< She Is In Use! | Ex Pulplogs | Return To The Land Of Giants >

ST Having made its final statements, the creature of flesh and muscle disappears back into the internal walls the spawned it, leaving Xar, Myrrh and Corve alone in the pulsing chamber. There is the passage in front of them that the creature said would lead to their destruction, and there's a sphincter at the other end of the chamber, behind the characters.

Corve doesn't move an inch, his rifle in his hands and his eyes boring holes into the passage that the creature left through, his jaws tight and his grip on his rifle making his knuckles white.

Xar`Rex "Hmmmm. So. It would seem that this creature is not our enemy, at the moment. We should depart, to deal with the true threat above."

Myrrh "Well now we wait...although...you know that city he mentioned, i've never heard of it before."

Corve remains silent, trying to make up his mind. At least he knows the creature told the truth- that much he's sure of. Finally, after a sigh, he turns around and walks towards the sphincter. "Let's go."

Myrrh "Have you ever heard of a Daskim...or has Xeth?"

Myrrh "I think the book might have more info...but I can't be sure til I get some time to study.

Corve makes his way to the sphincter, and then dives into it unhesitating, wanting to be out of the internal bowels of this thing, and back with Carmine, as soon as possible. He's getting frustrated.

Xar`Rex "I have not..." he shakes his head, then closes his eyes, and when he opens them again he stands taller, more imposing, and his reptilian eyes flicker with fire. "I have no knowledge of this Daskim you seek. It is not a city of the Fire Gods' domain. I must admit, I am amused that you stay to argue about such things in the belly of a behemoth, however. You are quite interesting to watch."

Myrrh "Well it's not as if we'll have time to talk about then when we're hurriedly searching for a sunken city..."

Myrrh follows Corve, this monster will have to wait...

Xar`Rex strides for the sphincter that leads back to the main chamber, and out. "Of course you will. You speak all the time. You simply do not cease to speak ever." he sounds amused

ST Through the fourth sphincter they've encountered, they find themselves back in the large, cavernous space that the naked villagers live inside. But, as opposed to the last time, there's a wall pulsing and flexing, indicating that it may serve as an exit.

Corve moves without hesitation towards the supposed exit, rifle in hand.

Myrrh "Well there's always so much to talk about! It's not like we're often in the guts of a sun forsaken monster...

Xar`Rex "Is it your plan now to rescue these mortals from their life here? If you do, where will you put them? Have you a place for them, above? One that you have not destroyed recently, or gotten banned from?"

Myrrh "You know...I didn't think of that...and we didn't destroy the ziggaurat! Just the procession room!"

Xar`Rex "Mmmhmm.. as I suspected." he laughs. "You are such creatures of the moment. I have seen such things. The rescue of supposed innocents, the benefactors finding themselves dragged down by those they carry with them. The rescued soon lose their gratefulness and begin to resent their rescuers. No, one must have a refuge for them, before one undertakes such a mission, or all will end in fire and tears."

Corve turns to look at Xar's possessed figure, narrowing his eyes. "We weren't really planning on encountering an entire village down here- we can't tell the future, you know."

Myrrh "Well then we'll come back. They aren't breeding and we killed all the belly bats..."

Corve snorts a little bit. "'All' might be a bit excessive. I doubt this thing can't make more of them," he mutters. "And we can't come back. We promised..." for now, anyway.

Xar`Rex "Then we must leave, for there is nothing left to do here."

Myrrh "Hey, if what I read is true I don't think rescuing people from the belly of a monster is too out of our reach...I mean the Solars of the first age made amazing things!"

Myrrh "Well...and horrific things."

Xar`Rex "And you will make what for them? A cage around their village to keep the creatures out?"

Corve looks at Myrrh and shrugs. "We're not in the First Age- and we aren't them, no matter how many memories we carry from that time. At least, I'm not," he mutters, looking towards the exit. "I make my own decisions, thank you very much."

Myrrh "I'm not sure Xeth, I don't have any matterials on hand...although give me a day..."

