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Basic Lunar Shapeshifting charms

Chimera Form Technique

  Cost: None
  Duration: Indefinate
  Type: Special
  Minimum Manipulation: 4
  Minimum Essence: 3
  Prerequisite Charms: Many-Faced Moon Transformation

The Lunar Exalted descends into a deep trance for several days, forging a new form for his library of shapes in the mean-time. This new form blends traits and abilities from several different animals or other shapes, and is usually called a Chimera-form. These forms are usually bended toward combat, and involve traits from two or four different animals. Sometimes mistaken for the freakish mutations of the Wyld, a Chimera-form tends to be more perfect and glorious in its make-up than any Wyld Mutation. The Lunars player constructs his Chimera form as he wishes, with the approval of the storyteller. The following guidelines provide a rough overview of how powerful a given Chimera form should be within the context of the rules.

A Chimera form usually has 21 points to divide into the creatures Physical Attributes, with Dexterity costing double, and each attribute starting at 0. The creature also 9 points worth of natural weapons and armor, which are spent on mundane equipment from the weapon chart of the exalted corebook. This equipment is purchased at 1 point per resource dot listed on the chart, and is treated as exceptional without further cost. Lastly, the animal usually has 2-3 individual traits from the animals it was formed from. This might include a faster rate of travel, wings for flight, or other such traits. Some forms might gain a single Deadly Beastman Form gift, such as Beastial Reflexes, Spider-Climbing, or Ghost Sight.

Prey's Skin Technique (Revised)

  Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Simple
  Minimum Charisma: 4
  Minimum Essence: 3
  Prerequisite Charms: Many-Faced Moon Transformation, and either
  Towering Beast Form or Humble Mouse Shape.

The Lunar fully integrates the shapes and forms of those humans whose Hearts Blood he has consumed with his own, gaining the ability to assume the outward appearance and voice of any human whom he has consumed. When in the form of another human, the Lunar assumes that humans physical attributes and Appearance, but not any of the humans other social or mental attributes. The Lunar does gain the targets voice, and any gross physical mannerisms of the target, lowering any difficulty modifiers for impersonating the shape by 1. He does not gain any of the humans memories nor does any deep personality transference occur, allowing the Lunar to dress and behave as he wishes while using this charm. The Lunars tell and tattoos also remain, unless they are hidden with charms.

If the target is an Exalt, the Lunar does not gain any his powers or otherwise change the nature of his Exaltation. Members of the Eclipse or Moonshadow Caste may not learn this charm, as it draws on the natural power of the Lunar Exalted that cannot be emulated.

One Thousand Formed Beast

  Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower
  Duration: One scene
  Type: Simple
  Minimum Charisma: 5
  Minimum Essence: 4
  Prerequisite Charms: Prey's Skin Disguise

The Lunar with this charm is a true master of the shapeshifters art, able to shift and flow between shapes with ease and quickness. While this charm is active, the Lunar can change into any shape from his library as a free reflexive action that does not require the expenditure of any essence and which can be performed several times in the course of one specific turn. This can be used for complicated deceptions, or as part of complicated or delicate manuevers in combat.

The Lunar is considered to have the Style Speciality of "Shapeshifting Monster" at +3, gaining three dice to all stunts that involve truly badass shapeshifting. These extra dice do not add to the motes or willpower recieved from a stunt, but only add dice. In addition, the Lunar can shift between various forms as he wishes in order to gain the benefits of various animal forms, though he cannot shift more than one time per action. He can even shift as he wishes during another characters turn! Thus a Lunar can turn into a deer in order to flit away from an attack, then turn into a Anaconda as he wraps his coils around his opponent and engages him in a clinch. The Lunar can also shift for free into any charm-based form he might have, though he must still pay any nonstandard costs for these changes of form.

Other Charms

  • Towering Beast Form and 'Humble Mouse Shape are both still part of this tree. See Lunars, page 125 or 128.
  • Many-Faced Moon Transformation only costs 2 motes. Anyone attempting to recognize the Lunar in his new gender must make a Perception + Awareness roll, with a difficulty of 2.
  • Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique and Wondrous Lunar Transformation: These charms have a duration of Instant. With the prerequisite and essence requirements of these charms, this is only sensible. It's hardly overpowered for an Essence 4 Lunar to be able to change a willing subject into an animal. This also fits into the cost of Shaping the Once-Living Form which requires a Willpower to make the effect permanent. See Lunars, page 130.

Check out Subtle Monster, Deadly Beastman Form, and Utilitarian Shapeshifting?