< Session1 | The Royal Travessians | Session3 >

Hermes says, "Should we let him go?'

Torvar "He's of no danger to us now. Let him live."

Rosemarie looks a little winded from the fight. "I don't think it's honorable to run down fleeing enemies!"

Hermes is disappointed, but he'll take out a kerchief to wipe the goblin blood off his sword. "Wimps."

Catriana "Okay, but if he comes back with his friends, it's so totally not my fault"

Hermes "We'll blame Torvar. It's what he's best at, right?" Hermes winked towards Catriona.

Torvar rolls his eyes.

Catriana snickers

Catriana "Well he's gotta be good at SOMETHING"

Torvar The sound of a baby crying briefly makes its way through the bickering.

Hermes looks annoyed because he knows that they're going to go check it out.

Rosemarie "Wow, that was... hey, do you guys hear that?" Rosemarie looks around.

Hermes mutters, "Knew it would be her."

Hermes "I mean, I think it's just the wind."

Catriana "What's just the wind? I don't hear a thing!"

Torvar "Don't lie to your sister, kids."

Rosemarie glares at them and sets off to look at the houses, trying to find the sound.

Hermes "Rose, this place is full of *goblins*. Maybe we should, y'know, go while the getting is good? Just as a thought. Just throwing it out there that we should look after ourselves."

Hermes As Rose goes to find the baby, Hermes will acquaint himself with the goblin's possessions. As in "looting the bodies".

Catriana sidles along with hermes, picking the one she managed to kill

Torvar Rosemarie doesn't get very far before the sound of the baby crying is replaced with a series of frantic shushing noises. Looking into one of the houses, the huddled, vaguely hidden form of a disheveled young woman meets her eyes.

Torvar The goblins are so poor the party is almost poorer after looting them.

Rosemarie "Hey, are you okay? It's all right," Rosemarie says soothingly. "The goblins are gone."

Hermes Hermes will go from body to body, finding nothing of value, saying, "Fuck" and "goddamn it". When Rose finds the woman, Hermes will go over there and say, "Maybe she . . . oh, hell no, she's more broke than the goblin, I bet."

Catriana scowls, disappointed, then leans against a convenient wall to sulk

*young_woman* "Who are you people?"

Rosemarie straightens a bit and says proudly, "We're the Travessians!"

*woman* "What? No, really, who are you?"

Hermes Hermes scratched the back of his neck. He still had his sword out. "Yeah, well, about that, ignore that one. She hit her head in the fight and she's talkin' fool talk."

Hermes Hermes came forward and said, "I'm Hermes. We're fleeing the goblin bands and we were just happening through." He was idly looking about, to see if the woman had anything of value to take.

*theWoman* huddles back, frightened at the sight of Hermes's blade. "Don't...what do you want?"

Rosemarie "Are you hurt? What happened here?" She shot a look at Hermes. "Put your sword away, can't you see you're scaring her?"

Torvar The house is pretty much empty of anything valuable -- these people are peasants, and have never seen a gold piece in their lives.

Hermes Hermes shook his head, sheathed his sword and said, "I'm gonna look for more 'survivors'." By which he meant *search for something worth taking*. Peasants might not have gold, but they might have something, right? And at this point, so much as a loaf of bread or skin of wine would be appreciated.

*theWoman* "Th...the goblins came. They fought...they killed my husband...and most of the other townsfolk. They took the rest hostage. Most of them went back...back to their hideout."

Rosemarie "I'm so sorry," Rosemarie says immediately, setting down her shield and patting the woman carefully on the shoulder. "Can you tell us which way they went?"

Rosemarie "Cat! Drago! Where's the nearest shelter for this woman?"

Catriana "Errr... here?" She gestures to the village

Torvar "Shelter? She's IN a house. What do you mean?"

Rosemarie looks at them like they're idiots. "I mean someplace that can PROTECT her."

Hermes Hermes poked his head out of a hovel and said, "Nowhere, Rose. Nowhere can protect her! Get it? Goblins ravaging the countryside, the castle taken over by a bad man with bad plans for the area. She's fucked."

Dragomir "There's another village down this road," Dragomir says, rather quietly.

Torvar "That's the best course. We could take her to Wolfsblood Manor, but they probably wouldn't take her in."

Torvar "Hermes, calm down."

Torvar Hermes does manage to find some more spare food, though not quite of the quality he is accustomed to.

Rosemarie looks back to the woman. "Do you want to come with us to the next village, or stay here? We'll tell them about the goblins at Wolfsblood Manor, but... well, it might be a while." Which was sort of a nice version of what Hermes said.

