlet, carmine and vermillion. Atop her auburn-haired head is perched a vast, red fedora which obscures her face.

Red Coated Lady Red boots and gloves complete her ensamble as she greets her hostess and then turns to get a drink.

Xeth waits a bit for her to settle herself and allow the flock of lesser gods to diminish before approaching her. "Good Evening, Red Coated Lady, it is a pleasure to see you again!"

Red Coated Lady offers a mysterious smile to Xeth. "I've been around, you know. I hear you have problems with an organization in the South."

Carmine walks over to the Red Coated Lady with Corve

Myrrh noticing that the group is headed for the Lady he quietly excuses himself from the conversation and follows the other members of his circle.

Xeth "So quickly to business, as always." he gestures to one of the small gods, who fetches them both a drink. "First I must introduce you to Xar's friends"

Corve holds on to Carmine's waist as they approache the Lady, bowing his head to her when first she looks at him. Something about Corve is impressive tonight- his stature, his pose, everything sycnrhonizes in a way that, while he may not be a god, he's most definitely present.

Xeth "Corve and Carmine, both of Brume, and Myrrh is just approaching there."

Red Coated Lady offers them a small twitch of her fedora's brim after accepting the tiny glass of Celestial Wine poured by the small god. "Solars, yes. I've heard of you."

Red Coated Lady "But I hear of everyone after all."

Corve smiles slightly, tilting his head at her and raising a brow. "May we ask what it is you've heard? I'm always curious to know how my reputation permeates to lands I've never visited."

Red Coated Lady "I'm afraid it's my policy never to give away information without payment."

Myrrh nods politely to the Lady, wondering what the food in heaven is really like...it can't all be peaches and wine.

Corve "In that case, I'm sure we can come up with more important and interesting questions to discuss rather than our reputation..."

Red Coated Lady smiles again. "I thought you might be able to."

Red Coated Lady "But, happily for you, you have something I would like to possess."

Corve raises both brows this time. "Oh? What would that be?"

Red Coated Lady "I would like to know how to get inside the office of the Grand Plutarch of Brume."

Xeth "You have business with the Grand Plutarch, Lady?"

Red Coated Lady "With something he has in his vaults, yes."

Corve "I'm assuming you're not asking for a formal audience, but something a little more... subtle?"

Red Coated Lady nods.

Corve "What is it that you seek? There may be other ways of obtaining it."

Red Coated Lady "I have decided upon my own methods. If you will not part with the information.."

Corve "...now now. No one ever said I wasn't going to help, m'Lady. But as a citizen and a law enforcer in Brume, I always have to look for the high road before I slip into the underpassages. This in no way means I'm not used to the underpassages." He smirks.

Xeth watches them, mildly amused.

Red Coated Lady "What a pleasant metaphor. But I assure you, the information I want will do no harm to Brume and I will repay you kindly."

Corve nods slightly. "Fine. I'll tell you all I know about how to get into- and out of- the Grand Plutarch's office... and in turn, you'll give us any information you have on the whereabouts and plans of the Black Viper Cult. After all, you'll want Brume to be in one piece if you plan anything within one of its offices."

Myrrh glances at Corve's exchange with the Lady, wondering what a spirit could want with the vaults of brume...nothing there she couldn't get here.

Red Coated Lady "I will give you certain information. What you tell me is not worth everything* I know about them."

Corve "In that case, since your information can be fragmented, but mine comes in a whole package, I suggest that you go first, m'Lady." He's incredibly polite through the whole dealing. The Lady is obviously not someone you mess with, and he's learned that, when dealing with her ilk (or the ilk she represents), one must be quick and thorough.

Red Coated Lady gives a small shrug. "You know of their home in the South, but can not find it. Nor will you, for you do not know where to look or how to enter. The Behemoth could not tell you, though it wished to for they have plans for it. You must go East or West to find a way in. In the farthest ground East, there is a place that knows their secret.

Red Coated Lady "Abundance held something they feared and so it was sent into the oceans. Something of that survives, it will tell you how to find the city as well."

Red Coated Lady "I, personally, would go West to the ruin of Abundance. And, before you leave this party, speak with Anum-ihk. He knows something your lady friend will need to hear."

