< Into the Darkest Pits | Ex Pulplogs | Being Eaten Isn't Fun... >

Myrrh walks oblivious through the packed hallways carrying the revolution over his shoulder in front of the gawking servants. "You know this is actualy going to be pretty fun..."

Corve walks down the corridor with Judging Thunder loaded and ready in his hands. He raises a brow, looking over at his friend as they reach the festive area of the ziggurat. "Been a while since we've done something like this... heh, yeah." He raises the rifle up and aims at a random statue. "You take the structure, I'll hit some statutes," and then he's in the mix, Judging Thunder exploding loudly with each shot as he aims for the heads of several statues.

Myrrh nods and heads into the central chamber and aims for a pillar that no one is under at the moment, he pulls back a lever which makes it gun let out a loud humm before a deafening roar breaks over the crowd as he fires, smoke everywhere!

The crowd of priests, priestesses and attendants screams and starts fleeing at maximum speed. The various slaves and servants in attendance upon the festivities vanish even faster then the esteemed priesthood, disappearing into servant's tunnels and back entrances, presumably off to warn their friends and then flee as fast as humanly able.

Corve runs through the crowd, spinning and shooting. He places the barrel of the gun on the High Priestess' shoulder as it lets out a deafening boom, shooting a statue across the floor. "Run you dumb bitch," he mutters, spinning around and shooting another nearby statue.

The guardsmen are some of the last to flee from the explosions and they have the look of men retreating to get help rather then men fleeing for their lives. Corve and Myrrh can figure out that it won't be long before a rather large and angry assemblage of guardsmen and possibly more, come for them. The unfortunante High Priestess falls over in a dead faint and is sick all over Corve's feet.

Corve looks down at his feet and groans. "Guh... that's just sick. I mean, really..."

High`Priestess blupp

Corve walks over to Myrrh, shotting another statue on the way and putting his back against his friend's. "We're going to ahve company as soon as those guards come back. I suggest we get out and colapse the entrance before they get back."

Myrrh smirks and looks down at the priestess. "I've never seen them get sick AND faint..."

Corve "What can I say, I have a way with women..."

Myrrh nods and draggs the priestess to someplace safe and aims for above the enterance!

Corve rolls out of the room, skidding to a stop just outside and looking at his friend as he puts his hands to his ears, being that close to the Revolution isn't healthy!

Myrrh takes aim and FIRES!, toppling the wall that used to be the enterance in one shot! Myrrh pulls his goggles onto his forehead. "That'll hold them."

Myrrh then turns to run towards the pit of the beast!

Corve proceeds to quickly reload Judging Thunder as he nods to Myrrh to follow him. "Probably. Let's go!" He tosses the rifle over his shoulder into its holster and draws his six-shooters. Less efficient, but he doesn't want to waste ammo on stupid guards.

It doesn't take long for Myrrh and Corve to make their way back down to the chamber where Xar and Carmine lowered themselves into the black, bottomless pit.

Xar looks up, hearing the destruction being wrought above... "Well, I suppose we can rule out sneaking up on it."

Corve skids to the edge of the bottomless pit and looks down. "Hey, are you two down there still?!"

Carmine shrugs. Sneaking wasn't really her style anyway.

Xar "Stay there, I will come for you. It is a long way down."

Corve looks at Myrrh and shrugs. "Yeah... sure..." He spins the revolvers in his hands calmly, leaning on a wall and keeping an eye on the door. "I just hope he makes it up here before the guards figure out where we are..."

Xar leaves Carmine down below, figuring she'll be fine on her own, and flies back up the loooooooong tunnel thing.

Myrrh glances back at the way they came, setting the large cannon down next to him. "Well we're assuming we can make it out of here without them nabbing us. I doubt they'd want to attack us now though."

Carmine waits alone in the dark.

Xar lands heavily on the rim, flexing his wings. It's hard work carrying an extra 100lbs of him, plus the like 5lbs of Carmine. Now for two more burdens! "Are you ready?"

Myrrh "Ready as i'll ever be...what is it anyway?"

Corve nods and holsters his guns, grabbing one of Xar's arms and hanging on for dear Solar life! "Who cares? Lets get this over with..."

Myrrh slings the revolution over his shoulder and takes Xar's other arm.

Xar "It is... a large man-thing. It fears light. It is nice." He readies himself, adjusting for the new weights on his arms, then drops off the edge of the hole and plummets like.. a rock!

Corve gives a wooooooooooh as they drop down the shaft, hanging on to Xar with one arm and his gun with the other.

Myrrh rather used to the whole falling to his death thing by now he puts his goggles back on and readies himself to get off. "So is the big monster afraid of the light too?"