Corve sighs. "He was being facetious, Myrrh."

Myrrh "Facetious or no, we can still come up with something...although getting past the angry guards above might be an issue..."

Xar`Rex curves his wings around him like a cloak. Somehow, the fluffy pink feathers look less ridiculous on him than simply on Xar. "There is no Metal here, nor Stone. If you build with the creature, he will simply absorb it back. Will you build it from the bones of the fallen?"

Corve turns to them and runs a hand through his hair in frustration. "Look, either way, we have to make a decision -now.- Do we take them with us, or do we leave them here?"

Myrrh "Hmmm...how many could Xar take with him?"

Xar`Rex "Do you wish me to also carry YOU, or just THEM?"

Myrrh thinks for a moment.

Myrrh sighs. "Well have to come back for them later."

Myrrh "After all of this black snake business."

Xar`Rex "Come back, and break your promise to the Elder one?"

Xar`Rex "That is rather unwise."

Myrrh "Fine. We'll just have Xar "ferry" a few of them up at a time."

Myrrh "But let's go."

Xar`Rex "Were you planning to ask, or did you simply assume I would do what you told me to?"

Myrrh "Stop being difficult Xeth...can't Xar hear what I'm saying to you?"

Xar`Rex "Of course he can. You should be more courteous to him."

Myrrh "Yes but if he can hear us talk...nevermind. Xar, would you please help us take the people up out of the pit? Although I should ask if they WANT to leave..."

Myrrh "Fine. Let's just go."

Xar`Rex "I will; thank you for asking!"

Myrrh "Right, we just need to get up to the others...

Corve sighs and walks towards one of the tents, tapping it with his rifle lightly, but enough to make it shake. "Hey, come on out for a second," he says, swinging the rifle back over his shoulder.

ST A voice emerges from the tent. "We don't want trouble!"

Corve sighs. "Just come out, will you? I don't want to have to come in again, like last time."

ST A teenager sticks her head out of the tent and peers at the assorted people in front of her house. "What?"

Corve tilts his head at her and steps back, motioning for her to come out all the way. He's not talking to a fucking head.

ST The young woman steps out of her tent, being all naked and such.

Corve isn't paying attention to that, at the moment. "My friends and I want to offer you the chance to get out of here. You go talk to your people, get us a decision quick, and those that want to come with us, we'll take." Then he walks away, back to Myrrh and Xar.

ST "Out of here? You mean it? Really?"

Myrrh "Yes really."

Myrrh "Might have to fight our way through a mob of guards and angry priestesses but it's nothing we can't handle.

Kraken|Not Here? is now known as Kraken

Corve shrugs. "You get this one chance. We're probably never coming back, and no one else knows there's an entire village of people trapped down here. So make up your minds, and let us know."

ST The girl nods hurridly and runs off to the rest of the tents, yelling her message. It takes only a double handful of time before a third of the village, about eight people between ages nine and twenty-seven, are standing around their "saviors", eyes wide, still naked. Three are girls, the rest are men. The men are, in general, younger. One of the oldest, a brown-haired woman with a finger-bone necklace, talks for them all

Shamaness "We thank you, honored great ones. But there is something we must beg you to do. There is a sick man, a new comer from the outside. We cannot move him to bring him here with us. Please, take him. He will die if he remains for there is no medicine here."

Xar`Rex "Lead us to this man."

Shamaness does so, showing the three to a large make-shift shelter under which lays the sweat-drenched, fevered form of...well hot damn, that sure does look like a Bronze Hill Giant!

Shamaness speaks quietly, not to disturb the sleeping giant. "He said his name is Umak, third husband of Tonidra. But we are not sure if that is right, he is delirious."

Corve pauses for a moment. "We owe her this much," he murmurs, looking over to his friends. "It'd probably be wise to take him up last, in case we meet any resistance."

Shamaness "You know this man?"

Myrrh "He's the husband of a friend of ours."

Corve "He's the husband of a friend of ours."

Xar`Rex "We know his wife."

Corve looks at Myrrh and raises a brow, slowly.