Red Coated Lady "In the West, you must find a room deep under the former surface of the fallen isle, once part of the city of Electrum. Their crypts were underground, they survived the fall."

Myrrh "Does this all have something to do with the book we found?"

Corve tightens his jaw at the mention of Abundance's fall, and then more when she mentions someone will have information for Carmine. The information is cryptic, and while he's used to dealing with such things, he's getting tired of running around.

Red Coated Lady "Book? Oh, that. Read it and find out."

Corve has to admire the woman, though. She knows what to say to make them do exactly what she says they should. They'll have no choice but to go to Abundance's ruins now.

Carmine "...Anum-Ihk?" she asks, more of Xeth than the Red Coated Lady

Red Coated Lady frowns, considering. "Of course if breathing is a problem, you could go East. Follow the Yanaze river to its sources and in the headwaters, there is an ancient temple that describes the rise of the cult."

Corve "I'm sure we can find- or my friends can make- something that will take care of that small breathing problem. We've had harder challenges."

Myrrh "Well we can do both I suppose..."

Xeth "Hmmm water. I dislike water."

Corve "No time, and I don't think seperating would be a good idea. I don't like being incommunicado."

Corve "Thing is, if Abundance was tossed into the ocean because it had something the Cult fears, we may learn much more there- and perhaps obtain more to fight them, then simply going to a temple that describes their history..."

Carmine "Perhaps we can talk about this later. I'm sure the Red Lady would appreciate having to put at least a little effort into finding out what we intend."

Corve nods slightly. "I'm sure she would..."

Xeth sighs a bit, wrinkling his nose. "Oh, more 'adventure' he says. I can hardly wait."

Xeth "I suggest we go East first. It will produce faster results, and I will not be required to submerge myself."

Myrrh "Yes, i'd need time to get the proper supplies for water breathing..."

Red Coated Lady taps her gloved fingers on Corve's arm. "Before you go herring off on this, you owe me your information."

Corve nods slowly. "We'll talk about it later... in the mean time," he says, stepping away from the rest of his friends. "M'Lady, if you don't mind, I believe I have to keep my end of the bargain." He steps a few yards away and waits for the goddess. It's not that he doesn't trust his friends- but there's etiquette to trading information.

Corve will tell them everything later anyway!

Red Coated Lady takes Corve off to discuss stealing from the Grand Plutarch's vaults.

Carmine "Who is Anum-Ihk?"

ST A Small God servant of Shines, for the moment dressed up as a Southern Gladiator with bulging muscles of packed dirt adorning his earthern frame, offers small glasses of Celestial Wine to the remaining three circlemembers.

Xeth sips his wine idly.

Carmine sips her wine too, looking to Xeth for an answer to her question

Myrrh takes the glass of wine, not sure if you're supposed to sniff and slosh it like regular wine...he sniffs it just to keep up appearances.

ST The wine smells incredibly good, better then any sort of drink Myrrh's ever smelt! And Xeth is drinking his..

Myrrh "Hm." He takes a sip! Must be from all the ambient essence of the place. Certainly smells better than normal grapes...

Xeth "Anum-Ihk? Oh, I believe he's the servant of the Don of Muscle... the Southern one."

Myrrh "Don of Muscle?"

Xeth "remember, I told you not to go to Puce? That's his domain."

Xeth "Well, his neighborhood, at least."

Carmine "Ohh."

Myrrh "Ahh...he got invited to the party?"

Xeth "Of course, Shine arranged for those you would be interested to meet to be here."

Anum-Ihk arrived a few minutes ago, in fact. A tall, well-dressed man wearing a garment of highest fashion in a style similar to Corve's suit-based attire in shades of black with white and grey trim. Attractive, commanding and only moderately well built the god is not what was...expected. His smile is charming and he is currently flirting with a young-looking desert goddess.

Carmine glances at Xar, and then walks over to the God, her dress of gold and ruby shimmering in the light as she approaches, smiling to the desert goddess in an oh-so-polite "please get lost" way.

Anum-Ihk allows his smile to widen as the stunning young Exalted replaces the merely beautiful goddess in front of him.

Xeth watches over Carmine and Myrrh as they move about.

Carmine "Greetings to you, Anum-Ihk."

ST` "My pleasure to meet you..." he leaves off, waiting for a name

Carmine "Glorious Carmine Elegance."

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