Xar waits until he judges them to be about 3/4 of the way down before spreading his wings again, a little at a time to slow them, rather than come to a jolting halt. Just above the floor he backwings twice, and sets the three of them down neatly. "We have not met it yet. But I think yes."

Corve lands comfortably and pats Xar's shoulder a bit. "Thanks," he mutters, walking over to Carmine, smiling. "Everything alright down here, love?"

Carmine nods, her smile not visible in the dark. "There was a lot of noise from up there ...."

Myrrh lands and nods to Xar. "Well i'm sure it'll see us soon...have you seen any of his..."brides?"

Corve looks around. "It dark down here... what do you guys say we shine a little light on the situation, hmm?"

Xar shakes his head, "You will hurt his eyes."

Carmine "It hurts him."

Xar "He has been helpful to us."

Carmine gestures at the folorn looking shape.

Corve pauses a second... "You've got to be..." he sighs, looking at the creature. "Alright... so, let's go get poppa."

Xar "Oh and I learned a new word." he says, pleased. "Know-eater."

Giant sits in the dark, sometimes turning one or more eye-stalks towards the intruders in his little space.

Corve looks at Xar and then shrugs. "Works for me." He steps a bit closer to Carmine and brushes some hair from her brow. "So, are we going to stand around here all day or actually get this done?"

Myrrh "Well the longer we wait the more likely they'll be waiting up there for us...so it would be best if we got to it."

Xar "What did you do?" he gestures upward

Corve "We scared the living Sun out of them."

Carmine softly kisses Corve, but then nods. "We should go down."

Xar "Ah. With loud noises." he proceeds past the giant, hoping he does not try to stop them.

Myrrh "Well loud noises and falling ceilings.

Myrrh "The High Priestess fainted."

Giant watches the intruders pass without comment.

Xar "She is the one who did not like you, before?"

Corve smiles at Carmine and then follows Xar. "And blown up statues. Yeah, I let out a blast right next to her ear." He looks over to Myrrh with a grin in the darkness. "We should do this more often."

Myrrh "What, enrage and entire cities spirit court while hunting a monster of the first age?" Smirks and tries to get an idea of his surroundings so he doesn't stub his toe.

Corve blinks a little, getting adjusted to the light. "Actually I was going to just say 'run around shooting things,' but yeah, I guess that's good too."

Xar sighs a little, "I hope this does not begin a war with the spirit courts."

Carmine "That sounds like fun."

Myrrh "I don't think they were happy with the whole sacrificing virgins thing either..."

Xar shrugs, "To the spirits, humans are but a flicker."

Corve shrugs at Xar. "To us, spirits are pompous. No offense, Xeth," he adds.

Myrrh "Well they are obsessed with gaining station. I mean you remember that Cave goddess I told you about earlier..."

Corve "Mmm, yeah."

Xar smiles, "Some, more than others."

The Circle goes deeper into the unknowable depths under the ziggurat. By their best estimates they've been walking for five miles when they reach the first sign of life beyond a few Cave Terrors easily dealt with and some blindfish in pools. The evidence they find is very, very interesting.

When Myrrh goes to lean against the wall, taking a break for just a few seconds, he finds the wall is not made of stone, but of something else. Almost as hard as stone, the material is slick where it isn't covered with dirt and mineral deposits. And it has some sort of nasty, bad-smelling ooze coming from it.

ST He can't tell anything else in the dark.

Xar conjures a tiny flame on the tip of his claw

Corve turns at Myrrh's words and heads in that direction. "I can barely see anything, even with Xar's fire," he mutters, trying to get a good glance at whatever it is.

Myrrh "I think it's some sort of mucus..."

Corve "Feels like it... yeah."

Myrrh "I guess that means we're getting close..."

Xar "Unless we are inside it."

Corve "Oh... that would be bad."

Myrrh "I don't see how we could be inside it. There would be digestive acids and fillia..."

Corve "You sound dissappointed..." he murmurs.

Everyone, except Corve of course, can tell that what they're looking at is some sort of appendage of the behemoth, embedded in the stone. Corve, however, is convinced they're looking at something totally different.

Myrrh "hmmm...it's embedded in the rock. That might have been it's curse I suppose."

Corve blinks, looking at the thing. "Huh?"

Xar pokes it a little

Myrrh "The thing in the rock. It's part of the creature."

Corve just sort of stares, propping his chin on the back of Carmine's head a little and raising a brow. "Looks like someone spilled my mother's special secret sauce all over it..." he looks at Myrrh. "What? No... it doesn't even look like..." he quiets down, remembering his mother's sauce. Yum.