Xar`Rex looks at the two men, amused.

Shamaness looks at the two men. "Interesting. Well, we have done all we can...but I am not sure what ails him. And as I said, there are no medicines here."

Xar`Rex "And you also will come with us, this group of you?"

Shamaness nods.

Xar`Rex "Have you skills that you will use in the world above?"

Shamaness shakes her head, saddly. "I know little of medicines, having been born here. Only what my mother taught me before the bats took her."

Xar`Rex "Are you willing to learn a trade?"

Shamaness nods. "Yes, anything to be free."

Xar`Rex "Good then. Do not expect life above to be easy - but you will be free to choose what you do." He lifts the giant over his shoulder, gently as possible, and sets off for the pulsing door thing.

Shamaness follows, returning back to her village-folk.

Umak groans as Xar lifts him from his hurridly-made bed. He shifts in the lizard-man's grip, "Tonidra! Tonidra! Why are you running away!!"

Myrrh keeps a sharp eye out for bats or other monsters...

Xar`Rex keeps a firm grip on the (thankfully clothed) giant.

ST At the flexing, pulsing, mucus-covered wall, Xar finds that a fold of inside was covering up a passage that leads, well somewhere. If the creature they met earlier can be trusted, then it likely leads to some kind of exit from the bowels of this Behemoth.

Xar`Rex heads through confidently.

ST The shamaness and her villagers, those that agreed to come, wait for Myrrh and Corve, looking at them for some sort of signal.

Corve looks at the rest of the people and nods towards the exit. "Pass, we'll bring up the rear."

ST The small group follows Xar into unknown regions of the Behemoth, moving quickly as if they fear the belly bats are about to swoop down and take them away.

Myrrh follows, keeping a keen eye out for the bats and any other monsterous creatures.

Corve brings up the rear with a keen eyes, his rifle fully loaded and in his hand, finger itching on the trigger, half-hoping something -will- show up.

ST To Corve's disappointment, nothing comes after the group as they leave the cavernous chamber. Entering a new passage of the beast's body, the group finds itself surrounded by pulsing, throbbing tubes and veins that convey fluids from the center of the creature out to the farthest extremities. Following these tubes and tubules through the twists and turns of the beasts' insides is an occupation that doesnt lend itself to keeping time. It pa

ST It passes.

Shamaness leads the group behind Xar, trusting in the lizardine man and his companions to keep them safe. They do their best to keep up, though obviously the long walk is taking a lot out of them, not to mention the climbing.

Corve tries to help some of the people that seem the weakest, while keeping them all moving at a fairly decent pace.

ST It isnt for a longtime, as far as the group can tell, but eventually they pass out of whatever they were in and they stand in a small, rounded space with a large, HUGE even, problem. A problem that may cause considerable issues to arise. Because sharing the small, rounded space with them are two things. A puckered opening that smells of fresh air. And a monster.

Corve raises his rifle above the heads of the villagers. "Everyone down," he says in a calm, commanding tone- obviously not meant for Myrrh and Xar.

Myrrh has his goggles down, oddly they don't seem to imped his travel...one has to wonder what he's done to those things...

Xar`Rex sets Umak down, and launches himself into the air.

Monster looks as if it may have started life as some kind of reptile. Large, far more massive then even Umak. Possibly 20 feet long and 10 at the shoulders. But whatever type of reptile it started at has been...changed. Fur sprouts here and there in nasty, stringy, dry patches. And in place of arms or legs, scale-covered tentacles whip around it, tipped with snapping sucker-mouthes. As for its head...eyeless, waving cilia and rainbow

Shamaness "..What is it?" asks the Shamaness, as the tribe gets to floor.



Young girl screams.

Corve shrugs at the Shamaness' comment. "Everyone crawl back behind us, quickly."

Myrrh wordlessly starts flipping switches on the revolution, adjusting his goggles slightly. "Huh...well atleast it isn't all muscley...that could get messy."

