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The times listed for each roll are a base time taken to do the task well but not perfectly. If the character wishes to hurry the task they may do so, reducing the time span of each roll by one factor. Years reduce to seasons, seasons to months, months to weeks, weeks to days and days to hours. Each factor of reduction increases the target number of the roll by 1. Target numbers can never exceed 10. Should the character wish to take their time, the target number of the roll is reduced by 1 for each increase in factor. Target numbers can not be lowered beyond 4. If they would be, instead add automatic successes to the roll based on the time factor’s value. Days are worth 1, weeks are worth 2, months are worth 3, seasons are worth 4 and years are worth 5.
The listed times for the rolls are also subject to inflation. For a number of rolls equal to the character’s score in the Ability of the roll (specialties do not count) the time remains constant. For each roll after that it increases by a time-factor with no bonus for increased time. This can, in theory, push a character beyond the factor of years. Further then years the time factor goes to decades, scores, half-centuries and then centuries. It is not advised to allow characters to make rolls that take them beyond centuries.
The first step in any attempt at artifice is to make the Planning Rolls. The Conceptualization roll is made first. It is the most important Planning Roll since the other two rolls can not garner more successes then gained on the Conceptualization roll. The Enchantment Planning Roll can be skipped if the Enchantment Step Phase will not be used.
The Construction Rolls are next. Construction Rolls function on a narrowing threshold. Rough Forming Components disregards any successes that exceed the number of successes gathered in the Physical Construction Planning Roll. Assembly of Components disregards any successes in excess of the number gained on Rough Forming Components and so forth. It is possible to skip any of the Construction rolls except Rough Forming the Whole. In the case of extremely simple, one-piece items like Hearthstone Bracers, Hearthstone Amulets and other minor items, the other steps are not required. Should any of the Construction rolls be skipped, the threshold of the roll is determined by the prior Construction roll.
The Enchantment rolls are not strictly necessary. It is possible to create Artifacts without magical powers, though doing so is considered extremely wasteful and foolish. Such Artifacts can never have a point total exceeding XX. If made, the Enchantment Rolls have their success threshold dictated by the number of successes gathered on the Enchantment Planning Roll and have the same narrowing threshold of the Construction rolls. In addition, the number of successes gained on the Enchantment Finalization roll has a threshold equal to the number of successes gained on the Construction Finalization roll.
Add the results of all Construction Rolls made together to determine the total number of Construction Points. Do the same for the Enchantment Rolls to determine the number of Enchantment Points.
These points are used to determine the stats of the Artifact, if in fact it has any. These points may be distributed amongst Soak and Hardness or used to counter the penalties of Fatigue and Mobility for protective items. For weapons they can be spread amongst Rate, Accuracy, Defense, Damage, Speed and Range. In the case of Artifacts which do not have such stats, half the Construction Points are added to the Enchantment Point total. The rest are discarded.
The most essential part of any well-designed and well-build Artifact, Enchantment Points are used to purchase the magical powers of the item.
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