Carmine pokes it too. "He did say the beast grew into the rock..."

Corve "I really can't see crap..." he says, his tone implying that any minute now he's going to burst like a silver sun.

Myrrh "Fine, let's just get moving."

Xar obligingly makes his flame-tip a bit larger, but they head on down the tunnel regardless of Corve's lack of vision

It isn't very long, just about 20 minutes, before the Circle comes to a fork in the tunnel...

Xar stares at the fork, from one to the other direction.

Xar "Hmm."

Corve "What is it..?"

Carmine "Xar?"

Xar "These tunnels. We must make a choice." he points to the left, "That one, I think, Will take us away, yes? But this one," he points right..."There is something...hidden about it. But it will take us to the creature."

Corve looks down the one to the right. "Alright then... let's get this over with," he mutters, starting to walk towards it.

Xar puts a hand on Corve's shoulder, making him pause. "Beware." then lets him go.

Corve doesn't keep going. "That's ominious. Even from you. Beware of what?"

Xar shakes his head, "I cannot see through it. Something is hidden." He taps his head with a claw, "From here."

Corve rolls his eyes. "Well that's just dandy..."

Myrrh "Some sort of magic...hmm."

Xar "Maybe one of us will go first, tell what it does?"

Corve "... yeah, sure."

Corve shrugs and walks towards the tunnel, bracing himself for anything that might happen...

Xar watches him closely

Carmine watches too. She should have just gone herself, before he could.

ST As Corve walks down the tunnel he remains visible for several yards before passing into total darkness as he gets too far from Xar's light. Despite that, nothing happens to him. No Cave Terrors descend, he doesn't fall into the depths.

Carmine waits for a while. "Well, I'm going after him." And she does.

ST It actually feels pretty nice down this tunnel, there's a sort of warmth to the rock, probably due to some local hot springs. Bubbling pools he can faintly hear lend themselves to that conclusion.

Xar trails after them warily, his feathers abristle!

Corve pauses for a moment, looking around in the total darkness. "Hurt or not, I'm not going to stand around in the dark," he mutters... and with a sudden, burst flash, he ignites his caste mark.

Xar "Ow!" he shields his eyes, pupils contracting to slits.

The sudden flare of light only reveals more cavern.

Carmine blinks against the light "...Corve?"

Corve "Yeah, it's me. Come on, I'm sick of this darkness..."

Xar sniffs the air suspiciously, and continues on

Myrrh squints behind his goggles and continues after Xar and Corve. "Well so much for suprise..."

Corve "If we kept walking in the dark we were going to be surprised ourselves. I'd rather see where I'm walking..."

The Circle walks down the tunnel, still unable to find any trace of the hidden nature which Xar warned them about. Even the Dragon King himself starts to wonder if he might have been mistaken about the tunnel.

Xar "Surprise was lost when the noise was made above."

ST Maybe the behemoth was tricking them? It hoped to scare people away from this tunnel with an illusion because it was perfectly safe and lead to the beast?

Xar idly wonders what would happen if he were to light this unnervingly safe passage on fire

ST Of course, this wondering becomes somewhat more interesting when behind the Circle there is a tremendous crash and roar of falling earth. It would appear the entrance to this tunnel has caved in.

ST That would mean that the fork is now burried under rubble and the Circle has only one direction to go: forward!

Xar "Hmph."

Corve turns his head and rolls his eyes. "Figures..."

Xar "I was wondering where the other path led."

Corve "Somewhere safer than this one, probably."

Carmine "So it's a good job we're here, then."

Myrrh "Maybe it was his private baths."

Corve "Sure it was."

Xar "From the echoes, it seemed to go far."

Xar sighs, and forges onward!

Myrrh "Well it's more pleasant to think of a bath than it is to think about being trapped below the earth with a crazed behemoth cursed by the incarna themselves..."

Corve follows Xar, taking Carmine by the waist as they walk, keeping her close.

Xar matches his pace to Myrrh's

Myrrh "This is no cave..."

Xar sniffs again

Xar "I think we are being eaten."

Carmine "Oh."

Corve pauses. "... oh, yeah. This is where I wanted to be... really... I had it all planned out..."

Xar pokes the walls again

Carmine gestures, and Eminence appears in a flash of brilliant sunlight.

Corve flips Judging Thunder out and looks at the walls. "Alright... so, if we're inside it... I suggest we get -outside- of it."

Xar "It might hold the ceiling up." He checks his feet to make sure they're not being digested or something gross

< Into the Darkest Pits | Ex Pulplogs | Being Eaten Isn't Fun... >