Monster waves its tentacles menacingly and then sends them out in waves of scale-covered tentacular attacking! The hungry little suckermouthes drool greenish ooze as they try to lodge themselves around juicy parts. Two aim towards the largest threat, Xar, and one each lashes at Myrrh and Corve!

Xar`Rex plows forward, ignoring the thrashing tentacles, letting them hit him, letting them feel the fires of his judgment!

Myrrh backs up in suprise. "Gah!" his footing uneven in the slippery cavern floor.

Monster rages impotently at its inability to eviscerate the nasty intruders!!! RAAAAARRRR!!!! tentacle wave!*

Corve doesn't break a sweat as the tentacle attack him, and he leaps into the air, flipping over the tentacle and landing with a resounding thud on the ground below him. He lifts Judging Thunder and with a thundering boom and an explosion of Essence, fires a vicious attack upon the creature that will cut through its defenses with the precision of a surgeon. A surgeon with a gun.

Monster rears and roars again as Corve's bullet plows into its nose. It's poor nose! It sneezes, spraying blood and purple phlegm across its opponents. AAAARRRRCH!!!

Myrrh (Crazy-Caba@72CF5CC1.A 52 A 8 A 2 B?.8A4B829F.IP) Quit (Connection reset by peer)

Crazy-Cabal1 (Crazy-Caba@72CF5CC1.A 52 A 8 A 2 B?.8A4B829F.IP) has joined #brume

Crazy-Cabal1 is now known as Myrrh

Myrrh is, not for the first time, glad he brought his goggles with him on this trip...

Xar`Rex shields his burning eyes with one stony hand as the phlegm sprays at him, crackling into ash on contact, but does not interrupt his charge. He laughs at the monster, "Creature of the dark, child of the behemoth. Leave now, you do not know what you face!" and with that, he spins on his heel, the better to put the full force of his impressive weight behind the hammer of his tail, cloaked in orichalcum.

Umak draws his belt knife and sways a little, before running at the behemoth with an almighty ... fevered roar, trying to cut it

Myrrh "Umak! Stay put! You might get hurt!"

Monster waves a heavy tentacle and knocks the knife away in disdain. Such a ill creature is not worth its time!

Myrrh desperate to keep Umak from being eatten by a tentacle monster, Myrrh concentrats his essence through the rifle without betraying his nature. He fires two booming shots past Umak, the kick of the rifle sending him skidding back towards the bellygees.

Monster staggers, bellowing. And as it starts to keel over, it tries to bite off Corve's head with its lower mouth!

Monster fails in his valiant attempt to bite off Corve's head!

Monster tries AGAIN! With TWO mouthes!!

Monster sulks and roars because it can't bite heads with a DAMN

Corve is knicked at the first bite, hissing at the monster, and then proceeds to duck and weave, vanishing from the place he was and flickering like blades of sunlight, almost phasing through the double-snap of the monster!

Myrrh is rather angry this thing hasn't keeled over yet and aims for one finishing shot right up what's left of it's ugly little nose! His caste mark comes to life, shining in the darkness of this sun forsaken monster, a few of the bellygees get out of the way, expecting him to go flying again. He fires!

Monster sneezes again, not really feeling just another wound. Too many, too much! RAOOOOORRR!

Corve is pissed now- especially when he sees Myrrh barely dent the thing. He kicks one of the tentacles away as he begins to run, launching himself against another tentacle and pushing off it with a furious battlefry, his legs bending as he flies through the air, straight at the monster! Judging Thunder explodes as Essence bathes the small passage way again, his anima bursting into a flurry of violet and silver,


twirling after each bullet as the attack cuts through the air and into the behemoth's creation!

Monster falls to the floor of the chamber with a thud, but its tentacles still whirl around, seeking revenge on those who have so terribly maimed it!


Umak blinks and sways a little in all the roaring and the bullets and the flames. He grips his knife harder, and then he leaps! Stab!

Xar`Rex shakes his head sadly, "I warned you, did I not, that you should leave? Now it is too late. I send you back to your ancestors." And with that, he clubs the creature twice with his massive, stony, flaming tail of doom.

