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Backgrounds: Angel Brass, Harmony Arkham, Joseph Cleburne, Mei Xihou, Saphia Marais, Thea Vallas

Artifact *****
"And I am the Glorious Rod and Scepter of the Most High Inti!" "... I'm calling you Rodney for short."
The tapac-yauri is a powerful artifact that grants Harmony clothing as she wishes that is both radiant and filled with pockets to other dimensions. When the radiant aspect of the clothing is active, she gains a secret persona, recognizable as such, but easily forgotten when not there, as well as it being a goremaul.

Contacts *
"Oh, don't worry. I have a few friends online. Maybe they'll know something!"
Harmony has made a number of minor friends from her side hobby/job and on the internet, under the moniker Horizon Genki Girl?.

Past Life *****
"Shut up, Rodney! I'm trying to think!"
Inti's Rod has talked much of how absolutely wrong Harmony's anime and the like are, but in the time she's learned a great deal, and has started having strange dreams of strange places... among them a grand city of gold. Harmony is able to dip into a pool of primal memory as limitless as the sky, but has found that her dreams become more and more feverish after times she has used the Charm, wanting to seek out more.

Reputation **
"Who, me? Oh, I'm no one special... I'm just with the band."
People know her for her costume design "studio", Sunset Designs and more than a handful of fans are aware of her being the special effects specialist for Primordial Wrath.

Resources ***
"I do actually have a decent payroll, but... most of it goes to the special effects. We haven't gone over budget ever, but I design clothes on the side to make a bit more."
Money from her day/night job as Primordial Wrath's stage designer and selling costumes. As of late her increasing fame has resulted in more orders and more complex ones to boot!

Artifacts n' Wonders

Hearthstones n' Wonders


  • Being a Heroine! (Love)
  • Anime and other Entertainment Media (Fangirlish joy)
  • Understanding the Past (Quiet Duty)
  • Angel Brass (Affection)
  • Mei (Friendly Concern)
  • Good and/or Exotic Food (Appreciation)
  • Crafting (Gleeful Pride)

(Harmony Story?)