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The little God that greets him at the doors of the Great Library of Jovian Stars, the largest publicly-accessible library in Heaven or Creation, reminds Carmine Rain Hunter of his encounters with Hopping Puppeteers. The creature is not male or female that he can tell, though it has a spindle-thin body and a massive head, nearly the size of Carmine’s chest, elongated and peaked like a squid's mantle. Black eyes gaze at him as wire-thin arms slowly wave in the air

Librarian: "How may I assist you, Carmine Rain Hunter, Sidereal Number 57, Incarnation 12?"

  • Carmine Rain Hunter smiles. At least it wasn't that nice lesser dragon of water that Febrisa had tried to set him up with. That would have been awkward. He bows politely to the librarian, explaining himself. "I seek information about a particular family of demons."

Behind the Librarian stretches the vastness of the Library itself. Despite being a squad, broad hemisphere from without, the space within the Library itself is nearly infinite. Separated by broad categories, the sections of the library take the form of massive floating discs, miniature mirrors of Creation. The various continents and cities of the small section-worlds get more and more detailed until finally, one arrives at the specific house of knowledge where all texts on a specific micro-subject are stored.

These Librarian spirits use their powers to help guide travelers through the cosmic maze of the Library. One arrives at the specific house of knowledge where all texts on a specific micro-subject are stored. These Librarian spirits use their powers to help guide travelers through the cosmic maze of the Library.

  • Carmine Rain Hunter can't help but stare up through the enormity of the interior, the surprise of which renders him somewhat less articulate than usual. "Um...something...Sevsimtali."

Librarian: "Ah. Sevsimtali. Children of Haultziph Without Form?, born from Yurik the Dissolver, lesser heart of Celphindal the Unmaker. We will find information here." There is a bright flash of green light that dazzles Kinqueduran's eyes. "In the section on the Yozis."

The 'section on the Yozis' is a twisted parody of Creation and Malfeas, bronze and steel making mockeries of the natural formations of Creation as Kin and the Librarian hover over it, searching for the sub-section dedicated to Celphindal.

  • Carmine Rain Hunter half-closes his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose as a headache threatens to take him, the twisted display paining his injury-addled mind.

With each flash of green light, growing more black-tinged as the Librarian takes him further into the Yozi section, the view shifts and the precise, melodious voice of the Librarian rings out. "Isle of Celphindal the Unmaker." Flash. "City of Yurik the Dissolver." Flash. "Block of Haultziph Without Form?." Flash. "House of Sevsimtali. You may locate your information here."

Carmine Rain Hunter finds himself standing before a silver-black house the exact color of the demon he faced. Squat and blobby in design, the house seems somehow..malevolent as it's open door yawns nastily at him. The air inside smells rank and rancid.

  • Carmine Rain Hunter nods, reopening his eyes, his hand falling from his head to draw out his journal. "Thank you, librarian..."

Librarian: "Ring the bell and I will come to fetch you. If you forget and starve to death, there will be a fine to your next incarnation."

Carmine Rain Hunter: "Well, yes, we wouldn't want that..."

Librarian: "The bell is located next to the door, inside. All Houses have them."

  • Carmine Rain Hunter nods, waving off the librarian. "Yes, yes. Leave me be, I've work to do."

Carmine Rain Hunter: "But, before you go..."

Librarian: "Yes?"

Carmine Rain Hunter: "...don't let, erm...you-know-who know that I'm here. She'd probably want to lecture me."

Librarian: "Your stay is a matter of public record, Carmine Rain Hunter."

Carmine Rain Hunter: "Right. I shouldn't have expected anything less."

  • Librarian disappears in a flash of green-black light, leaving Kinqueduran alone in the Block of Haultziph, in front of the House of Sevsimtali
  • Carmine Rain Hunter steps into the House and seeks out a place to sit and study every text available.

Inside the House of Sevsimtali, it appears as if the Library is shaped to suit its topics...the chairs available are made of the bones of various creatures that may have ended up within a Sevsimtali at one point or another, including several disturbingly human parts. The entire place smells of death and rot, much like the monster you slew. Worst of all, the scrolls and tomes are made of the remainder of the beings. Nothing was wasted in the construction of this place...written in blood on flesh or muscle or woven hair, the scripts on Sevsimtali are disgusting horrors.

  • Carmine Rain Hunter can't hold back a shudder every time he opens a scroll, taking notes on the texts. He avoids giving much thought to any of the text, only taking notes for later study and contemplation.

The notes taken in the House of Sevsimtali seem to indicate that the powers the beast displayed in its battle with Carmine Rain Hunter were the extent of those available to it. Various battle reports of previous encounters cite examples of the shifting of the body and lightning-fast motion as well as its ability to attack from any direction. Other reports give example of it belching forth flaming acid from its belly, but only when hungry.

A single report from a Saturn-Chosen who was devoured by a Sevsimtali and cut himself free with his Daiklave, Rust of Justice, says that the interior of the beast is filled with fire and acid, clinging mercilessly and attempting to suffocate as well as dissolve the meals of the beast. It was a nearly fatal experience for even a 400 year old Sidereal to be devoured.

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