Monster remains wheezing, apparently unhurt.

Monster THEN expires.

Umak remains on his feet just long enough to see the monster fall. Then falls over himself.

Myrrh "Umak!" Runs towards the fallen giant!

Corve breathes a little, waving gunsmoke from about him and wandering towards the monster, kicking it, and then towards Umak. "Let's get out of here."

Xar`Rex lights the corpse of the creature on fire, letting it turn to ash, basking in the glow of the flame

ST As the monster burns, the rest of the Circle flees through the muscular exit of the Beast...and they find themselves standing in the desert, being expelled from a cave in the side of a giant dune.

ST Laying at the exit is a fleshy pod.

Corve stumbles over the sand, looking towards the weird, fleshy pod with a quirked brow. Simple deduction- something he's good at- tells him that must be where Carmine is.

Xar`Rex gestures to the pod, "Your mate, I presume."

Corve nods a little bit. "Yeah..." He walks towards it, kneeling next to it and touching it gently. "How do we get her out, though?"

Myrrh "Cut it out...gently?"

Xar`Rex "Wait."

ST A shining full moon rains down soft silver light upon the refugees and escapee.

Corve flips his machete out from his belt after waiting a few moments, and then positions himself to slide the edge of it along the top of the pod. He doesn't want to cut too deep.

Pod Carmine? twitches in her pod, still not fully awake, not entirely sure what is going on. She struggles against the tough fleshy exterior of the pod, her breath getting faster. Another cage.

Corve slowly, he slides his machete along the pod, trying not to cut too deep. He doesn't want to hurt her, or she'd be severely -more- pissed than she was before.

ST The pod splits apart and a wet, slime-covered Carmine is revealed!!!

Myrrh "And I thought we had it bad what with the phlegm....

Xar`Rex "She looks... healthy."

Carmine coughs up some slime, blinking in the moonlight. "...Corve!" she blinks and smiles up at him and tries to stand

Corve reaches into the pod, prying slime and gook from her and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her out quickly and hugging her tight, regardless of the messy stuff that covers her- and now him. He doesn't look like he'll ever let go.

Xar`Rex inspects her to see if she grew wings, too. That pod thing...

Carmine wraps her arms around him tightly. Very tightly.

Xar`Rex 's eyes lose their fire, and he shakes his head, staring oddly at the pod, and Carmine.

Myrrh examines the pod...odd stuff...

Corve holds her close, closing his eyes and burying his face in the crook of her neck. "Thought I'd lost you..." he says, muffled. Finally, after a few long moments, he pulls his head back and looks at her, one hand sliding over her cheek. "Are you okay?"

Xar`Rex walks off a bit, and sits, staring off into the distance.

Myrrh "Xar, you alright?"

Xar`Rex "I am fine. Do not worry for me."

Carmine "... I ..." She coughs "...I'll be fine. It .. I...feel a little strange. I'm so glad to see you though!"

Corve looks a bit disheveled himself, a cut across the top of his forehead and some bruising on the other side. He smiles at her. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you," is his reply, along with a short, but warm kiss. He hesitates for a moment, and then looks over to Umak. "Do you think you're up for some healing..?" He hates to ask, and it's noticeable- but duty is duty.

Myrrh "Are you sure? I think drinks are in order. We did just rescue our hostesses husband and a good number of trapped belly people!"

Carmine "...Someone's hurt ...?"

Corve nods slowly, still not letting go of her completely. He nods to Umak. "Tonidra's third husband. We found him in the village... he has a fever... and something else... I don't know, not my field... are you sure you can handle it?" He looks at her, concerned.

Carmine reluctantly steps enough away from Corve to stand on her own. She manages, and nods. "I'm sure."

Corve nods softly, and then nods for her to follow him, taking her to Umak.

Umak thrashes around! "Tonidra!!! Normid! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY!"

Carmine walks over to him, kneeling beside him, still slightly goop covered. "Calm down. Easy now. Calm yourself." she presses a hand to his forehead, taking his temperature as she tries to think.