*woman* "The goblins went mostly that way, I think. You should be able to follow their tracks."

Hermes shakes head head at the "calm down" bit, and takes the food. Because he fears they'll need it and hunger makes for a great sauce.

*"I'll...come* with you, I guess. There's nothing left here."

*woman* "Do...do you have anything to eat?"

Hermes grinds his teeth, knowing that one of them will suggest they actually follow those tracks.

Rosemarie "Well, we can't follow the goblins until we've gotten you safe," Rosemarie says to the woman with reassuring or possibly unnerving optimism. She digs in her bag for some of her food share.

Hermes pretends he didn't hear the woman. He's 'looking for survivors', right?

Torvar "All right. We'll take her to the next town. Then we can decide whether to go back and hunt down these goblins, or push on."

Torvar "Let's get moving. We've got a ways to go."

Rosemarie "Right!"

Hermes is against dragging some peasant woman around. He doesn't see the point. The next village is either the goblin's last target or their next one. And it isn't their business! But he can see the look in Torvar and Rosemarie's eyes. "Ugh. Whatever."

Torvar ***

Torvar After delivering the woman to the next village and staying the night, the siblings trek back to the first town and follow the goblin tracks towards a small cave.

Hermes will scout ahead, creeping along quietly.

Dragomir is a little uncertain about the whole thing, but doesn't see a way around it, so he spends his time getting behind a convenient rock and running over astrological signs in his head to get ready.

Catriana stays behind Rose. Possibly /annoyingly/ close behind rose

Rosemarie is happy to take point to Hermes' recon. It's her job to stride bravely forward! She ruins the effect a little by hissing over her shoulder at Cat, "Stop /crowding/ me."

Torvar is shoulder-to-shoulder with Rosemarie. "Quit bickering. We're supposed to be quiet."

Hermes Whereat the rest of his family demonstrates why Hermes is so far ahead of them. The dead could hear them coming.

Catriana giggles quietly to herself

Hermes The goblins are minding their own business. Hermes heard his family, knew the goblins did, too, and knew this would be the time to strike. So he drew one of his throwing spikes and threw it into the throat of the nearest goblin. The goblin looked surprised at the hole in it's throat, and fell down, gurgling blood, clawing feebly at his throat and his legs twitching as he died.

Dragomir Hearing the unmistakeable sounds of squelchy death, Dragomir swiftly ducks forward, willing himself to become more difficult to spot as he does so. As he nears the mouth of the tunnel, he spots a goblin off some distance and a little to his left, and opens fire.

Dragomir The blast of dark energy catches the goblin entirely off-guard, and he keels over without ever getting a chance to turn around.

Torvar The goblins leap up from their meal, chittering and reaching for their weapons, even as Dragomir's blast obliterates one of them. One of the goblins levels a finger, and a crossbow, right at Hermes, and another one darts over to take aim.

Hermes tosses another shuriken at one of the cutters and retreats back towards the others. He works best, after all, in groups once stealth is gone.

Hermes The shuriken drives into the gobber's chest, knocking him down to sputter blood and groan as he died in horrible agony.

Torvar The goblins drive hell-bent for leather at Hermes as he backpedals.

Torvar They swing their cleavers and swords at him, but he casually dodges.

Catriana murmurs the words of the spell and fire leaps from her fingers to explode just behind the two goblins near Hermes, catching them in the expanding blast

Torvar One of the goblins dives behind the other one, who shrivels in the blast.

Rosemarie "For Travessia!" Rosemarie runs at the goblin she can see on the left, shield up and sword raised high.

Torvar "Rose, if you yell at them, it's easier for them to be ready for you," Torvar snaps as the goblin parries her blow.

Hermes can't believe Rose just said that.

Torvar steps up and engages the goblin attacking Hermes, fending him off long enough for him to move around him.

Dragomir ducks around his brothers, taking advantage of the chaos to slip away from the nearest melee altogether and provide support to his sister. Stepping just in front of her, he looks straight at the goblin and pronounces a word which no human language can record.

Hermes chooses to protect his lightly armored body rather than move to a position of greater combat advantage. I mean, they're cutters, right?

Rosemarie "I am being /inspiring/!" Rosemarie calls back angrily at Torvar. All the stories are clear on the importance of that. Unfortunately, she verbally tramples Drago's spell.

Torvar Torvar's response is cut off by a couple of crossbow bolts thunking into his shield and arm.

Dragomir "For the love of... /Rose!/"

Hermes moves to the rear of the gobbo that Dragomir and Rose are fighting, fit to put a sword into this one's spine. He is aware this provides some cover against those goblins with crossbows, too. Well, at least one of them.

