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Stuff here for the moment is primarily my notes for what I plan to do with it; it'll get replaced with a proper write up as I go through the list.

Ventrue supposedly hail from common stock, but as any of them will tell you, such things are long in the past and hold little consequence; what matters is merit, and the proof that cream will always rise to the top.

Once nothing more than a thorn in the side of the Noctis, the Ventrue grew in numbers and ambition until at last a candidate of their own was placed in the highest position of authority; the Emperor puppet of the Ventrue did not last for long in the tumultuous times, but the fact they had managed it at all forced the Noctis to acknowledge the Ventrue as a potential threat... or ally. The Ventrue, believing it better to maintain a close relationship with their enemy, accepted, and thus the Triumvirate was formed.

The Ventrue have since managed to put a strangehold on most of the economy and political dealings, forcing the Noctis into the religious arena, one the Ventrue seem to care little about; this may in the end be their undoing, but for now, the Ventrue claim ultimate authority.

Sobriquet: Imperators

Clan Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence

Clan Weakness: Imperators spent many of their early years with greatly reduced feeding stock, primarily due to Noctis constriction of their domains. Through the generations, this has twisted their palates so that only one type of blood will satisfy. Ventrue must chose the blood of a specific type of person (family lineages are most common, but other choices may be appropriate, as the storyteller dictates), and may feed only from that type of person. No other blood will satisfy them, even when frenzied or force-fed, and thus they gain no blood points from other kinds, nor may they spend such blood to heal, create blood bonds, or maintain ghouls. Most retch it right back up. Vampire blood presents no such difficulties.

Faction Affiliation: Imperials