Corve waves a hand at him and sighs, worried- even when he has her back, he's still worried about someone. "See?"

Umak is burning hot! And sticky with sweat! Also very sandy.

Carmine "He needs water ...cold, cold water and I need my bag ..."

Myrrh reaches around in the pod for her bag.

Xar`Rex very quietly begins to hum a soft tune as he stares off. He pulls his wings around, and begins preening them with his claws, rearranging the feathers methodically, plucking the broken ones and setting them in a multihued pile. And some that aren't broken, too.

Myrrh "Xar, does Xeth know anything about medicine?"

Corve looks over at Myrrh and rolls his eyes. "Leave him be fore a while," he murmurs.

Xar`Rex shrugs a bit, but doesn't answer.

Myrrh shrugs at Corve and heads over to Carmine. "Well I could probably go look for some water but I doubt it'll be COLD...not out here."

Carmine "In the middle of the desert night, any water you find will be cool." Carmine says with unusual certainty.

Myrrh nods, trusting Carmines knowledge of the south. He heads out in search of water, underground or otherwise.

Carmine "...How do I know that?" she whispers to herself, as she gets what she needs from the medicine pouch. Which is another thing she has no idea how she knows ...

Xar`Rex stares at the pile before him thoughtfully. He sorts them, adds several more to the pile, and takes the whole pile into his lap, trimming and weaving them

Corve places a hand on Carmine's shoulder. "I"ll be back," he murmurs, and then moves off in the opposite direction Myrrh did, looking for water. It might not be his forte, but he's still going to try. A soft prayer to the Sun to give him strength as he starts his walk. If his god was feeling at all benevolent, he'd have some kind of luck.

Carmine worries slightly as she checks through the (thankfully well sealed) medicine pouch, chewing on a root before pressing it to Umak's lips. "Here. Chew."

Myrrh comes back emptyhanded. "I think we're going to have to use newer methods!" He rummages through his waterproofed pack and pulls out a Y shaped stick...another one of his strange devices? He then goes out into the sandy dunes, wearing his goggles and occasionaly pointing the stick downward.

Corve finds water, and rushes back to get a container. "I found water," he exclaims, and then rushes off with some of their waterbags to get the water.

Blue Badger? Corve and Myrrh find themselves both in luck, at least this time! In the shadow of a dune nearby, both Corve and Myrrh find themselves near a small spring. Corve, of course, brings some back.


Myrrh fills his canteen and runs back!

Carmine waits impaitiently for them to return, having laid out the least gooed of her long silken ribbons, and neatly folded it

ST` The feverish giant chews on the root.

Myrrh returns with corve, water laden. "I don't know, I think it's cheating if you don't use the stick..."

Corve snorts. "Stop whining. Just because my keen detective mind beat your stick."

Myrrh "The stick worked as intended!"

Carmine "Stop /arguing/!" Carmine says, irritably. Worrying did make her irritable.

Corve snorts a little and stops at Carmine's comment, giving her a look at that says: 'Sorry, honey' and then approaches her with the water.

ST` moans as he chews on the root.

Carmine takes a drink of it, then pours the rest over the silken strip before laying that on the Giant's forehead "Thanks Corve" she says, happy again.

Corve smiles softly. "You're welcome love," he murmurs. "You should probably... umm... go clean up at the spring... and get dressed." Typical Corve.

Myrrh "...yes because slime covered strips are comfortable..."

Corve narrows his eyes at Myrrh. "She can clean them in the spring."

Myrrh rolls his eyes at Corve, back to his old behavior...she just got out of the damn pod!

Carmine lets out a small sigh as Umak slips into restful sleep.

Corve is overprotective and slightly jealous. He doubts Myrrh would like it if his wife ran around nake amongst other naked men and women!

Carmine stands up and stretches "He should be well when he wakes."

Myrrh "That's a relief...how how are we going to get to civilization?"

Art Badger? (~bob@Magic Star?-250147D9.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #brume

Chan Serv? sets mode: +q Art Badger?

Chan Serv? sets mode: +o Art Badger?