Hermes brutal shot severs the spine of the goblin, and slides through the goblin's heart, he says to Rose, “I can't take you anywhere.”

Hermes starts to move, but a pit opens up in front of him. "Shit!" he says, and out of spite he tosses a shuriken at the crossbow goblin nearest to him. It's a kind of hail mary pass, but he doesn't have many options at this point.

Hermes The shot hit the goblin, a deep hard hit in the thigh, bloody but not a killing blow. Hermes went, "Heh."

Torvar The cutters move forward again and go for the kill, but only manage a light scratch to Hermes.

Rosemarie "WHAT?" Rose said to Dragomir, then moved her shield just in time to catch a slice on it.

Hermes said, "Someone kill this maggot!"

Dragomir "Don't scream over my eldritch powers!"

Catriana grins, "Don't worry, Hermie, I'll save you!" And with that, a bolt of glittering blue ice skims past Torvar's shoulder towards the goblin

Catriana "Dangit, Torv, you're in the way again!"

Torvar "Why don't you warn me before you shoot? Then I could move!"

Catriana "I figured you'd know, when I said I'

Catriana I'd save Hermes!"

Hermes "I don't need saving! I just want someone to kill this maggot! And *never* call me 'Hermie', again, or I'll tell Toby all your dirty little secrets."

Rosemarie is about to yell something else, remembers Drago's crankiness, and just swings her sword, a little awkwardly around the corner at the goblin.

Torvar "Hermes, don't threaten your sister. I'll kill the goblin already. I would've killed it in the first place if I wasn't dodging an ICE BOLT."

Catriana "whatEVER!" She stomps her foot

Rosemarie "Got him!" she says in something dangerously like a girlish squeal, though her face goes a bit pale when she sees her sword crunch into the goblin's side and it crumples.

Torvar steps behind the goblin and slams it over the head with his shield, taking it down.

Dragomir darts forward to take care of the goblins who've hung back behind the fire. Standing to one side of a large rock column, he fires off an eldrich bolt at his nearest foe.

Torvar The sharpshooters hiss as Dragomir's bolt tears into one of them and let loose a couple of bolts in return. One passes harmlessly through an errant shadow, while the other takes Dragomir in the arm.

Hermes Hermes said sweetly, “You know me, Torvar, I never threaten anything. I'm the soul of kindness and mercy. Still, thanks for the maggot squishing. Their blood is horrible to get off a sword.” And then he pulls out another spike, twirls it rakishly in his fingers and throws it at the goblin he'd wounded earlier, before skirting the edge of the pit to crouch behind a stalagmite.

Hermes The weakened goblin takes Hermes blade in the stomach. He says, "Why me? We never did anything to ye!" Then he stumbles into the fire, already dead.

Dragomir "Dammit!" Dragomir clutches his arm as he watches Hermes dispatch the goblin.

Catriana hops over some dead goblins, and slides past Torvar to get within reach of the last sharpshooter. "Why you? Ha." She snorts at Hermes, but looses an ice lance at the goblin

Rosemarie "Surrender and answer for your crimes!" Rosemarie yells at the goblin. That's the right sort of thing to say, right?

Hermes said, "Assuming you've committed any!"

Torvar "Of course he's committed crimes, he's a GOBLIN. That's how they live."

Hermes "Do you believe *everything* you hear, Torvar? I mean, just curious. Sure. Goblins are evil. We'll kill 'em and loot their bodies. I'm good with that. But the question still stands."

Catriana "They slaughtered that whole village!" she says, as the ice explodes in the goblin's face.

Torvar "Do you see a lot of plows or spinning wheels in this cave, Hermes?"

Hermes "And now we're slaughtering them! Who knows who started it?"

Torvar "It doesn't MATTER who started it, the point is we're finishing it."

Hermes "I can get behind that kind of reasoning," he said, mostly to himself, with a shake of his head.

Rosemarie "Stop it, both of you!" Rose sounds really upset as she moves up to lay a hand on Hermes' shoulder, and his wounds knit.

Torvar rolls his eyes as he steadily marches up next to the fire, closing in on the last goblin.

Torvar "Besides, I'm pretty sure those are human bones in the fire."

Dragomir Dragomir grits his teeth and runs over the dead deceased body of the goblin he'd just exchanged fire with, then launches a ray of brilliant starlight at the one remaining foe.

Torvar The ray of starlight sears the goblin and he curses.

Torvar The remaining goblin is relatively quickly dispatched, with a certain amount of bickering.

< Session1 | The Royal Travessians | Session3 >