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Remember that anything here is just my notes, to be replaced as I work it out.

Baali in The Long Night are supposedly the last traces of an ancient priesthood dating back to prehistory; the so-called Lords claim a tale of betrayal that forced them from their ancestral home and into Northern Africa. Given a grudge against the Salubri and Phaedymites (who they hold personally accountable for their exile) and whispers of a love affair of sort between a high-ranking Lord and one of the Turelim, the Baali have offered their support to the Carthaginian cause.

Sobriquet: Lords

Clan Disciplines: Daimoinon, Obfuscate, Presence

Faction Affiliation: Carthaginian

Clan Weakness: As priests of an ancient religion, the Lords find no comfort in symbols of other faiths. Holy symbols or prayers of faiths other than their own or the mock-faith of the Turelim drive the Baali back if they do not succeed on a Self-Control roll at difficulty 7. Use of True Faith against a Baali have double the effect.