Carmine "We walk." she leans over to pick up the other 4 silken ribbons, the bracers and the collar.

Corve sighs. "We need to go back to the city. Jaks and Melody are still at the hotel," he says, putting his dinosaur before the girl. Priorities first.

Myrrh "Will they be safe back in the city? I mean they were thrown down a pit..."

Corve blinks. "Jaks and Melody are at the hotel, technically."

Carmine "So which way is the spring?" she asks, ribbons and suchlike at her side.

Myrrh points.

Corve blinks. "Oh, you mean them... we'll figure it out in a bit. " He motions for Carmine to follow him.

Carmine smiles and walks beside Corve, taking his hand with her free one.

Myrrh quirks a brow and then shrugs and heads back for Xar. "Hm. What are you working on?"

Corve leads her to the spring, squeezing her hand gently. So glad to have her back.

Carmine eyes light as she sees the spring, and she leaves corve's side to run to it, washing off the goop with relief.

ST With Carmine and Corve at the spring, the refugees making a small fire to sit by and the giant Umak recovering from his illness, Xar is alone. Well, Myrrh's there.

Corve sits down nearby, waiting for her to finish as he grabs a handkerchief and begins to wipe his rifle clean.

Xar`Rex rises, after quite a while. He moves slowly over to Carmine, and when she is finished cleaning herself in the spring, he says to her, "Here, this if for you. A badge, of what happened, that you survived with no twisting of your beauty. That.." he pauses.. "your love survived unscathed. Stronger, even." He uncurls his hands to reveal a tiny, perfect set of wings, woven from the tips of his own. "For..your hair. If you want it."

Carmine 's eyes light up "..They're beautiful!" She smiles up at the lizard and throws her arms around him, kissing his cheek "Like you wings." She steps back, then fastens the wings in her hair.

Corve smiles a little, as they return and Xar gifts Carmine with the... wing-things. He slides his hands into his pockets and then looks at the rest of them. "I think we should formulate a plan for getting back tino the city, getting Jaks and Melody, and then getting -away- from it."

Xar`Rex smiles, and returns the hug, "You are a lucky woman." he smiles again, a bit sadly.

Myrrh "Well we don't know if Umak can make it back to Tonidra..."

Carmine kisses him again, then steps away. She isn't sure quite what to say.

Corve looks around again. "Well, we have to do something... and I want to go get Jaks. I'm not going to leave him there alone."

Xar`Rex steps back, and nods a little, feeling akward himself. "We should go now."

Myrrh "Well don't forget Melody. She might just get captured and dumped into the pit again..."

Corve shrugs a little bit. "Whatever. We need to go back, so... does anyone know which way it is?"

Carmine looks up into the sky, at the stars up there, the names she does not know, but the patterns, somehow, she does. She studies them for a moment, and then she looks down and around. She points up to the massive dune they are sheltering in the side of "We need to climb that dune, before dawn, and have a look around. We should be able to see the lights of the city at night. Then we need to find shelter."

Umak groans. "I know."

Corve nods and looks down at Umak. "Come on big guy, let's get you on your feet," he says, grabbing one arm and looking at Myrrh and Xar for help- he can't lift an eleven foot giant by himself.

Xar`Rex lifts the man easily.

Myrrh helps Corve with Umak.

Corve smiles and steadies the large man. "Can you walk?"

Carmine "He shouldn't."

Umak grunts. "I can.":

Umak attempts to walk on his own, trying to shake off his supporters

Carmine watches Umak fall over.

Umak goes THUD

Umak "Ah...I may need a bit of help.

Xar`Rex "I will fly you there. We can rest on top."

Umak "Yes..that will be alright."

Xar`Rex launches himself into the air, circles once, and then lifts Umak by the shoulders, as easily as he usually lifts Myrrh. Together, they fly to the top of the dune, Xar looking down below for signs of civilization... lights..

Corve sighs and rounds up the rest of the people. "Come on, everyone, we're taking a short walk over the dune," he says, returning to Carmine's side and taking her hand, beginning to walk.

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